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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar

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Jun 14, 2016
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Comparative strengths of Bangladesh and Myanmar
Gazi Md. Imran

In a war any country can win. It depends on their tactics and resources. here are the military strength between the two countries. Bangladeshi army is highly disciplined and courageous. on the other hand Myanmar army is slightly stronger in air crafts than Bangladesh. The result may be anything but for sure the consequence will be devastating!!




GFP Rank:

52 (of 126)

33 (of 126)

Total Population:






Reaching Military Age Annually:



Active Military Personnel:



Active Military Reserves:



Aircraft (All Types):






Attack Aircraft (Fixed-Wing):



Fighter Aircraft:



Tank Strength:






Waterway Coverage (km):

8,370 km

12,800 km

Coastline Coverage (km):

580 km,

930 km

Land Area (km):

147000 km

676,578 km
Bangladesh ability to win a war against Myanmar is close to zero.

You need a 3:1 military advantage to win

Bangladesh air force and navy are not impressive even on paper. Just acquiring Sukhois does not make your air force good.

I do not know much on the competence of the Myanmar army. Given the narrow section of Arakan border a good defensive tactician could hold off five to ten times numerically superior Bangladeshi army

Myanmar could acquire large number of anti-ship missiles to hit Bangladeshi ports. If your trade is interrupted your ability to continue a long war will be impacted.

You are assuming India and China will be neutral in a scenario to seize Arakan

1 million Rohingyas are not worth 160 million Bangladeshis
Bangladesh ability to win a war against Myanmar is close to zero.

You need a 3:1 military advantage to win

Bangladesh air force and navy are not impressive even on paper. Just acquiring Sukhois does not make your air force good.

I do not know much on the competence of the Myanmar army. Given the narrow section of Arakan border a good defensive tactician could hold off five to ten times numerically superior Bangladeshi army

Myanmar could acquire large number of anti-ship missiles to hit Bangladeshi ports. If your trade is interrupted your ability to continue a long war will be impacted.

You are assuming India and China will be neutral in a scenario to seize Arakan

1 million Rohingyas are not worth 160 million Bangladeshis

You are right on BAF but completely wrong on BN.

BN has 2 submarines, Myanmar has none. BD has 3 ships with proper SAM systems while Myanmar has only man portable SAMs on their ships lol.

As for BAF, with the upcoming 12 Sukhois that would change the balance between BAF and MAF. Then BAF will have 12 SU-30SMEs and 8 Mig-29s that are also going to be modernised soon. MAF will face them with 32 pretty outdated Mig-29s and 16 JF-17s. You are aware that whenever a Su-27 has faced a Mig-29 in combat, the Sukhoi has always won?

India cannot do jack to BD if it attacks Arakan. China at the most can cut of economic and military ties but it will really do nothing as it wont take sides in a war between BD and Myanmar.
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You are right on BAF but completely wrong on BN.

BN has 2 submarines, Myanmar has none. BD has 3 ships with proper SAM systems while Myanmar has only man portable SAMs on their ships lol.

As for BAF, with the upcoming 12 Sukhois that would change the balance betweeb BAF and MAF. Then BAF will have 12 SU-30SMEs and 8 Mig-29s that are also going to be modernised soon. MAF will face them with 32 pretty outdated Mig-29s and 16 JF-17s. You are aware that whenever a Su-27 has faced a Mig-29 in combat, the Sukhoi has always won?

India cannot do jack to BD if it attacks Arakan. China at the most can cut of economic and military ties but it will really do nothing as it wont take sides in a war between BD and Myanmar.

Having aircraft, ships and subs is one thing. Operating them in a battlefield environment is another. Operating them far away from your home base is another story.

All those equipment does not negate the fact that your only port is vulnerable to Myanmar military

As far as Su-27 versus MiG-29 scenarios you are assuming a few things

India can seize Arakan to pre-empt you
Having aircraft, ships and subs is one thing. Operating them in a battlefield environment is another. Operating them far away from your home base is another story.

All those equipment does not negate the fact that your only port is vulnerable to Myanmar military

As far as Su-27 versus MiG-29 scenarios you are assuming a few things

India can seize Arakan to pre-empt you

India siezing Arakan?


Have you thought about a career as a comedian?
Replace 2017 with 1971
Replace Rohaniyas with Bangladeshis
Replace Myanmar army with Pakistani Army

What is missing in 2017 ?

What is missing is the :
1) The political party and circumstances; i.e. unlike the sane Indian National Congress, the BJP isn't so compassionate, especially in regards to Muslims.
2) India has no strong reason to do so unlike in 1971 when the end goal was the dismantling of Pakistan into two parts.
What is missing is the :
1) The political party and circumstances; i.e. unlike the sane Indian National Congress, the BJP isn't so compassionate, especially in regards to Muslims.
2) India has no strong reason to do so unlike in 1971 when the end goal was the dismantling of Pakistan into two parts.

Myanmar is not Pakistan.
Indian military intervention in Myanmar will lead to conflict with China
1 million Rohaniyas != 60 million East Pakistanis

Congress versus BJP makes no difference
My opener post is written by an amateur. Now, let us see what the GlobalFirepower writes on the strength of BAF and BA. Let the Indians bring out the strength data of MAF and MA and talk. No country can win a war just by bombing. For example, Vietnam and Afghan Taleban. Neither US nor Soviet Union could win with hundred times of superior air power. Both Vietnam and Taleban used rifles and MANPAD to win their war. Do the Indians think that MAF is superior even to the US AF and Russian AF?

A fighting is decided finally by the land forces and supported by a country's economy. Do the Indians really think MM can win over us even if the Rohingyas do not help us? MM is no match for our well trained military. MM will perish and the Arakan will secede from MM as a result of a war. Even without BD military participation the Rohingya themselves can carve out Arakan from MM. Only thing they need is arms to fight.

