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Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

Your dependence on electrical grid is clear , you can see it what happened in 2003 check it out :

Northeast blackout of 2003

Your vulnerability is a fact and no one can deny it and be sure the other nations won't sit and watch your stupid acts .we consider these attacks as a act of war .

Then have Iran declare war and lets get it over with :what:

Of course Iran won't, or perhaps it will and get roflstomped.

Perhaps Iran will carry out attacks against General US infrastructure and risk retaliation.

We are very confident Iran won't retaliate except on the podium or in the ways its usually done.

We are also very confident we could wipe Iran's standing military out and topple the standing government in short order, or at least force them to flee from their seat of power. It is after that when it gets hazy, but while the US is slow to act,poke the US enough and we'll put a boot in your a*s regardless if its covered with sh*t. We got the capability to back it up.
The American DoD faces more than 50000 cyber attacks a day and this was revealed by none other than Donald Rumsfeld.

War would have had already broken out had it not been for Stuxnet and Flame which temporarily disabled more than 1000 Iranian centrifuges and bought more time for both the parties to have some dialogue but I guess not much progress has happened.
I've found it interesting that there is no attempt to minimize this news in the US, Homeland Security officials are going so far as to talk about the nature of the newest 'flame' virus, quite a different response from the downing of that US drone or the details on the raid against Osama Bin Laden. Something doesn't smell right, smells like spin. It is seen in the government's interest for this story to get out IMO.
Then have Iran declare war and lets get it over with :what:

Of course Iran won't, or perhaps it will and get roflstomped.

Perhaps Iran will carry out attacks against General US infrastructure and risk retaliation.

We are very confident Iran won't retaliate except on the podium or in the ways its usually done.

We are also very confident we could wipe Iran's standing military out and topple the standing government in short order, or at least force them to flee from their seat of power. It is after that when it gets hazy, but while the US is slow to act,poke the US enough and we'll put a boot in your a*s regardless if its covered with sh*t. We got the capability to back it up.

I meant you should think that these kind of acts would be considered as act of war so you cant blame the other nations to retaliate in return .it's said that "treat the other people in way that you expect to be treated" if you can cause pain for the other nations they are capable to do so .

if you consider your country as a super power you'd better to look at the history of human being there are a lot of examples of such powers that have oppressed the other nations ,consequently they didn't last for long time . that's the way this world work .

surly our ideology and world view don't let us make trouble for civilians or harm them and we will never to that but as I see you're underestimating my country which is not that much odd for me .

look at these pictures you will see who is a real threat and whose act is hypocrisy :


Obama's a full on warrior president - there hasn't been another President in recent times which was so hell bent on breaking all rules of warfare.
Obama's a full on warrior president - there hasn't been another President in recent times which was so hell bent on breaking all rules of warfare.
And yet he won Nobel Prize for Peace....:hitwall:
Yes!! Imagine! And be very afraid. You are either with us or with the terrorists. Your choice.

Ah and because you , most of countries have plan to make private network for their country , our will begin it's job before end of 2012 ....


You are either with us or with the terrorists. Your choice.

ha ha , roman saying something like this nonsense to us for more than 700 years and in the end they didn't achieve anything !!!
I wouldn't be fine with it any more than I'd expect Iranians supportive of the Illegal Iranian nuclear program to be fine with my view.

next time these arrogant Yankee will come and say : Illegal Iranian right to live ...

and who care about you , you already using all of your card against us , so shut your big mouth ...
I wonder what kind of stuff we loaded into Irans computers with the RQ-170 Trojan Horse.

and are you think that we have same IQ as you arrogant Yankee and connect it to public network !?
The U.S. gets attacked HUNDREDS of times a day and we don't cry to the U.N. We take care of ourselves.:usflag:

and maybe we are the one who using "UN" as a tool when we couldn't do a **** against our enemy !?
Yes!! Imagine! And be very afraid. You are either with us or with the terrorists. Your choice.

well your beloved government consider Nelson Mandela as a terrorist . I guess it would be honorable to be in a list that his name is on it
Then have Iran declare war and lets get it over with :what:

Of course Iran won't, or perhaps it will and get roflstomped.

Perhaps Iran will carry out attacks against General US infrastructure and risk retaliation.

We are very confident Iran won't retaliate except on the podium or in the ways its usually done.

We are also very confident we could wipe Iran's standing military out and topple the standing government in short order, or at least force them to flee from their seat of power. It is after that when it gets hazy, but while the US is slow to act,poke the US enough and we'll put a boot in your a*s regardless if its covered with sh*t. We got the capability to back it up.

No one doubts US ablity to attack and do all that u say

But what stops them is the damage Iran can incur on them.

Try and poke them face to face.
Ah and because you , most of countries have plan to make private network for their country , our will begin it's job before end of 2012 ....


ha ha , roman saying something like this nonsense to us for more than 700 years and in the end they didn't achieve anything !!!

next time these arrogant Yankee will come and say : Illegal Iranian right to live ...

and who care about you , you already using all of your card against us , so shut your big mouth ...

and are you think that we have same IQ as you arrogant Yankee and connect it to public network !?

and maybe we are the one who using "UN" as a tool when we couldn't do a **** against our enemy !?

Their logic is so worthless don't take them serious , as you said bunch of arrogant that live in a hypothetical world .
As was reported a few days ago,U.S. officials confirmed authorship of Stuxnet computer virus that attacked Iran's nuclear enrichment program. Both Democrats and Republicans have been condemning this security leak, since it's an admission of an act of cyber-warfare, and it invites a retaliatory attack. Republicans were particularly critical, especially John McCain, accusing the President Obama's administration of purposely leaking the information in order to strengthen his foreign policy credentials in an election year. Whatever the reason, this official confirmation is a potential disaster.

The story on the Stuxnet virus last week follows other media accounts of classified information, including reports on a double agent who helped the United States and its allies track down al Qaeda members in Yemen, an expanded U.S. drone program in Yemen and the Obama administration’s “kill list.”

Republicans have accused the Obama administration of playing politics by granting two filmmakers access to CIA planners for a movie about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released emails last month that showed U.S. officials offering Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal access to CIA facility planners. Pentagon officials say that the filmmakers did not receive access to any officials connected with the bin Laden raid.

Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) called for an independent investigation into the Iran leaks on Tuesday.

“It’s beginning to sound repetitive,” Lieberman said, referring to previous leaks of classified information.

Asked if he thought there was a political motive behind the latest incident, Lieberman told The Hill he couldn’t say. “The mere fact that people suspect it … means that it ought to be investigated,” he said.

Levin said he didn’t know where the leaks came from, and downplayed the charges of political meddling. He said he has serious concerns about the cyberattack story going public, but isn’t concerned about it being used as justification for a cyberattack against the United States.

“The nations that are going to attack us don’t need justification,” Levin said.

Senate Democrats blast national security leak about cyberattack against Iran - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
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