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Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

So if we target U.S infrastructures with cyber attacks,would you still say the same?
Of course no one dies,but U.S can become paralyzed for over a month with a huge cyber attack.
This is where you are wrong. Damaging nuclear weapons refinement centrifuges does not deprive anyone of life saving electricity. If Iran conduct cyberwarfare and shut down any part of US civilian infrastructures that ends up with life loss, that would constitute as real an attack as a bomb dropped at a busy traffic intersection. On the other hand, Iran have the right to consider nuclear weapons research to be 'national treasures' and any cyberwarfare against them would constitute an attack upon Iranian soil.
This is where you are wrong. Damaging nuclear weapons refinement centrifuges does not deprive anyone of life saving electricity. If Iran conduct cyberwarfare and shut down any part of US civilian infrastructures that ends up with life loss, that would constitute as real an attack as a bomb dropped at a busy traffic intersection. On the other hand, Iran have the right to consider nuclear weapons research to be 'national treasures' and any cyberwarfare against them would constitute an attack upon Iranian soil.

what is the difference ? both of them are considered as act of war . if you do such these things against the other nations so you should welcome their retaliation . Natanz is a nuclear facility which was built under the international law and also it's working under the control of IAEA's inspectors .

"The resolution 533 in 1990 considers any attack or threat of attack against nuclear institutions or facilities as violation of the United Nations charter, statute of the IAEA and international law,"
So if we target U.S infrastructures with cyber attacks,would you still say the same?
Of course no one dies,but U.S can become paralyzed for over a month with a huge cyber attack.

I wouldn't be fine with it any more than I'd expect Iranians supportive of the Illegal Iranian nuclear program to be fine with my view.

It is Iran that has to weigh the risks of launching a cyber attack on general US infrastructure that could be traced back to it.

Geo-politics are hardly all equal, they are for the most part asymmetrical in nature.

The US could declare war on Iran, just like Iran could declare war on the US for this, far worse has happened to both sides without a war declaration. Iran doesn't do this not because it is a peace loving nation, but because it knows it would be annihilated, the risks and their likelihood outweigh the potential benefits.

Thus I don't expect Iran to attack the United States directly in the real or cyber realm.

The US has a larger range of options to punish Iran with than Iran does for the US so the calculus might be different.

Make no mistake Iran will fund terrorist groups out the a**. but Iran has been doing that for years anyway to the maximum extent possible without being a detriment to its own country, so no real change.
well since the us has stated through its own actions that it is ok for cyberwarfare and cyber espionage, i am wondering if you will be ok with it when a "cyber application" is made that forces all USA nuclear reactors to go into meltdown...

will you be happy then? since the usa has officially said cyber warfare is ok?

I'd first like to point out that your stated outcome and what happened here are totally different, you are comparing nuclear power plant critical (presumably) meltdown to an enrichment facility, it makes you look the fool for thinking they are equal.

As for being ok with it, Nope, I will totally support going to war with Iran to remove the regime that so dares to make the mistake of doing such.

Iran won't do the same, they are too weak to take the consequences.

Yea the hypocrisy of bashing cyber warfare use and doing it covertly is bad, but honestly only a brain-dead drone would believe the US doesn't have cyber programs of its own, and many countries have been hypocritical on far more important issues involving loss of human life, so far that is not a part of this issue.

Considering the other options left to the US, whose stated goal is to prevent and/or delay Iran as long as possible from achieving breakout nuclear weapons capability, this is a good move.

developereo.. i think there is a good chance these cyber wars will harm the general public - viruses and trojans and other assorted stuff, might be originally aimed at something specific.. but it will spread and be manipulated and changed etc................they will consider it as collateral damage ... but, i guess iran could literally say the usa and israel have declared war on them and attacked them without provocation, or without a UN mandate, as the usa has previously stated that any cyber attack from a government would be considered an act of war

Quite frankly Iran is free to take it as an act of war, but they won't because the risks outweigh the benefit of misguided absolutism.

Considering the bad sh*t that both Iran and the US have tolerated (Invasion of sovereign soil by Iran, shooting down of an airliner by the US, Invasion of airspace by the US, Supplying arms to groups currently and actively shooting at US soldiers by Iran) I doubt Iran will do so.
These attack are only gonna make Iran stronger, we are learning what our weaknesses are and are dealing with it.
all us can do is infect or hack a few computers here and there but we downed their UAV by hacking and they could not do jack about it.
Meanwhile, the US says that cyber attacks on its own computers is an act of war.

You missed the wiggle room, It says specifically "The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country CAN constitute an act of war"

It doesn't say "WILL constitute an act of war". As always it depends on cost-benefit.

These attack are only gonna make Iran stronger, we are learning what our weaknesses are and are dealing with it.
all us can do is infect a few computers here and there but we downed their drown and they could not do jack about it.

We destroyed your nuclear facility in Iran and you could not do a thing about it except to clean up the pieces.

Just like Iran will review its procedures to prevent this from happening again, the US reviews its procedures to prevent something like a drone downing from happening again.
Yes you destroyed our facilities yet somehow they are still enriching Uraium and you cannot do crap about it.
how you stop it happening to your drone when you did not even know what hit you lol? it took you poor people a week to realize what happened at some point you even though the drone defected to Iran and then you begged Iran for it back :lol::lol:

as I said all you can do is infect some home computers and say yay we are beating Iran and make a hollywood film about it yet in reality you cant do jack, for example lets see you do something about our fordo facilities.
Yes you destroyed our facilities yet somehow they are still enriching Uraium and you cannot do crap about it.
how you stop it happening to your drone when you did not even know what hit you lol? it took you poor people a week to realize what happened at some point you even though the drone defected to Iran and then you begged Iran for it back :lol::lol:

as I said all you can do is infect some home computers and say yay we are beating Iran and make a hollywood film about it yet in reality you cant do jack, for example lets see you do something about our fordo facilities.

We slowed down your enrichment process, thats a success in my book. Also it would be wise to expect more of such attacks in the future, if they aren't already underway. You found out about stuxnet because it did its mission, how many other programs are under your radar?
Leaving aside Stuxnet and focusing on Flame which was a blatant invasion of civilian privacy, I wonder what long term effect it will have on the internet. Flame was targeted at the Middle East. What happens if someone discovers a similar virus which is widespread in Western countries?

interesting point you bring out there developereo, but the probability of such a thing is very high,

i would hedge my bets on open source anyday.

Yes you destroyed our facilities yet somehow they are still enriching Uraium and you cannot do crap about it.
how you stop it happening to your drone when you did not even know what hit you lol? it took you poor people a week to realize what happened at some point you even though the drone defected to Iran and then you begged Iran for it back :lol::lol:

as I said all you can do is infect some home computers and say yay we are beating Iran and make a hollywood film about it yet in reality you cant do jack, for example lets see you do something about our fordo facilities.

you really know how to piss the yanks off :rofl:

Iran sent pink drone to Obama — RT wtf are you guys like now stfu :rofl:

So if we target U.S infrastructures with cyber attacks,would you still say the same?
Of course no one dies,but U.S can become paralyzed for over a month with a huge cyber attack.

The U.S. IS TARGETED hundreds of times a day.

Prepare for a huge cyber attack on US and Israel in the coming months ;)

What's going to happen, will Iran shut down my PlayStation ? That's gonna hurt.:rofl:
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