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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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Nations policy? Exactly which Pakistanis or Indians disagree with their neighboring country's "policy" that makes them hate each other so much? Just bad blood. From a Western PoV, two Muslims broke into a building and killed 10 people due to religious reasons. Why should they care whether they were "true" Muslims or not? What will make them believe that normal Muslims are not like that? Our Anti-Semitism? Nobody minds generalizing all Jews because of Israel's actions, but godforbid if it is vice-versa.

The hate relation between Pakistan and India is much more complicated and stems from the partition era. These two nations don't accept each other and frankly never will. Don't oversimplify things. There is much more than meets the eye.

The heinous act must be condemned in the harshest possible manner. Having said that, what made these lunatics perform such an act of brutality? Who were they and what is their past? There are so many questions that arise. Again, you need to stop oversimplifying things. These people didn't drop from the air. These people were trained and knew what they were doing. It's a given that the Western governments have ignored this threat knowingly or unknowingly for too long.

No one can answer the question how so many youngsters (including the Paris killers) are able to board a plane and take off to war torn destinations without being detained. How can these kids fight in conflict zones like Syria and return to their homes without being noticed? What kind of evil mindset do they bring upon returning home? Whose failure is this?
It's not the Western States, yet. Dude, look around, don't you think that there is something seriously wrong with the 'Muslim World'? Turkiye isn't there yet, however, rest of the Muslim World is not Turkiye.

Well, fvck Western Hypocrates....

They talk Human rights, Freedom, Democracy, Free Speech....but when a terror attack happens. They dismiss all of these ideas and say "Kill all Muslims", A few backward minded terrorist is not equal to whole Islamic world. They know this but still talk shit as they are racists, cruel imperialists in their core. Most of the Westerns in PDF are no different than these fvcks.

OP is also an idiot...why are you disturbed by this...Terrorists' actions doesn't represent avarage muslim's mind. If they are talking shıt, they are at shame, not us.

You need to travel to Pakistan, Saudia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and many many other Muslim States to get an idea. Have you seen the Arab problem in France, UK etc..... too?

it would be hypocritical of me while i'm saying these fvcks generalize whole Muslims as terrorists.
The hate relation between Pakistan and India is much more complicated and stems from the partition era. These two nations don't accept each other. Don't oversimplify things. There is much more than meets the eye.

It was wrong and the heinous act must be condemned in the harshest possible manner. Having said that, what made these lunatics perform such an act of brutality? Who were they and what is their past? Again, you need to stop oversimplifying things. These people didn't drop from the air. These people were trained and knew what they were doing. it's a given that the Western governments have ignored knowingly or unknowingly this threat for too long.

No one can answer my question how so many youngsters (including the Paris killers) are able to board a plane and take off to war torn destinations without being detained. How can these kids fight in conflict zones like Syria and return to their homes without being noticed? What kind of evil mindset do they bring upon returning home? Whose failure is this?

Thing is, people tend to oversimply things, this is why everyone in Pakistan hates all Jews, because Israel. If a Jew comes and destroys a building in a Muslim state, we would see an out right genocide of all the local Jewish communities, if any exists. People have the right to say whatever they want and no one can take that from them.
It's not the Western States, yet. Dude, look around, don't you think that there is something seriously wrong with the 'Muslim World'? Turkiye isn't there yet, however, rest of the Muslim World is not Turkiye.

Yes, Muslim world is troubled with the extremists. But it is not fault of the whole muslims..

What i mean, when PKK kills Turkish soldiers , i don't go " Kill all the Kurds".... while these EU fvcks condemns us... they are letting people to do "anti muslim rallies" because of the "free speech"... fvckers..
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There you go, wonderful work mullahs and terrorists, wonderful. Hatred for Muslims is already at peak levels, and now you go ahead and kill twelve more people to show the world that Islamophobia is justified/true (it isn't - it isn't supposed to be, at least)

Yes, obviously there are plenty of non-Muslims condemning this tweet (trend has been hijacked by them now) and still being tolerant but the issue is that we have way too many people like Anjem Chaudry preaching hatred and a negative image of Islam in the West. Look people - you want Sharia, don't go to the West! When I go to Europe, I never expected to have Halal meat or mosques everywhere, yet those facilities are still widely available for us. What more can one want?

I know this issue has been discussed a lot before, but here I intend to discuss the logic behind movements like Sharia4UK, which have been propagating a negative image of Islam and Muslims and are obviously then backed by geniuses like AlQaeda and ISIS who 'implement' all that hate speech and kill people with it.

Hey morons Mullahs, how about you work on reducing the differences between the fifty dozen sects that exist so you can stop murdering Muslims and implement Sharia in Muslim countries first !?

I am really saddened by looking at some of the statements from our 'esteemed scholars' , who aren't condemning the shooting and instead indirectly supporting it, despite the fact that Islam has clearly commanded against violence in this matter.

