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Congratulations Pakistaniyo....Modi and alliance winning again....

Modi will not wage a direct war...he is a gujarati..a very shrewd politician...he is not emotional like you lot..he will screw you without even you people realising the cause .
They were already crying foul over FATF and IMF thinking its Indian ploy :P

only weak can attack in this way.
Lol tell that to USA and China.
and grow up meanwhile.
But I want Modi ruling India

He and his ilk are a great opportunity for destruction of India. Now whether we utilize that opportunity or not is on our part
True. Real risk that all out war would result in full armed revolt in Kashmir. The international border would not move as India would be unable to advance under paf air superiority and a missile umbrella. Meanwhile Kashmir would take the opportunity and rise up. I can see Srinigar falling. Jingoism aside, the true threat lies in the seas off Karachi and Gwadar. We need a solid plan for the southern front.
True. Real risk that all out war would result in full armed revolt in Kashmir. The international border would not move as India would be unable to advance under paf air superiority and a missile umbrella. Meanwhile Kashmir would take the opportunity and rise up. I can see Srinigar falling. Jingoism aside, the true threat lies in the seas off Karachi and Gwadar. We need a solid plan for the southern front.


That is why Modi winning is a good news for Pakistan

Baiwaqoof dushman aqamand dost sai bhi behtar hai

Always remember that
Anyway Pakistanis need to get away from things like this. Modi, Rahul etc no one should really care bar Indian folk. Pakistan has economic issues that need addressing.

Well Said. This one single step will solve ALL the Problems between India and Pakistan.
mubarak ho hindustanioan, more of this to happen to you...


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