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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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BD defence industry also produces most of what Myanmar does as well now. Just Google what is now being produced in BD from manpads to small warships. In the future even more weapons will be produced in-house.
lol most ? :P
how many type of AA gun do BD produce ? sniper rifle ?
Motar and Howitzer ?
even Kevlar Helmat ?
Amour cars ?
assembly of AJT like K-8 ? ………………………………… ?
ur defence product are just a few items. not even half of Myanmar can do. mention if BD can any one of above list. :partay:
Myanmar did used to spend 5% of GDP on defence as recently as 2015 but has reduced to 3% now as that number was not sustainable. BD can easily increase from the current low 1.25% of GDP and Myanmar will not be able to respond without diverting huge finds from the development sector
go and increase even upto 10%. we dont care as long as BD have a horde of corrupted general. they will make a deal with superhigh price tag. lol
2020/2021, BD will dominate Myanmar in land, sea and air. You will be BD's play thing very soon
:rofl: catch us if u can.
Rohingya will take that status with grace, showing loyality to BD... anytime in northern Rakhine. Are you willing to take it?
:laugh::laugh: or u also can think in another way of their loyality. if they want to stay their bangla brothers forever and forget about returning ? :D

:laugh::laugh: or u also can think in another way of their loyality. if they want to stay their bangla brothers forever and forget about returning ? :D
They are more likely go back eshtablish their rights on the property, sell them to China and migrate to civilized country with tons of cash.
China is known to be pragmatic and distance themselves from an ally if it brings condemnation. If they can suffocate North Korea for the same reasons then they will take steps to marginalize Burma and force them to change trajectory when things become too hot.
No, not really!! China will not change its positive gesture towards MM, because it is selling China natural gas from Arakan, the land of Rohingyas.

Whats your problem with the figure. In a war every party has their own claim and also there are some neutral claims. 3 million is our claim,needs no justification and credence from any party,its upto you believe or not and stop your non sense bringing it in every piece of discussion in the forum.
3 million is a fantasy figure. This is probably the reason that @Nilgiri does not believe in Bangladesh and BBS statistics.
UMS Kyan Sit Thar F 12 in Chuk Samed, Thailand, 3700 km from the home port,




It is the largest reserve force on earth :D named Ansar-VDP
wanna know the size ?
it is 6.1 million :woot:
Do not count the Ansar-vdp. They are no match for any well equipped army. They can be good support though but they will not help you to be victorious .

And also opponent can have such reserve!

And also infantry numbers will not make you the winner.
Logistics is the key to win a battle. UK army is just less than 90 thousand but that doesn't make them inferior to other big power even in conventional warfare!
Do not count the Ansar-vdp. They are no match for any well equipped army. They can be good support though but they will not help you to be victorious .

And also opponent can have such reserve!

And also infantry numbers will not make you the winner.
Logistics is the key to win a battle. UK army is just less than 90 thousand but that doesn't make them inferior to other big power even in conventional warfare!
oh I do not know this , how silly I am :rolleyes:
This is probably the reason that @Nilgiri does not believe in Bangladesh and BBS statistics.

Partly, but more to do with why you lot run away from explaining how BD achieves 75% cattle herd meat processing rate sustainably...when the world max is 30%:



"A DLS source said there were 23.8 million cows and buffalo

18/24 = 75% claimed processing rate.

World max hovers around 30% in comparison, World average around 15% and high pop density average much less (often in single digits) - if you want numbers I can provide them (already done in the case of the first one w.r.t USA).

Please tell me the phenomenally awesome animal husbandry rates and <12 month growth rates achieved only in Bangladesh compared to the world for a sustainable herd size in such an extremely densely populated + feedlot restricted area + low unit input to boot. Hopefully its scaleable/applicable to all other animal rearing/production/processing so we can increase world production by 6 - 7 times by simply following the awesome, revolutionary BD discovery.

Or is Occam's razor that something fundamentally wrong with the BBS claims more applicable? You decide."


FYI A grand total of 0 Bangladeshi forumers have managed to defend/explain the BBS claim. About 5 (and counting) have fled from the scene (including you).

Now if you can't do something as simple as this, why should anyone believe you on pretty much anything else (71 hoax claims, poverty, sanitation, health, mortality, education etc etc) that involves big numbers and stat analysis? Seems all the aptitude for basic math/logic (like simple make the number somewhat believable even if you are lying/propaganda) went to West Bengal as far as Bengal region goes.

Credibility is earned, not given for free.

BD should NOT be in business of looking for handouts all the time on the back of other sympathy....esp when thinking basic logic should also be forked over at same time.

@django @Rain Man
Sometimes. international statistics people cannot understand the reality in BD. For example, consumption of animal meat during two or other occasions. If the 80% of the hides are smuggled out to India how can the international people will count the real meat consumption in BD?
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Plz explain....and where do u live ...that is ur country of residence ...
But, what happens if the fight is in Arakan? Are you talking of a defensive war with Burma? Means, Burma will attack us and we will be protecting our residences?
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