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Concepts / Ideas for the Pakistan Navy

Still is a nice way to get sanctioned by everyone, regardless of how common they may be
end result justifies the means
They are getting pretty mainstream now
The cool thing about these containers is that it seems everything is contained to the canister. It sounds like the end-user can bolt the system to any type of ship without necessarily any deeper integration to the ship's subsystems. It could be an interesting solution for 'hot-arming' OPVs, for example. You basically build OPVs at a low upfront cost for sea policing, but in wartime, 'hot-arm' them with ASCM canisters (perhaps within hours).
Battleships for shore bombardment
I thought I'd start a thread that discusses concepts or ideas the Pakistan Navy (PN) should pursue in the coming years.

Note: I'm open to talking about developmental ideas, recommended purchases, etc. Just keep it within reason.

For example, I was looking through some of the things Turkey's working on at IDEF 2021, and noticed STM's new 'Multi-Purpose Attack Craft' (MPAC). I think the MPAC can be a good idea of where the PN can take the FAC(M) / Azmat-class should the PN need a larger mini-corvette type of platform (via DefenceTurk).

I think we can stretch the FAC(M) to retain its AShW/LACM capacity but also add ASW capabilities. In fact, Turkey is developing its own torpedo-tube launchers for its lightweight torpedoes. We basically have an option to build a low-cost multi-mission solution to fill our littoral waters.

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First thing it needs is RAM air defense system
Pakistani private civilian commercial fishing should be doing more fishing with in conjunction with other nations around the Indian Ocean. A lot of opportunities to transit between Pakistan and these countries, in modern quieter fishing trawlers. The “fish” are more easily caught with quieter fishing boats. A deal with the Maldives and/or Sri Lanka might be good business :agree:
Ok yeah that's basically what the P282 will be. I will be shocked if it's anything else.

Why I think so is because:
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The CM-401 (read P282) missile is a new type of high supersonic ballistic anti-ship missile, using near space trajectory, and capable of all-course high supersonic maneuverable flight, terminal diving and high velocity top attacking, various platform launching firing. It is mainly used to rapidly and exactly attack medium-large sized vessels and ships, formations and port targets. It has the characteristics of multi-ballistic coordinated capability, powerful damage capability, strong penetration ability and ....

Using google translate on the Chinese:
"Highest Mach 6
Average Mach 4"

Assuming P282 = basically CM401:
I think they'll have acceptable capability to hit moving targets because this missile is definitely not terminally hypersonic. It's TOP Mach is 6, with an average of 4. I'd guess it is traveling Mach 2ish terminally. I mean there's no way that tiny radar in it's nose is powerful enough to work through plasma. So think of this is kind of a Brahmos. So yes it won't be as nimble as a subsonic AShM but it can turn enough to hit targets like big ships traveling at 20 kts or something. More and more I am thinking that the "hypersonic" is just a ruse.

There you go...
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @kursed @Akh1112


I should've bet money or something lol.
There you go...
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @kursed @Akh1112

View attachment 791840

I should've bet money or something lol.
Is it a good move to have it with yj 12 supersonic cruise missile?
Don't you expect some increase in range when named p282?
Is it a good move to have it with yj 12 supersonic cruise missile?
Don't you expect some increase in range when named p282?
too early to say.
There you go...
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @kursed @Akh1112

View attachment 791840

I should've bet money or something lol.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Since this has become sort of a theme I will predict
too early to say.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Since this has become sort of a theme I will predict
YJ-12 or HD-1A. I think the latter would be cooler in that there's both a surface-launched and air-launched variant.
There you go...
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @kursed @Akh1112

View attachment 791840

I should've bet money or something lol.

sad lol

speed is Mach 6 peak, average is Mach 4 just for the sake of clarity
I think the next wave of Navy Tactics include drooping in Soldiers to take over a Ship
While the ship it self is same , becoming more stealthier , the new tactic seems to drop in 40-50 Soldiers on deck of a Large Ship 1 vs 1 combat

By the time the systems are fine tuned it may not even be a human flying in it could be a AI Robot

For Pakistan Navy's since we are always short of Assets having Ships in number that can counter such things in future would be important steps , the old ships won't cut it and larger ships would need to be ready for such tactics

Some support ships Missile Boat would be nice , 10 units
Would be great enhancement in Missile Boat department
In case Pakistan Navy is certainly looking to further enhance it's capabilities

Would make sense to get 10 of these Missile Boats and retire the 2 older Missile boats from 80's

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Keep it simple more Type 054
Yes only if future Type 54 A would come with those VLS which can also carry long range cruise missiles like 1600 KM range cruise missiles other wise no. Navy needs long range cruise missile which can be fired from ships and submarines and can strike deep inside enemy. 450 to 500 KM range missile simply won't work. We need a 1600 KM + missile.
Can p282 be based on cx1 missile
No it won't be because CX 1 is a cruise missile. P 282 is a ballistic missile. But yes Navy most likely is working on a Super Sonic Cruise Missile also.
IMO, an asset which greatly increase fleet reach, its offense / defense, strike capabilities and power projection. I envision 10K ton destroyer with extended deck to hold 2-3 helicopters.

See below old Japanese destroyer with extended deck, PN's should be newer.

Why a destroyer and with extended deck:

1) A Destroyer because of its size can hold larger / longer range missiles. It has more space available so more future upgrades possible. Kind of future proof.
2) Extended deck, because helis in upcoming decades can provide massive capabilities + ability to employ future Vtols / UCAVs.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) , Great topic. On the other note, Navy's official website is total crap. I have a suggestion, how about add organized HD picture gallery on Quwa or here for navy's ships and other assets with details.


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