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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Don't bother about these lungis, they even dream about waging and winning war against India and separate North East and merge it with Lungidesh.
You do realize instead you supports another "lungis" that dream about waging & winning war against bangladesh.

How is that any better?
India and you are not same, India is much developed than you [emoji38]
your development is the worst case in the region [emoji38]
all your Military junta did is Military development

The Indians are one of the lowest race on earth who sneak all over the world. The fact is others don't shot . If they shot 10k/day indians would die in just saudi arab[emoji38]

These Burmese idiots jumping for nothing . They barely eat a decent meal but chest slamming for army power:rofl:

Going abroad to have a living is deeply integrated with Bangladeshi culture.

Bangladeshi society is terrible to live with huge burden of excessive population.

Its the most crowed country in the world.

Its capital Dhaka is ranked as worst city in the world many times.

Explosion of population has forced many Bangladeshis to leave the country and have a better living in abroad.

Those who can run away from the troubled country feel lucky to live in foreign country.

Those who couldn't manage proper channels sort for illegal routes to run away from the country by sneaking into Myanmar or even run away away with boats and illegally crossing into Malaysia, Indonesia.
Going abroad to have a living is deeply integrated with Bangladeshi culture.

Bangladeshi society is terrible to live with huge burden of excessive population.

Its the most crowed country in the world.

Its capital Dhaka is ranked as worst city in the world many times.

Explosion of population has forced many Bangladeshis to leave the country and have a better living in abroad.

Those who can run away from the troubled country feel lucky to live in foreign country.

Those who couldn't manage proper channels sort for illegal routes to run away from the country by sneaking into Myanmar or even run away away with boats and illegally crossing into Malaysia, Indonesia.
i repeat again, your country does not fit into those quoted countries.
you are seriously bad in economic development :lol:
Going abroad to have a living is deeply integrated with Bangladeshi culture.

Bangladeshi society is terrible to live with huge burden of excessive population.

Its the most crowed country in the world.

Its capital Dhaka is ranked as worst city in the world many times.

Explosion of population has forced many Bangladeshis to leave the country and have a better living in abroad.

Those who can run away from the troubled country feel lucky to live in foreign country.

Those who couldn't manage proper channels sort for illegal routes to run away from the country by sneaking into Myanmar or even run away with boats and illegally crossing into Malaysia, Indonesia.

Bangladesh and Myanmar share long land border so that no one can count how many Bengalis sneak into Myanmar every year.

More than a million Bengalis sneaked into Myanmar and they called themselve Rohingya.



ROHINGYA : myths & facts.

1. Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census.

2. Rohingyas are in fact Bengali who speaks Bengali dialect, dress Bengali clothes and eat Bengali food and have Bengali cultures.

3. Rohingyas are illegal immigrants who illegally entered to Myanmar from Bangladesh.

4. The Burmese government gave citizenship to many Rohingyas, but more and more illegal immigrant Rohingyas comes from Bangladesh every year.

5. When they became citizenship, they are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender.

6. Rohingya raped underage girls (under 13 years old), tortured them and killed these little girls.

7. Rohingya bullied Rakhine people, did several arson attacks, killed hundreds of Rakhine people and burnt thousands of houses.

8. Rohingya has been trained by fundamentalist Taliban and Al Qaeda (cited from wikileaks and other credible news).

9. Rohingya owns thousands of guns to shoot Rakhine people. (Please go to Rakhine state and research it. Dozens of Rakhine people are killed by Rohingya bullets)

Myth 1. They cannot marry and have children. Government restricts them.

Fact : Rohingya population extremely increases every year in Myanmar. The rate is higher than Myanmar population rate. How come their population increases every year?

Myth 2. They have discrimination on religion. They don't have freedom of religion.

Fact : There are many mosques built by Rohingya in Rakhine state. If they have restriction on religion, how come hundreds mosques in Rakhine state?

Myth 3. They are so poor that they don't have anything to eat.

FACT : The truth is they just want to get free money from UNHCR or organizations. They built a lot of nice houses and mosques. They bought a lot of guns and rockets. How can they build houses and mosques? How can they buy guns?

Myth 4. Rohingya are not Bengali.

