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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Now factor in BD credit rating and tax liquidity base (I could go on, but those are the main 2). BD is way over-leveraged than cherry-picking one raw number.

No one (smart) is going to say BD is under less CA pressure than massive creditor Japan because of cherry-picked debt/GDP %.

Of course the conversation ends here because of lack of required knowledge on your part to continue it.

@Aung Zaya @tarpitz
Now factor in BD credit rating and tax liquidity base (I could go on, but those are the main 2). BD is way over-leveraged than cherry-picking one raw number.

No one (smart) is going to say BD is under less CA pressure than massive creditor Japan because of cherry-picked debt/GDP %.

Of course the conversation ends here because of lack of required knowledge on your part to continue it.

@Aung Zaya @tarpitz

ugh, indian turd opened his mouth again without considering ground realities -
BD credit rating is stable and has very little to do with anything consequential BECAUSE Bangladesh borrowing from international money market through bond or other instrument is non existent. Bangladesh can rely on traditional development partner like China, Japan and others like IDB, which india CAN NOT. Most of Bangladesh loans, at least in last 15 years or so, are bilateral ones with friendly countries. Besides, Bangladesh has stellar record, never defaulted on any external obligation.

That being said, Bangladesh external debt is around $25 billion hovering around 12% of nominal GDP (compare to india's 20%), is quite manageable.

Credit rating companies are scam at best but indian turd like to bow to it like some kind of religious scripture and start chest thumping, is downright amusing.
ugh, indian turd opened his mouth again without considering ground realities -
BD credit rating is stable and has very little to do with anything consequential BECAUSE Bangladesh borrowing from international money market through bond or other instrument is non existent. Bangladesh can rely on traditional development partner like China, Japan and others like IDB, which india CAN NOT. Most of Bangladesh loans, at least in last 15 years or so, are bilateral ones with friendly countries. Besides, Bangladesh has stellar record, never defaulted on any external obligation.

That being said, Bangladesh external debt is around $25 billion hovering around 12% of nominal GDP (compare to india's 20%), is quite manageable.

Credit rating companies are scam at best but indian turd like to bow to it like some kind of religious scripture and start chest thumping, is downright amusing.

Turd is obsessed with BD and has no life but this one focus. Truly disturbing.
BD credit rating is stable and has very little to do with anything consequential BECAUSE Bangladesh borrowing from international money market through bond or other instrument is non existent.

Haha chicken and the egg logic. You should work for BBS...oh wait they will hang you from the rafters for being a chagu, nvm.
ugh, indian turd opened his mouth again without considering ground realities -
BD credit rating is stable and has very little to do with anything consequential BECAUSE Bangladesh borrowing from international money market through bond or other instrument is non existent. Bangladesh can rely on traditional development partner like China, Japan and others like IDB, which india CAN NOT. Most of Bangladesh loans, at least in last 15 years or so, are bilateral ones with friendly countries. Besides, Bangladesh has stellar record, never defaulted on any external obligation.

That being said, Bangladesh external debt is around $25 billion hovering around 12% of nominal GDP (compare to india's 20%), is quite manageable.

Credit rating companies are scam at best but indian turd like to bow to it like some kind of religious scripture and start chest thumping, is downright amusing.

For a long time I didn't believe a fact an Indian (of all people) in my university days told me - that you can get genetic mental issues (even suicidal tendencies) from lack of protein over generations of vegetarianism (evident in idiots like lalgiri). I believe it now. HUUUGE chip on his shoulders....

Turd is obsessed with BD and has no life but this one focus. Truly disturbing.

Can you say obsessive compulsive (OCD)? I can!
Yak 130 and JF 17 Block 2 of Myanmar AF.



Some of the new additions to MAF.

