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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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that may be like for Zia and Hasina supporters. at the end they will unite for country. for eg. check local supporting for army in current so called bangali rohingya crisis. :P
BTW bro AZY. . I like the term you coined ''Second hand Navy''.
In any such war India and China will not intervene or support Bangladesh just like any of the Muslim nations . Bangladesh will be left alone fighting a brutal war and most likely lose.
In any such war India and China will not intervene or support Bangladesh just like any of the Muslim nations . Bangladesh will be left alone fighting a brutal war and most likely lose.

We will take care of the burmese.. dont worry and dont loose your sleep.
BTW bro AZY. . I like the term you coined ''Second hand Navy''.

Is BNS Bangabhandu 2nd hand?
Are the two Type-56 corvettes and the two others being built in China 2nd hand?
These 6 warships have air-defence many times better than in any Myanmar warship. Lol
at placing a modified Igla Manpad onto ships for air-defence.

BD will from next year will start producing 2 4000+ tonne stealth frigates with Chinese assistance. Total will
end up in the 12-16 unit range by 2030. Funny how a tiny nation like Myanmar is comparing itself to BD that has 3.5x larger GDP.
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Is BNS Bangabhandu 2nd hand?
Are the two Type-56 corvettes and the two others being built in China 2nd hand?
These 6 warships have air-defence many times better than in any Myanmar warship. Lol
at placing a modified Igla Maniac onto ships for air-defence.

BD will from next year will start producing 2 4000+ tonne stealth frigates with Chinese assistance. Total will
end up in the 12-16 unit range by 2030. Funny how a tiny nation like Myanmar is comparing itself to BD that has 3.5x larger GDP.
Those manpad stealth ship will sink before it reaches the shore of Bangladesh.Sea state level 4 :lol::lol:
The Burmese members were chest thumping
of their construction of stealth ship.Well look at the end result manpad and rodeo ship:lol:
Is BNS Bangabhandu 2nd hand?
Are the two Type-56 corvettes and the two others being built in China 2nd hand?
These 6 warships have air-defence many times better than in any Myanmar warship. Lol
at placing a modified Igla Manpad onto ships for air-defence.

BD will from next year will start producing 2 4000+ tonne stealth frigates with Chinese assistance. Total will
end up in the 12-16 unit range by 2030. Funny how a tiny nation like Myanmar is comparing itself to BD that has 3.5x larger GDP.

5 out of 6 frigates from your mighty navy are second hand.

The oldest 2 frigates were commissioned even before the creation of BD. (48 & 47 yrs old ships)

Even the youngest frigates, which was decommissioned and decommissioned again and again, was first commissioned 16 years ago.

2 out of 6 frigates have no anti ship missiles, no sonar, no ASW capabilities.

Downgraded Type 056 corvettes C 13 B have no sonar & no ASW capabilities.

Air defence? Yes MN frigates are weak in AD. But it is still ok with Igla S with optical tracking system coz BAF doesn't have any anti ship capabilities.

BTW do not forget that 5 out of 6 frigates from your mighty navy have no SAM at all.

2 out of 6 frigates don't even have AAA guns.

3 out of 6 frigates have no SAM.

Don't talk about ''BD will blah blah blah in future''. Just tired of it. Too much ''will''.

Be realistic.

3.5 larger GDP? Never forget that you also have 3.5 larger population. Population time bomb on the sinking land.
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If North Korea can compare itself with USA, then burma can compare itself with Bangladesh too...
Comparing your mighty tiny 3rd gen air force with 4th gen MAF?
BAF pilots may have different view with you.
BTW do not reply that ''BAF will buy Su 30, J 10, Gripen blah blah blah. . . '' Be realistic.
Comparing your mighty tiny 3rd gen air force with 4th gen MAF?
BAF pilots may have different view with you.
BTW do not reply that ''BAF will buy Su 30, J 10, Gripen blah blah blah. . . '' Be realistic.
Bangladesh has 3.5 times more GDP and population then suppa pawwa bamma! The reality...

Dont reply bammis are suppa humenz
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Based on what?
India's open stance on refusing Rohingya to settle in India, Indian PMs acknowledgement with Mayanmars policy of targeting 'illegal Banglali' terrorists. Indias current Government will never want to become guardian of peace when it is itself trying to brutally surpress control over the Muslim majority state of Jammu & Kashmir. It can only agree upon Mayanmars policy and inheindsight will most likely refuse to support BD in any conflict with Matanmar. Likewise China has zero interest to indulge itself in another confrontation within its region especially with the situation it faces between US North Korea standoff, Japan and Phillipines becoming more assertive with China's islands grab campaign. China will therefore leave Mayanmar to fight with BD, if it came to it. OIC nations are indulged in their own various conflicts between the proxy wars of Saudi Arabia & Iran, they have very little interest in Bangladesh.

Based on what?
India's open stance on refusing Rohingya to settle in India, Indian PMs acknowledgement with Mayanmars policy of targeting 'illegal Banglali' terrorists. Indias current Government will never want to become guardian of peace when it is itself trying to brutally surpress control over the Muslim majority state of Jammu & Kashmir. It can only agree upon Mayanmars policy and inheindsight will most likely refuse to support BD in any conflict with Matanmar. Likewise China has zero interest to indulge itself in another confrontation within its region especially with the situation it faces between US North Korea standoff, Japan and Phillipines becoming more assertive with China's islands grab campaign. China will therefore leave Mayanmar to fight with BD, if it came to it. OIC nations are indulged in their own various conflicts between the proxy wars of Saudi Arabia & Iran, they have very little interest in Bangladesh.
Comparing your mighty tiny 3rd gen air force with 4th gen MAF?
BAF pilots may have different view with you.
BTW do not reply that ''BAF will buy Su 30, J 10, Gripen blah blah blah. . . '' Be realistic.
Just Google Myanmar Air Force.
Hardly any photos of your mig29 fleet carrying any missiles.
All your Pilots will become kamakazi Pilots.:lol:
We are already shaking with fear brah! Plz help us kill those burmese maggots. Plz dont leave us alone...

Deep knowledge...
BD does not have any recent warfare experience. The only people dying are the innocent Rohingya and Mayanmar is openly getting away with it. BD isn't able to do anything and neither will if Mayanmar launches a campaign against BD.
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