FACT: Rohingya are in fact Bengali. Please check DNA. Please listen their dialect. Please research their language. According to the research, they are not Arab or Burmese ethic. How come they speak Bengali if they are not? Why cannot they speak Burmese if they are Burmese. How can they wear like Bengali and have Bengali cultures.

Myth 5. They are tortured by Rakhine people.

Fact: There are many Rohingya in Rakhine state. Their population is more than Rakhine people population. Rohingya population increases every year and Rakhine population decreases every year. If they are tortured by Rakhine, they will run away from Rakhine state and they won’t be sticking around like a super glue.

Myth 6: Rohingyas are so peaceful.

Fact : Rohingya raped, tortured and killed Rakhine little girls. Rohingya bullied and killed hundred of Rakhine people. They burnt thousands of houses and dozens of Buddhist temples. How come the whole Rakhine towns and villages go to Ashes? Why are many Rakhine people killed by Rohingya?

Myth 7. Government should recognize Rohingya as citizenship.

Fact: Bengali government denied its own people. Burmese government accept them and gave them citizenship and equal rights. However, more and more Bengali Rohingya illegally enter to Myanmar every year. They are rude and aggressive. They don’t respect native Rakhine and bullied Rakhine people. Then, they pretend to be like poor and nice guys. Why did Burmese government have to accept these kind of rude hypocrite terrorists? Burmese government already gave out a lot of citizenship to these so-called Rohingya and they are equal under the law. Nevertheless, government cannot accept any more illegal immigrants since they don't do any good for Myanmar.

Myth 8 : Burmese hate Rohingya so much because they are Muslim.

Fact : There are plenty of Muslim people in Burma. Burmese people treat with respect to those people who are not rude, aggressive and murderers. Burmese people treat with respect to those Rohingya who entered Burma legally, and who are not murderers.

Short and Sweet:

Rohingya are Bengali who illegally entered Myanmar and killed thousands of native Rakhine people. Government gave citizenship and equal rights to thousands of Rohingya. They built hundreds of mosques and thousands of houses in Rakhine State. Their population extremely increases every year due to illegal immigrant Rohingyas. They bullied, raped, tortured and killed native Rakhine people every year. In this case, they are systematically attacking Rakhine state and Rakhine people. They killed many Rakhine, and burnt thousands of Rakhine’s houses. They made over 30,000 Rakhine people homeless. They were trained by Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Their Purpose:

Even though government gave citizenship and equal rights to many immigrant Rohingyas, their desires cannot be fulfilled. They want to make Rakhine state to become their state. They want to claim that they are native people. They allied with Taliban as well as Al Qaeda, and they want to kick Rakhine people out of Rakhine state. They want to govern Rakhine state as their own state.
Going abroad to have a living is deeply integrated with Bangladeshi culture.

Bangladeshi society is terrible to live with huge burden of excessive population.

Its the most crowed country in the world.

Its capital Dhaka is ranked as worst city in the world many times.

Explosion of population has forced many Bangladeshis to leave the country and have a better living in abroad.

Those who can run away from the troubled country feel lucky to live in foreign country.

Those who couldn't manage proper channels sort for illegal routes to run away from the country by sneaking into Myanmar or even run away away with boats and illegally crossing into Malaysia, Indonesia.

You yourself is residing in Hong Kong idiot.
ROHINGYA : myths & facts.

1. Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census.

2. Rohingyas are in fact Bengali who speaks Bengali dialect, dress Bengali clothes and eat Bengali food and have Bengali cultures.

3. Rohingyas are illegal immigrants who illegally entered to Myanmar from Bangladesh.

4. The Burmese government gave citizenship to many Rohingyas, but more and more illegal immigrant Rohingyas comes from Bangladesh every year.

5. When they became citizenship, they are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender.

6. Rohingya raped underage girls (under 13 years old), tortured them and killed these little girls.

7. Rohingya bullied Rakhine people, did several arson attacks, killed hundreds of Rakhine people and burnt thousands of houses.