MiG 29 SE (2011)

JF 17 Block2 (2017)

Yak 130 (2017)

Grob G 120TP (2015)

ATR 42 MPA with IAI ELM 2022 radar (2017)

AS 365 (2014)

Eurocopter EC 120 (2016)
Comparison between F-7BGI and JF-17blk2
F-7BGI- Mach2.2
JF-17blk2- Mach1.6

2)Service ceiling

F-7BGI- +8g/-3g
JF17blk2- +8g/-3g

4)Thrust with afterburner

5)Weapons payload
F-7BGI - 3000kg

6)Weapons(Missiles that can be carried)
F-7BGI- PL-12(medium range), PL-11(40-75km) ,PL-2(6-10km),PL-5 PL-7,PL-8,PL-9,Magic R. 550 and AIM-9
*7 Hard-points to carry air-to-air missiles, laser-guided bomb, GPS-guided bombs, drop tanks

JF-17blk2-PL-5EII(short range) ,
SD-10A(long range), CM-120(Anti-radiation missile)
F-7BGI can carry C-704 anti-ship missile and JF-17blk2 can carry C-802AK and CM-400AKG anti-ship missile.
*7 in total (4 × under-wing, 2 × wing-tip, 1 × under-fuselage) with a capacity of 9,535 lb (4,325 kg) for external fuel and ordnance

F-7BGI has KLJ-6F radar Fire control Radar with 86 km+ Range which is near BVR.It can track 6 and engage 2 enemy aircraft simultaneously.

JF-17blk2-The KLJ-7V1 has multiple modes, both beyond visual range (BVR) and close-in air-to-air modes, ground surveillance modes and a robust anti-jamming capability.
The radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 of them in track-while-scan(TWS) mode and simultaneously fire on two BVR targets.

JF-17blk2(amount paid by Burmese government)-$16million

F-7BGI is there to perform the role of interceptor.
Jf-17 is purchased to perform as a multirole aircraft.
But it is nice to see an aircraft half/third price of JF-17blk2 giving those JF-17 a run for their money.


This looks better.
Comparison between F-7BGI and JF-17blk2
F-7BGI- Mach2.2
JF-17blk2- Mach1.6

2)Service ceiling

F-7BGI- +8g/-3g
JF17blk2- +8g/-3g

4)Thrust with afterburner

5)Weapons payload
F-7BGI - 3000kg

6)Weapons(Missiles that can be carried)
F-7BGI- PL-12(medium range), PL-11(40-75km) ,PL-2(6-10km),PL-5 PL-7,PL-8,PL-9,Magic R. 550 and AIM-9
*7 Hard-points to carry air-to-air missiles, laser-guided bomb, GPS-guided bombs, drop tanks

JF-17blk2-PL-5EII(short range) ,
SD-10A(long range), CM-120(Anti-radiation missile)
F-7BGI can carry C-704 anti-ship missile and JF-17blk2 can carry C-802AK and CM-400AKG anti-ship missile.
*7 in total (4 × under-wing, 2 × wing-tip, 1 × under-fuselage) with a capacity of 9,535 lb (4,325 kg) for external fuel and ordnance

F-7BGI has KLJ-6F radar Fire control Radar with 86 km+ Range which is near BVR.It can track 6 and engage 2 enemy aircraft simultaneously.

JF-17blk2-The KLJ-7V1 has multiple modes, both beyond visual range (BVR) and close-in air-to-air modes, ground surveillance modes and a robust anti-jamming capability.
The radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 of them in track-while-scan(TWS) mode and simultaneously fire on two BVR targets.

JF-17blk2(amount paid by Burmese government)-$16million

F-7BGI is there to perform the role of interceptor.
Jf-17 is purchased to perform as a multirole aircraft.
But it is nice to see an aircraft half/third price of JF-17blk2 giving those JF-17 a run for their money.

View attachment 437347
This looks better.

If the F-7BGI can carry PL-12, then BAF should get a move on and buy those missiles.

Myanmar Navy Kyan Sittha class frigate with Z-9 helicopter.
The draught is very shallow for such a large ship thus it only operates in brown water policing.
It is a sea state level 4 ship.Wonderful
Manpads are used as aerial defence.Quite bad for stealth frigate.

TYPE 056 corvette
It is possibly safe in sea state level 8
FL-3000N for aerial defence.
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