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Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

The U.S. IS TARGETED hundreds of times a day.

What's going to happen, will Iran shut down my PlayStation ?:rofl:

yes by imaginery attackers or the US kids sitting inside their dads garage, who in the right mind will target US, US of A is the big daddy here.
If any other country than Israel or Us had done it, it would have been cyber-terrorism. UN would have been called in to impose sanction on that country. But since it is US and Israel, its 'cyber warfare'.

Ahh!! the hypocrisy we have to live with!
I wonder what kind of stuff we loaded into Irans computers with the RQ-170 Trojan Horse.:usflag::rofl:

China ? Russia ? Iran ?...

don't think anyone will take a risk to piss the US of A off, what reason would they have to attack ? none

people like america for the inventions & the technology it has bought in, apple, google etc etc,
I wonder what kind of stuff we loaded into Irans computers with the RQ-170 Trojan Horse.:usflag::rofl:

If that was the case, then I must say thats one of the best covert operations ever carried out.

If any other country than Israel or Us had done it, it would have been cyber-terrorism. UN would have been called in to impose sanction on that country. But since it is US and Israel, its 'cyber warfare'.

Ahh!! the hypocrisy we have to live with!

One of the benefits of being a superpower.
^^ Thats called sarcasm..now look up what sarcasm means. Now can we get back at the topic.
What about hacking into some American Multi mega ton nuclear warheads and detonating them when required.
It is part of the game, so, beware.
Yes!! Imagine! And be very afraid. You are either with us or with the terrorists. Your choice.

You know, even if you Americans try to be sarcastic, it still fails miserably because we don't find it to be funny at all, especially not when your sarcasm is the truth.
If any other country than Israel or Us had done it, it would have been cyber-terrorism. UN would have been called in to impose sanction on that country. But since it is US and Israel, its 'cyber warfare'.

Ahh!! the hypocrisy we have to live with!

The U.S. gets attacked HUNDREDS of times a day and we don't cry to the U.N. We take care of ourselves.:usflag:

What about hacking into some American Multi mega ton nuclear warheads and detonating them when required.
It is part of the game, so, beware.

...or hack into the warheads and drop them all on YOUR HOUSE ?!! COOL, MAN !!:woot:
The U.S. gets attacked HUNDREDS of times a day and we don't cry to the U.N. We take care of ourselves.:usflag:

No you don't cry to the U.N ever.
The U.S. IS TARGETED hundreds of times a day.
What's going to happen, will Iran shut down my PlayStation ? That's gonna hurt.:rofl:

"Essential services remained in operation in some of these areas. In others, backup generation systems failed. Telephone networks generally remained operational, but the increased demand triggered by the blackout left many circuits overloaded. Water systems in several cities lost pressure, forcing boil-water advisories to be put into effect. Cellular service was interrupted as mobile networks were overloaded with the increase in volume of calls. Major cellular providers continued to operate on standby generator power.[citation needed] Television and radio stations remained on the air, with the help of backup generators, although some stations were knocked off the air for periods ranging from several hours to the length of the entire blackout."

Your dependence on electrical grid is clear , you can see it what happened in 2003 check it out :

Northeast blackout of 2003

Your vulnerability is a fact and no one can deny it and be sure the other nations won't sit and watch your stupid acts .we consider these attacks as a act of war .
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