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Congratulations, Mullahs - #KillAllMuslims is now trending worldwide

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Cunning way to avoid my questions, but I know you don't have any.

What's the difference when the motive is the same? One sanctioned on paper and the other carried out in broad daylight?
Under India's constitution, one need not to be hanged if they convert. But people like to take matters in their hands over there.

Under Pakistan's constitution, one needs to be hanged if and only that person leaves Islam. People also like to take matters in their hands here. I'm not aware if there have been deaths because someone left hinduism or christianity.

Now when the constitution allows such a law, it increases the amount of attacks.

That is what he meant.
Thankyou WishLivePak for explaining it.
Dalit, when the law sanctions something, the extra-lawful activity of the same thing gets encouraged.

So when gradually the capacity of the State to implement its laws increases, the illegal activities like murder get reduced.

But in a case where the law sanctions murder, even when the state's ability to enforce its laws increases, the murders will not decrease. It becomes a deeper problem at a societal level.
Honest advice, it almost far too late. Take out a procession of your entire community. I am sure Indians and other brown folks will also extend some support - and do a march for solidarity. Make it news. Otherwise the damage is done.

I kind of agree you know. Europe is an old society. Unlike places like the US, Canada and Australia.

Europeans through history have been capable of horrendous brutality and killing on an industrial scale in the name of religion, ethnicity, race, creed, color, and other deep fault lines.

After the medieval ages, and especially after the bloodletting of the great wars in the last century, Europe sobered down. Call it blood fatigue if you must. But it would be stupid to lose sight of history, even recent history, as recent as Bosnia, and not realize what we are heading towards here.
But when that nationalism causes you to turn a blind eye to your problems, and causes the loss of lives. India has ton of problems - sure. In fact I personally believe that India is going on a downward path under Modi. His wink-wink-nudge-nudge to the RSS and VHP may well destroy India. Modi may be India's Zia, though I hope not.
I think your first sentence is incomplete. Don't quite get with.

Regardless, I love Pakistan but I don't love it so much that I turn a blind eye to it's problem. I like to share the awful news with the world/friends that comes out of there. And I do not say "people die in Mexico, so what if they die in Pakistan." By accepting problem, we show that we do condone it.

For this I'm called a non-pakistani, hater or Indian, but Pakistan will not improve until we get rid of overly nationalistic views. Only then will we see the problems and find solution to it.
The expectation that 5.5 billion people should read YOUR holy book to better understand you and be more sensitive your feelings is a bit arrogant. How could you possibly think we care about what your religion has to say? We are all busy with our lives and don't have time for you or your religion. We make plenty of jokes about other religions and the worst that happens is a social media frenzy. Muslims are the only ones who actually go out and kill people over it. Maybe should read and understand other religions. I don't know about jurisprudence but you might learn a bit about tolerance.

No one is forcing you to read any book. Neither are you forced to understand the sensitive feelings of Muslims. What you're being told is to refrain from offending and hurting the feelings of so many people who believe in something. Stop using the excuse of freedom of speech to hurt the feelings of so many people. When you pretend to be busy with your life you shouldn't have the time to constantly ridicule a specific faith and group of people. Frankly, your statement is contradictory. You accuse others of being intolerant, yet your own actions are suggesting the very same thing. It's not a very productive habit to spend your energy on more negative things by of constantly maligning and accusing a group of people. How about spending this energy on more tolerance and understanding? More productive if you ask me.

PS. I know I'm talking to a brick wall...
I didn't mean to say Assam is blamed at Pakistan. I take my words back. But what I wanted to say that terrorism exists in India, but they portray it as if Pakistan is the problem.
The root cause of terrorism is tribalism, a belief that a community shares that they are better than others. A natural outcome of that belief is to dehumanize opponents (other tribes, other nationalities, other religions etc.). This chest-thumping superiority, and the inability to accept other views is what fuels terrorism. Because then as a wise guy said - One death is a tragedy while a thousand becomes a statistic. This dehumanization occurs all the time. While a hardcore Islamist will dehumanize French cartoonists, an American will dehumanize Afghan kids, writing them off as collateral damage from drone strikes (when they are equally victims of terrorism, where America is the aggressor.).
This dehumanization enables the use of fear, literally terror, through the use of violence to prove your point.
So that is why I agree RSS, and its virat resurgent Hindutva is bad, and may well cause terrorism in the long run. But this also answers why Islam today has terror labels stuck on it - the belief in its doctrinal superiority, or the refusal to acknowledge the validity of other beliefs. It may seem counter to what others are saying, but condemning terrorism from Muslims will not make it go away. It will, if there is a change in jurisprudence. If apostasy is not made a sin. And if other religions, including atheism are given equal respect in Islam then it will change. Because it will stop then some Muslims from dehumanizing non-Muslims.
But will it make terrorism go away? Obviously not. Humans are violent animals after all, they will always find a way.
@Hyperion @WishLivePak views?
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In real life, you couldn't be more wrong (logically you are right). Most virulently rabid 'mullah types' come from very very wealthy backgrounds, who actually have pretty high IQ's as well. Don't think for a minute that these are your average Joe Mullahs, the ones who do the brain washing etc are all well off. They come in troves from the Arab lands and EU/UK.

