The united states is a decaying empire. The more it talks, the more it becomes evident that time is running out for it.
God always tests you, whether it be with power, be it wealth, be it love, be it poverty or be it health.
What did america do with all it's power God bestowed upon it? They lied, they cheated, they murdered indiscriminately, they destroyed, all the while, they decayed and rotted from the core.
The illusion that man has, is that he can attain power. That illusion is shattered when God reminds man, that HE (GOD) is ABSOLUTE POWER.
So for all your F-15s, F-14s, F-16s, F-18s, AMRAAMs, Sidewinders, Tomahawks, ICBMs, HGVs, Super Carriers, Destroyers and Artificial Intelligence ..... amount to nothing before Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, the Creator of all creation, A-Samad, Al-Akbar.
Today, america faces not one but two powerful nations, Russia and China. Today, for new weapon america creates, there are two weapons created in response by Russia and China.
So you can be all nostalgic about your years as a fighter pilot, being part of the most powerful air force in the world. But guess what? Nothing is permanent, and as the law of physics govern .... what goes UP, will come down!!