8. Rohingya has been trained by fundamentalist Taliban and Al Qaeda (cited from wikileaks and other credible news).

9. Rohingya owns thousands of guns to shoot Rakhine people. (Please go to Rakhine state and research it. Dozens of Rakhine people are killed by Rohingya bullets)

Myth 1. They cannot marry and have children. Government restricts them.

Fact : Rohingya population extremely increases every year in Myanmar. The rate is higher than Myanmar population rate. How come their population increases every year?

Myth 2. They have discrimination on religion. They don't have freedom of religion.

Fact : There are many mosques built by Rohingya in Rakhine state. If they have restriction on religion, how come hundreds mosques in Rakhine state?

Myth 3. They are so poor that they don't have anything to eat.

FACT : The truth is they just want to get free money from UNHCR or organizations. They built a lot of nice houses and mosques. They bought a lot of guns and rockets. How can they build houses and mosques? How can they buy guns?

Myth 4. Rohingya are not Bengali.

FACT: Rohingya are in fact Bengali. Please check DNA. Please listen their dialect. Please research their language. According to the research, they are not Arab or Burmese ethic. How come they speak Bengali if they are not? Why cannot they speak Burmese if they are Burmese. How can they wear like Bengali and have Bengali cultures.

Myth 5. They are tortured by Rakhine people.

Fact: There are many Rohingya in Rakhine state. Their population is more than Rakhine people population. Rohingya population increases every year and Rakhine population decreases every year. If they are tortured by Rakhine, they will run away from Rakhine state and they won’t be sticking around like a super glue.

Myth 6: Rohingyas are so peaceful.

Fact : Rohingya raped, tortured and killed Rakhine little girls. Rohingya bullied and killed hundred of Rakhine people. They burnt thousands of houses and dozens of Buddhist temples. How come the whole Rakhine towns and villages go to Ashes? Why are many Rakhine people killed by Rohingya?

Myth 7. Government should recognize Rohingya as citizenship.

Fact: Bengali government denied its own people. Burmese government accept them and gave them citizenship and equal rights. However, more and more Bengali Rohingya illegally enter to Myanmar every year. They are rude and aggressive. They don’t respect native Rakhine and bullied Rakhine people. Then, they pretend to be like poor and nice guys. Why did Burmese government have to accept these kind of rude hypocrite terrorists? Burmese government already gave out a lot of citizenship to these so-called Rohingya and they are equal under the law. Nevertheless, government cannot accept any more illegal immigrants since they don't do any good for Myanmar.

Myth 8 : Burmese hate Rohingya so much because they are Muslim.

Fact : There are plenty of Muslim people in Burma. Burmese people treat with respect to those people who are not rude, aggressive and murderers. Burmese people treat with respect to those Rohingya who entered Burma legally, and who are not murderers.

Short and Sweet:

Rohingya are Bengali who illegally entered Myanmar and killed thousands of native Rakhine people. Government gave citizenship and equal rights to thousands of Rohingya. They built hundreds of mosques and thousands of houses in Rakhine State. Their population extremely increases every year due to illegal immigrant Rohingyas. They bullied, raped, tortured and killed native Rakhine people every year. In this case, they are systematically attacking Rakhine state and Rakhine people. They killed many Rakhine, and burnt thousands of Rakhine’s houses. They made over 30,000 Rakhine people homeless. They were trained by Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Their Purpose:

Even though government gave citizenship and equal rights to many immigrant Rohingyas, their desires cannot be fulfilled. They want to make Rakhine state to become their state. They want to claim that they are native people. They allied with Taliban as well as Al Qaeda, and they want to kick Rakhine people out of Rakhine state. They want to govern Rakhine state as their own state.


A simple link to a magazine from 2009 is enough for a reply: http://www.burmalibrary.org/docs08/mag_arakan01-09.pdf
Seriously what is even wrong with some people on here?
For GOD'S sake this two small countries are unfortunate enough to be among the poorest countries on earth( even some african countries look like an eldorado when compared to them), so Bengladesh and Myanmar should be focusing on working together, improving their connectivity/ infrastructure between them so that trade can flourish between both sides(that's the best way to reduce poverty long term wise), hold their government accountable and even looking forward to integrate their economies together in the long term for the benefit of their people.