I still think the cause of extremism is economic.
No one is forcing you to read any book. Neither are you forced to understand the sensitive feelings of Muslims. What you're being told is to refrain from offending and hurting the feelings of so many people who believe in something. When you pretend to be busy with your life you shouldn't have the time to constantly ridicule a specific faith and group of people. Frankly, your statement is contradictory. You accuse others of being intolerant, yet your own actions are suggesting the very same.

That's actually a load of bull****. People all the time insult each others countries and what not, but going by your logic we are not suppose to criticize anything as long as X number of people believe in it. It is not morally right to do it, but it shouldn't grantee violent response.
I think your first sentence is incomplete. Don't quite get with.

Regardless, I love Pakistan but I don't love it so much that I turn a blind eye to it's problem. I like to share the awful news with the world/friends that comes out of there. And I do not say "people die in Mexico, so what if they die in Pakistan." By accepting problem, we show that we do condone it.

For this I'm called a non-pakistani, hater or Indian, but Pakistan will not improve until we get rid of overly nationalistic views. Only then will we see the problems and find solution to it.
Should be a ? rather than a . at the end of my first sentence.
People can be brain washed or led into the beliefs imposed.

Economics isn't the sole problem. Though it is a major one.
In real life, you couldn't be more wrong (logically you are right). Most virulently rabid 'mullah types' come from very very wealthy backgrounds, who actually have pretty high IQ's as well. Don't think for a minute that these are your average Joe Mullahs, the ones who do the brain washing etc are all well off. They come in troves from the Arab lands and EU/UK.
It's funny, because my post was just above yours where i literally changed the cause. This forum in a way has opened my eyes. Liberal dogma says the root cause is economic, but from interacting with people here, I can say it is definitely not.
That's actually a load of bull****. People all the time insult each others countries and what not, but going by your logic we are not suppose to criticize anything as long as X number of people believe in it. It is not morally right to do it, but it shouldn't grantee violent response.

What the hell you going on about? There is a vast difference between disagreeing with policies of nations as opposed to ridiculing an entire set of people and their culture. Who is condoning violence under any circumstances? Stop putting words in my mouth.

This isn't criticism towards Muslims. Get your wording right. This is purely offensive bigotry meant to intentionally provoke and incite violence.
What the hell you going on about? There is a vast difference between disagreeing with a nations policy as opposed to ridiculing an entire set of people and its culture. Who is condoning violence under any circumstances? Stop putting words in my mouth.

Nations policy? Exactly which Pakistanis or Indians disagree with their neighboring country's "policy" that makes them hate each other so much? Just bad blood. From a Western PoV, two Muslims broke into a building and killed 10 people due to religious reasons. Why should they care whether they were "true" Muslims or not? What will make them believe that normal Muslims are not like that? Our Anti-Semitism? Nobody minds generalizing all Jews because of Israel's actions, but godforbid if it is vice-versa.

They they WANT to provoke violence and Muslims are provoked, then it is the Muslim's fault because they crossed from verbal into physical. Musims are more than welcome to VERBALLY fight against these VERBAL assaults
Well, fvck Western Hypocrates....

They talk Human rights, Freedom, Democracy, Free Speech....but when a terror attack happens. They dismiss all of these ideas and say "Kill all Muslims", A few backward minded terrorist is not equal to whole Islamic world. They know this but still talk shit as they are racists, cruel imperialists in their core. Most of the Westerns in PDF are no different than these fvcks.

OP is also an idiot...why are you disturbed by this...Terrorists' actions doesn't represent avarage muslim's mind. If they are talking shıt, they are at shame, not us.
Well, fvck Western Hypocrates....

They talk Human rights, Freedom, Democracy, Free Speech....but when a terror attack happens. They dismiss all of these ideas and say "Kill all Muslims", A few backward minded terrorist is not equal to whole Islamic world. They know this but still talk shit as they are racists, cruel imperialists in their core. Most of the Westerns in PDF are no different than these fvcks.

You do know that if a few nutjobs get a Twitter trend, if doesn't represents the whole Western world. Their government's policy would represent that.
You do know that if a few nutjobs get a Twitter trend, if doesn't represents the whole Western world. Their government's policy would represent that.

I didn't say the whole Western world... it would be hypocritical of me while i'm saying these fvcks generalize whole Muslims as terrorists.
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