I am talking in Tokyo with many Rohingyas. They want BD support to carve out north Arakan. All of them want to join BD. BD is taking a long route of diplomatic efforts. No one really knows what awaits when BD sweet talking efforts fail. Do not believe in the kowtowing of Begum Hasina.

"Air Power - Includes both fixed-wing and rotary-wing (helicopter) aircraft from all branches of service (Air Force, Navy, Army). Air power is just one important component of the modern military force. Attack Aircraft represents fixed-wing and dedicated forms as well as light strike types (some basic and advanced trainers fill this role). Some fighters can double as attack types and vice versa - this is how multi-role aircraft can be of considerable value. Transport and Trainer aircraft include both fixed-wing and rotary-wing types."

Total Aircraft Strength

Fighter Aircraft

Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft

Total Helicopter Strength

Attack Helicopters

"Army Strength - Tank value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) and light tanks (a few remain in service) as well as those vehicles considered "tank destroyers". There is no distinction made between all-wheel and track-and-wheel designs. Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) value includes Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) as well as Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs).

Combat Tanks

Armored Fighting Vehicles

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery

Rocket Projectors
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My opener post is written by an amateur. Now, let us see what the GlobalFirepower writes on the strength of BAF.

Air Power - Includes both fixed-wing and rotary-wing (helicopter) aircraft from all branches of service (Air Force, Navy, Army). Air power is just one important component of the modern military force. Attack Aircraft represents fixed-wing and dedicated forms as well as light strike types (some basic and advanced trainers fill this role). Some fighters can double as attack types and vice versa - this is how multi-role aircraft can be of considerable value. Transport and Trainer aircraft include both fixed-wing and rotary-wing types. EXTERNAL LINK: Aircraft throughout the military history of Bangladesh

Total Aircraft Strength

Fighter Aircraft

Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft

Total Helicopter Strength

Attack Helicopters

Army Strength - Tank value includes Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) and light tanks (a few remain in service) as well as those vehicles considered "tank destroyers". There is no distinction made between all-wheel and track-and-wheel designs. Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) value includes Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) as well as Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). EXTERNAL LINK: Armor and Artillery throughout the military history of Bangladesh

Combat Tanks

Armored Fighting Vehicles

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery

Rocket Projectors

All these are fine on paper. You need spares to keep your war machinery going. It will soon eat up your economy.

Myanmar - Bangladesh war will resemble the Iran - Iraq war of the 1980s. A war of attrition with no winner is the likely outcome.

Bangladeshis will be advised to study the Iran - Iraq war as to what can go wrong
Myanmar - Bangladesh war will resemble the Iran - Iraq war of the 1980s. A war of attrition with no winner is the likely outcome.
Not exactly. Rohingyas are waiting to wage their own war, but they need BD support. BD is certainly now evaluating all the options. The best option is to put international pressure on MM to accept the Rohingya with citizenship. Just accepting them back in Arakan without citizenship will cause many recurrences of bullying in the future.

When sweet talking diplomacy fails, there is a possibility that the Rohingyas will start fighting a guerrilla war. BD should support them with finance and arms. Otherwise, they will become an easy prey to ISIS and Taleban types of fanatics. BD does not have to fight a war. But, if a war is imposed on it, it has the capacity to defend itself. In the meantime the Rohingya guerrillas will carve out their own land in Arakan.
Not exactly. Rohingyas are waiting to wage their own war, but they need BD support. BD is certainly now evaluating all the options. The best option is to put international pressure on MM to accept the Rohingya with citizenship. Just accepting them back in Arakan without citizenship will cause many recurrences of bullying in the future.

When sweet talking diplomacy fails, there is a possibility that the Rohingyas will start fighting a guerrilla war. BD should support them with finance and arms. Otherwise, they will become an easy prey to ISIS and Taleban types of fanatics. BD does not have to fight a war. But, if a war is imposed on it, it has the capacity to defend itself. In the meantime the Rohingya guerrillas will carve out their own land in Arakan.

Guerrilla wars work only when you can hide among civilian population. if the entire civilian populations get slaughtered in response to armed resistance it does not work. You need a 10:1 numerical advantage to crush the rebel movement which Myanmar military possesses.

The only way to force Myanmar to grant citizenship to Rohingyas is through the presence of peacekeepers. India and China will not allow that near their borders.
Guerrilla wars work only when you can hide among civilian population. if the entire civilian populations get slaughtered in response to armed resistance it does not work. You need a 10:1 numerical advantage to crush the rebel movement which Myanmar military possesses.

The only way to force Myanmar to grant citizenship to Rohingyas is through the presence of peacekeepers. India and China will not allow that near their borders.
Guerrilla wars work only when you can hide among civilian population. if the entire civilian populations get slaughtered in response to armed resistance it does not work. You need a 10:1 numerical advantage to crush the rebel movement which Myanmar military possesses.

The only way to force Myanmar to grant citizenship to Rohingyas is through the presence of peacekeepers. India and China will not allow that near their borders.
You are right to say that a successful guerrilla war needs the support of the local population. Yes, since MM will be expelling all the remaining Rohingyas, so, how a guerrilla warfare can be conducted. But, note one thing. When the freedom fighters start operations from BD border areas, they will certainly carve out their own territoy where the refugees will return and MM army cannot enter with impunity.

Arakan is a hilly and jungle terrain separated from mainland MM by Yoma mountain range with a very limited access points. With a limited manpower it is almost impossible for the MM military to man the entire north Arakan if BGB troops indirectly support the freedom fighters. Note also that the freedom fighters will be composed also of our own young people. Only one matchstick is enough to fire up the situation, and no history has ever been made in a day.
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