Millions of children in both countries either go to bed with an empty stomach everyday and many die of hunger, and yet some keyboard warriors here are trying to act tough by claiming their country is stronger than the other. I don't know what is wrong with some people out there:hitwall:

Talk of War, buying useless second hand weapons from western powers, China or Russia (industrialised wealthy powers who are just out there to make even more bucks from these poor countries obviously) or show of force should be the last thing in the mind of citizens of these two very poor and destitute countries. If I was a citizen living in such a country that will be my thoughts anyway.

What is wrong with you dude?
Stop this high and mighty pathetic nonsense, just because you through sheer luck were born into a developed country like the UK.

In case it has escaped your notice, BD finds itself in a very nasty neighbourhood. There is a Hindu fanatic Modi in power in India and the savage racist/bigotted Barmans that control Myanmar. It is not possible to make friends with turds.

Myanmar has already pushed most of it's Rohingya population into BD and Indians have labelled millions of their Muslim citizens as BD'shi, and would like nothing better than to push them all into BD.

BD has no choice but to arm itself as these two countries are an existential threat to it's wellbeing. Now do not spend time worrying about the poor in BD as defence spending will also rise gently from the current low 1.5% of GP to maybe 2% or a shade higher. The vast amount of BD government funds will still go to education, healthcare, social welfare and infrastructure.

well we want co-operation but Myanmar govt. and ppl acts like rogue.
Actually we Bangladeshis want peaceful existence and we are focusing on skilled human capital and economical development. FYI we are now not only 2nd garments exporter but also we are now 2nd in IT outsourcing.

Bro, got any numbers for IT outsourcing?
What is wrong with you dude?
Stop this high and mighty pathetic nonsense, just because you through sheer luck were born into a developed country like the UK.

In case it has escaped your notice, BD finds itself in a very nasty neighbourhood. There is a Hindu fanatic Modi in power in India and the savage racist/bigotted Barmans that control Myanmar. It is not possible to make friends with turds.

Myanmar has already pushed most of it's Rohingya population into BD and Indians have labelled millions of their Muslim citizens as BD'shi, and would like nothing better than to push them all into BD.

BD has no choice but to arm itself as these two countries are an existential threat to it's wellbeing. Now do not spend time worrying about the poor in BD as defence spending will also rise gently from the current low 1.5% of GP to maybe 2% or a shade higher. The vast amount of BD government funds will still go to education, healthcare, social welfare and infrastructure.

Bro, got any numbers for IT outsourcing?
No, Bengladesh faces no existential threat from any of its neighbours to be honest. I don't think India or Myanmar have any intention of ever invading Bengladesh. For one, as far as I know ow bengladesh and India have good relations, and Bengladesh and Myanmar relations are neutral at best (bar some minor issues like Rohingya and border dispute). Apart from that I don't think bengladesh faces any real threat from any outside power. So what's the point of bengladesh even contemplating going to war with Myanmar over some petty issue like Rohingyas? It's an internal affair of Myanmar at least. Plus War isn't cheap my friend and we never know when a war is going to end, though we know when it starts. Bengladesh doesn't have the means and can't afford to fight any country out there. The country should be focusing on other more pressing internal issues of development and improving the lives of its people.

Bengladesh and Myanmar (just like all of south Asia) should be focusing on improving their trade relations and infrastructure connectivity between each other, so as to boost trade and improve the lives of their people. That should normally be their priority. I have been to a few South Asian countries(apart from Pakistan) as a tourist and to be honest I was a bit impressed by only Sri Lanka and Maldives to some extent, the others were quite chaotic and poverty could be seen in almost every corner of the streets. It's no surprise that South Asia is by far the poorest continent on earth (matched only by sub saharan africa) and having been to both continents, I can attest to that. It's precisely because of this mentality of disputes/grudges, ethnic conflicts, lack of opportunities, separatism, tribalism, nepotism, corruption and constant state of hostility between countries that limits trade and hampers growth. So i think the region should wake up and try to change things,even if countries have border disputes or differences they can still move on with trade and strengthen business ties.

