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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Tender officially out at start of year.
Best 4th gen fighter bar Eurocanards will soon
have it's radar sweeping deep into Arakan.
Another wish. May your dreams come true.
Properly trained and armed Rohingyas will have a field day hunting the rag-tag Myannar army.
That's the reason why BD is unwanted by her neighbours.
That's the reason why BDshis are going to be completely surrounded by border fences.
That's the reason why a poor country like Myanmar has to spend multi million dollars just to fence her border with BD.
That's the reason why BD is unwanted by her neighbours.
That's the reason why BDshis are going to be completely surrounded by border fences.
That's the reason why a poor country like Myanmar has to spend multi million dollars just to fence her border with BD.

Spend your money as you desire.
Just make sure that the fences are built on land
that you will be allowed to keep.
That's the reason why a poor country like Myanmar has to spend multi million dollars just to fence her border with BD.
Don't worry! We will give you more reasons to spend billions (?) of dollars...:enjoy:
Its thick forest region, even though Myanmar has good number of plane but they are not very effective , if Bangladesh unleash ground invasion . BA has enough strength to absorb casualties. And can easily walk over half of Myanmar.
Its thick forest region, even though Myanmar has good number of plane but they are not very effective , if Bangladesh unleash ground invasion . BA has enough strength to absorb casualties. And can easily walk over half of Myanmar.
Usually, people talk of walking over the territory west of Yoma mountain range, the area being 36,780 km². The total MM area is 676,600km2. However, Chin, Sagaing and Kachin, these three States may follow the example of seceding from a brutal MM. By all definition, MM is not supposed to be a single country, because all the nationalities are fighting the central govt.
The Tatmadaw can't win against a paramilitary what makes you think they can win against actual military?
lol we can take them down but we dont. coz we already give an exit called NCA. just need to put some pressure and we dont used heavy weapons like MLRS , 155 SPH and many more. they are our brother who will walk with us together. but if we deal with country like BD , we will use full strength. situation will also be different.
lol we can take them down but we dont. coz we already give an exit called NCA. just need to put some pressure and we dont used heavy weapons like MLRS , 155 SPH and many more. they are our brother who will walk with us together. but if we deal with country like BD , we will use full strength. situation will also be different.
Usually, people talk of walking over the territory west of Yoma mountain range, the area being 36,780 km². The total MM area is 676,600km2. However, Chin, Sagaing and Kachin, these three States may follow the example of seceding from a brutal MM. By all definition, MM is not supposed to be a single country, because all the nationalities are fighting the central govt.
Do u know where is Sagaing and it's not state. ?
even most powerful UWSA never say to break from Myanmar. the only insurgents group who want a sepreate country is just only RSO.

lol we can take them down but we dont. coz we already give an exit called NCA. just need to put some pressure and we dont used heavy weapons like MLRS , 155 SPH and many more. they are our brother who will walk with us together. but if we deal with country like BD , we will use full strength. situation will also be different.
Highly doubtful because Burma have more than 50 years to deal with the rebellion & not to mention the peace deal include the rebels will still be able to keep their guns. Its a sign of weakness of the Tatmadaw.

Burma can't use their full strength because your country's infrastructure is lacking meanwhile bangladesh can actually use their full strength & just blitz through rakhine.
Highly doubtful because Burma have more than 50 years to deal with the rebellion & not to mention the peace deal include the rebels will still be able to keep their guns. Its a sign of weakness of the Tatmadaw.

Burma can't use their full strength because your country's infrastructure is lacking meanwhile bangladesh can actually use their full strength & just blitz through rakhine.
i guess you don't know this:

Inside Story of NAF War between Bangladesh vs Myanmer.
The whole deteils is writen by our WAR HERO - "Alm Fazlur Rahman" ex DG of BDR (Now Called BGB)

"Naf is a bordering river between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Upper Naf has about 12 branches of smaller river. In 1966, Pakistan and Burma concluded a treaty agreeing that none of the countries will train the Naf river or branches of rivers . With the natural shifting of depth of river the demarcation of boundary between the countries will shift. When I took over as DG BDR I was told that 28 hundred acres TOTAL DIP OF BANGLADESH had been grabbed by Myanmar by shifting the depth of Naf river by building dams, groans and spars on the stewaries of main Naf river taking advantage of 1966 treaty. Suddenly, Myanmar started building dam on the last branches of Naf river, if completed whole TAKNAF would go into the sea. We protested but in-vain. Myanmar didn't stop. To protect the building side Myanmar deployed two divisions Army under command two major generals one from army and another from Navy. We positioned 2500 BDR troops under DDG BDR and kept the command directly under me. In one night, I moved 25 lac different types of ammunition and bombs in Cox's Bazar. Kept half in Cox's Bazar and sent half to the war positions. On 1st January 2000 at about 2.30 pm, I gave order for firing and the offensive strick was on. It lasted for 3 days in which 600 Myanmar army soldiers were killed. The war was live broadcasted by reporters Z. I. Mamun and Supan Roy on Ekushey Television. On 4th January, Myanmar's Head of the State Senior General Than Shwe call all the diplomats in Rangoon telling them that, Myanmar wants no war with Bangladesh. Cease fire was effected and a letter came from Myanmar govt saying, "We invite a delegation from Bangladesh to discuss all outstanding matters between two countries without any preconditions". Negotiation started under joint secretary (political affairs) Janibul Haque of the Ministry of Home Affairs, who headed the Bangladesh delegation in Myanmar. During the bilateral talks, Myanmar side was so wrought-up that they didn't even provide typewriters. And the treaty was signed on hand written documents. Myanmar dismantle the dam, thus we could save Teknaf from being lost into the Bay of Bengal. We defeated Myanmar's forces completely with no loss of life from our side. This is in nutshell about NAF WAR."
That's the reason why a poor country like Myanmar has to spend multi million dollars just to fence her border with BD.
It is not BD, but for Thailand that you spend billions on arms purchasing. You have problem with Thailand because of Kayin State. BD never tried to flex its muscle. You spend billions on arms, then your troops roam the streets barefoot.
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lol the media just emphasized this as they always want to give dark side of story.
they dont show other part of that statement which include welcoming the effort of toward the peace and strengthening relationship between 2 organization. :D

the president of KNU paied a visit to Defence Service Acadamy.
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