Example of what I'm talking about:
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Some contrast here:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 61 :
Narrated by 'Aisha

A group of Jews asked permission to visit the Prophet (and when they were admitted) they said, "As-Samu 'Alaika (Death be upon you)." I (Aisha) said (to them), "But death and the curse of Allah be upon you!" The Prophet said, "O 'Aisha! Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and lenient in all matters."I (Aisha) said, "Haven't you heard what they said?" He said, "I said (to them), 'Wa 'Alaikum (and upon you).

Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 84, Number 60 :
A Jew passed by Allah's Apostle and said, "As-Samu 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle said in reply, "We 'Alaika." Allah's Apostle then said to his companions, "Do you know what he (the Jew) has said? He said, 'As-Samu 'Alaika.'" They said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we kill him?" The Prophet, said, "No. When the people of the Book greet you, say: 'Wa 'Alaikum.'"

Also, Quranic verses:
"When ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme." [Qur'an 4:140]
"And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "to us our deeds and to you yours; peace be to you." [Qur'an 28: 55]

"Hold to forgiveness, command what is right; but turn away from the ignorant." [Qur'an 7:199]

"Have patience with what they say, and leaves them with noble (dignity)." [Qur'an 73:10]

"And the servants of Allah . . . are those who walked on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say 'Peace'" [Qur'an 25:63]

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves." [Qur'an 16: 128]

". . . But they uttered blasphemy . . . if they repent, it will be best for them, but if they turn back, Allah will punish them." [Qur'an 9:47]

"And if you punished, let your punishment be proportionate to the wrong that has been done to you; but if you show patience, that is indeed the best course. [Qur'an 16:126]
"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto: but if a person forgets and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah." [Qur'an 62:40]

"Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, (and) they avert evil with good." [Qur'an 28:54]

See the difference between Islam and murderous idiocy?


Had I been A muslim, how would I have reacted to the cartoon?

I would have issued the ststement like this:

We say that we have moved froward in 21 st centurey but unfortunately some people do not mind in hearting the feeling of others for their ammusement. The way to derive humour by insulting the feeling of others is uncililized. I pity their Ignorance. I pray god to give them good sense.
In a perverse way it demonstrates how much India is actually tolerant of its minorities, that this goat-fvcker can continue spewing bullshit, but do read:

Paris attack: Ready to pay Rs. 51cr reward to attackers, says BSP leader
Whoever dare show disrespect for Prophet will invite death like the cartoonists and journalists of Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Haji Yakoob Qureshi has said.

“Rasul ke ashiq unhe saja de dete hai (followers of Prophet punish them),” the former Uttar Pradesh minister told HT on Thursday, reacting to Islamic clerics’ views that the religion had no place for violence.

“Those who dare insult Prophet Mohammed deserve death and there is no need to initiate legal procedure against them.” The Meerut-based leader said the Prophet spread the message of peace and love.

Late on Wednesday, he had maintained the same line with journalists who sought his reaction to the attack on the magazine.

Qureshi had hit the headlines in 2006 after declaring a reward of Rs. 51 crore for anyone who would kill the Danish cartoonist who had created a controversial cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. He had made the offer at a public rally in Meerut.


BSP leader Haji Yakoob Qureshi had declared a reward of Rs 51 crore for anyone who would kill the Danish cartoonist who had created a controversial cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. (HT Photo)
Reacting to Wednesday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo, Qureshi said he was ready to pay the reward money to the attackers. “I am ready to pay the money if they come and demand the declared reward.”

Qureshi’s statement is likely to come under police glare. Uttar Pradesh additional director general (law and order) of police Mukul Goel said, “We can initiate action against him only after examining his statement under the purview of law.”

Four of France's most famous cartoonists were among the dozen people murdered Wednesday when gunmen attacked the Paris offices Charlie Hebdo.

The magazine gained notoriety in February 2006 when it reprinted cartoons of Prophet Mohammed that had originally appeared in Danish daily Jyllands-Posten.

Paris attack: Ready to pay Rs 51cr reward to attackers, says BSP leader - Hindustan Times
Thing is, people tend to oversimply things, this is why everyone in Pakistan hates all Jews, because Israel. If a Jew comes and destroys a building in a Muslim state, we would see an out right genocide of all the local Jewish communities, if any exists. People have the right to say whatever they want and no one can take that from them.

I can similarly say that many Zionists hate Pakistan. That is no secret. The Zionists are already doing a marvellous job at destroying and killing the Palestinians. Innocent women and children aren't spared while some Zionists are cheering the bombing from hilltops. So spare me the crocodile tears.

People can say wherever they want, but they are accountable for their actions. When you scold me, I'm not going to thank you for it.

As for freedom of speech, try ridiculing the Holocaust in the West that claims to be a champion of free speech. Selective freedom of speech and hypocrisy is what I call it.
Not everyone is as cultured as you, specially the politicians of any country. They mostly just care about sentiments of the wider voting population. Do you remember the lash back against US citizens of Japanese ancestry right after Pearl Harbor? Humans haven't evolved much since then. The ball is actually in our court, lest we come up with a solution to our very own trouble makers, the innocent will suffer the consequences as well.