Look at East Asia, you think China and Japan don't hate each other? S. Koreans also have alot of hatred (border disputes, disagreements over may other issues) and enmity against the Japanese(same with the Chinese) ,and yet the economies of S. KOREA, CHINA AND JAPAN are almost as integrated as European countries in the E.U. They don't let these petty disputes to affect their trade ties, integration and business,on the contrary they encourage it as much as they can.
So I believe S. Asian countries really need to learn from their neighbours in the East Asia at least. Their priorities should be in removing the barriers that currently exist for trade and integration. The rest will naturally follow.
No, Bengladesh faces no existential threat from any of its neighbours to be honest. I don't think India or Myanmar have any intention of ever invading Bengladesh. For one, as far as I know ow bengladesh and India have good relations, and Bengladesh and Myanmar relations are neutral at best (bar some minor issues like Rohingya and border dispute). Apart from that I don't think bengladesh faces any real threat from any outside power. So what's the point of bengladesh even contemplating going to war with Myanmar over some petty issue like Rohingyas? It's an internal affair of Myanmar at least. Plus War isn't cheap my friend and we never know when a war is going to end, though we know when it starts. Bengladesh doesn't have the means and can't afford to fight any country out there. The country should be focusing on other more pressing internal issues of development and improving the lives of its people.

Bengladesh and Myanmar (just like all of south Asia) should be focusing on improving their trade relations and infrastructure connectivity between each other, so as to boost trade and improve the lives of their people. That should normally be their priority. I have been to a few South Asian countries(apart from Pakistan) as a tourist and to be honest I was a bit impressed by only Sri Lanka and Maldives to some extent, the others were quite chaotic and poverty could be seen in almost every corner of the streets. It's no surprise that South Asia is by far the poorest continent on earth (matched only by sub saharan africa) and having been to both continents, I can attest to that. It's precisely because of this mentality of disputes/grudges, ethnic conflicts, lack of opportunities, separatism, tribalism, nepotism, corruption and constant state of hostility between countries that limits trade and hampers growth. So i think the region should wake up and try to change things,even if countries have border disputes or differences they can still move on with trade and strengthen business ties.

Look at East Asia, you think China and Japan don't hate each other? S. Koreans also have alot of hatred (border disputes, disagreements over may other issues) and enmity against the Japanese(same with the Chinese) ,and yet the economies of S. KOREA, CHINA AND JAPAN are almost as integrated as European countries in the E.U. They don't let these petty disputes to affect their trade ties, integration and business,on the contrary they encourage it as much as they can.
So I believe S. Asian countries really need to learn from their neighbours in the East Asia at least. Their priorities should be in removing the barriers that currently exist for trade and integration. The rest will naturally follow.

What do you expect BD to do with 1 million Myanmarese Rohingyas that have been pushed into it? Even the UK would find this an immense burden and BD has tax revenues of only 30 billion US dollars a year.

The Hindu fanatic Modi that runs India(remember he presided over and excused mass murder of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002) would like nothing better than to push millions of Indian Muslims into overpopulated BD.

These two countries(India and Myanmar) are some of the most bigoted nations on the face of the planet and a civilised country like BD has tried and failed to reason with them. This half-successful attempt to push millions of Muslims into overpopulated BD is a threat to the stability and economic well-being of BD and must be resisted with military force if necessary.

BD has tried for many years to have normal trading relations with both India and Myanmar to no avail. India likes to sell to to BD but puts on 12.5% duty on garment imports in order to protect it's un-competitive domestic industry. Myanmar has no interest in allowing BD to link up with China through it's territory or allow BD to build hydroelectric power plants to import back into the fast growing and energy hungry BD economy.

BD's economy is already growing at a shade over 7% a year and would like nothing better than to mind it's business but maybe you can persuade Theresa May to take the burden of 1 million Rohingya from BD's shoulders? Like I say do not worry about BD as any defence expenditure increase would be in the fraction of a 1 percent but this is necessary to safeguard it's vital interests.
1. Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census.
And Arakan was not a part of Burma before 1937. Rohingyas are native to Arakan and the Burmese are occupying it and expelling the natives. Burmese themselves are foreigners in Arakan. Straighten your knowledge of history before you vomit your ignorance again and leave Arakan to the Rohingyas.
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