Always remember that there is no such thing as conscience, it's just 'might is right'.......... it will always remain line that and will never change. Ever!

What i mean, when PKK kills Turkish soldiers , i don't go " Kill all the Kurds"....
That's actually a load of bull****. People all the time insult each others countries and what not, but going by your logic we are not suppose to criticize anything as long as X number of people believe in it. It is not morally right to do it, but it shouldn't grantee violent response.
To use this chap's logic, every Muslim says "la ilaaha illallah".
The english would go somewhat like "no god but allah".

As a Hindu, it is insulting to my belief that any one can dare say this and per most Muslims logic(that no one should hurt our feelings, else what we do is your responsibility) I should take a Kalashnikov and kill them all at the nearest mosque.

How about that Dalit?
If freedom of speech is limited then maybe I should stop the Muslims from saying their namaz out lout because it has the phrase mentioned above, and it hurts our(Hindu/Sikh/Budhist) feelings.
To use this chap's logic, every Muslim says "la ilaaha illallah".
The english would go somewhat like "no god but allah".

As a Hindu, it is insulting to my belief that any one can dare say this and per most Muslims logic(that no one should hurt our feelings, else what we do is your responsibility) I should take a Kalashnikov and kill them all at the nearest mosque.

How about that Dalit?

Don't call me chap.

The kalma is recited by a Muslim because he believes in the words he utters. What is possibly so offending about it? No one has forced you to recite or believe in it. What's the fuss? These words don't interfere nor force any other religion to adhere to it. You feel insulted? Get your head examined.

Got any answer?
In a perverse way it demonstrates how much India is actually tolerant of its minorities, that this goat-fvcker can continue spewing bullshit, but do read:

Paris attack: Ready to pay Rs. 51cr reward to attackers, says BSP leader
Whoever dare show disrespect for Prophet will invite death like the cartoonists and journalists of Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Haji Yakoob Qureshi has said.

“Rasul ke ashiq unhe saja de dete hai (followers of Prophet punish them),” the former Uttar Pradesh minister told HT on Thursday, reacting to Islamic clerics’ views that the religion had no place for violence.

“Those who dare insult Prophet Mohammed deserve death and there is no need to initiate legal procedure against them.” The Meerut-based leader said the Prophet spread the message of peace and love.

Late on Wednesday, he had maintained the same line with journalists who sought his reaction to the attack on the magazine.

Qureshi had hit the headlines in 2006 after declaring a reward of Rs. 51 crore for anyone who would kill the Danish cartoonist who had created a controversial cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. He had made the offer at a public rally in Meerut.


BSP leader Haji Yakoob Qureshi had declared a reward of Rs 51 crore for anyone who would kill the Danish cartoonist who had created a controversial cartoon of Prophet Mohammed. (HT Photo)
Reacting to Wednesday’s attack on Charlie Hebdo, Qureshi said he was ready to pay the reward money to the attackers. “I am ready to pay the money if they come and demand the declared reward.”

Qureshi’s statement is likely to come under police glare. Uttar Pradesh additional director general (law and order) of police Mukul Goel said, “We can initiate action against him only after examining his statement under the purview of law.”

Four of France's most famous cartoonists were among the dozen people murdered Wednesday when gunmen attacked the Paris offices Charlie Hebdo.

The magazine gained notoriety in February 2006 when it reprinted cartoons of Prophet Mohammed that had originally appeared in Danish daily Jyllands-Posten.

Paris attack: Ready to pay Rs 51cr reward to attackers, says BSP leader - Hindustan Times

If there is no need of any pocecution against the people drawing cartoon than there is no need to even procecute him. Do exactly the same which he recomends for others.

These kind of bastards do all this gimic since they live in civilized country which gives them the freedom to declare prize for killing people

There is an urgent need of a law procecuting these kind of Bastards in an examplary manner.
Don't call me chap.

The kalma is recited by a Muslim because he believes in the words he utters. What is possibly so offending about it? No one has forced you to recite or believe in it. What's the fuss? These words don't interfere nor force any other religion to adhere to it.

Got any answer?
Another tangential reply.
Similarly, those who write or draw what you find insulting(about your religion/god/prophet/xyz) are not asking you to believe it. No one is forcing you to repeat what they are saying or believe in it or forcing you to leave your religion or adhere to it.

So whats the fuss? Why are you cribbing about them writing or drawing cartoons?
This is the scenrio these mullahs want they wish to see a confrontation with the world and to some extent they have been sucessful .. wish and pray they fail miserably
To use this chap's logic, every Muslim says "la ilaaha illallah".
The english would go somewhat like "no god but allah".

As a Hindu, it is insulting to my belief that any one can dare say this and per most Muslims logic(that no one should hurt our feelings, else what we do is your responsibility) I should take a Kalashnikov and kill them all at the nearest mosque.

How about that Dalit?
If freedom of speech is limited then maybe I should stop the Muslims from saying their namaz out lout because it has the phrase mentioned above, and it hurts our(Hindu/Sikh/Budhist) feelings.

If you are a Terrorist Hındu, you might do as well.
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