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Comparative analysis of radar tech of Pakistan and India

Pakistan has a more robust and mobile air defense system compared to India. The less said about this the better.

Well, the same was said about the FC-20 deal on unconfirmed reports until it came to naught. It's better it is researched and looked upon to ascertain capabilities.
For e.g. .. SIPRI does thorough research on Arms Transfers and keeps a good track of shipments(Which ARE mostly publicly available) and is a good reference. Here are the methods used:

The one common criterion is that the sources are open; that is, published and available to the general public. The sources include:
Newspapers and other periodicals;
Monographs and annual reference works;
Information from industry;
TV broadcasts; and
Blogs and other Internet publications.

Some governmental publications also contain considerable amounts of information, such as:

Defence white papers and other defence policy documents;
The UN Register of Conventional Arms (UN Register);
Pentagon notifications on government-to-government arms transfers to the US Congress;
National reports on arms exports and imports; and
Defence budget documents and parliamentary records.

An example is missile transfers to Pakistan. I am not sure how the values for AIM-120 delivery and SD-10 units have been compiled.

It gives one a respectable picture of what has been brought in through international sources(specifically through international shipping services and channels. System brought over by the Country themselves using their own transportation methods may slip under the radar).

So in terms of sensor systems.
By comparision we can also get a record of Sensor transfers to India made by Israel.
If we compare India’s Rajendra radar with a TPS-77, we can observe that the latter is better in surveillance and engaging of targets. It is a mobile, active phased array, long range, L-band, three-dimensional solid-state radar designed to perform airspace surveillance missions. It also has an advantage of being active in nature unlike the Rajendra which is passive. Furthermore, the TPS-77 radar can be deployed in a single C-130 and by only two medium trucks. It can be operated by a crew of 6 and set up can be done in less than 30 minutes. The radar system provides detection and tracking against targets till a distance of 450 km.

Hi oscar,i was wondering,like how on earth can this guy compare rajendra with TPS77,Both are essentially two very different radars! While former is the battery level fire control radar the latter is only a surveillance radar. Rajendra has 5000 individual dual mode ferrite phase shifters and can furnish pencil beams for guidance and tracking purposes- it can track 64 targets and can guide 12 missiles in air at the max while TPS 77 seems to be a series fed antenna with frequency scanning(beam is steered by sweeping the frequency)- i have not read any papers on TPS-77 hence wouldnt form any opinion.However my point is,TPS-77 seems to have lesser radiating elements vis-a-vis rajendra and it is a surveillance radar- it is not wise to compare it with a dedicated fire control radar at battery level.
A fair comparision would be to compare it against LRDE's arudra that has an instrumented range of 400kms against a 2m^2 and a features a fully DBF architecture
Another interesting radar which the DRDO is developing is Rajendra. It is a multi-function phased array radar capable of engaging low radar cross section targets. Phased arrays provide beam agility and flexibility. They have effective radar resource management (multi-function capability), more over they have the ability to perform adaptive pattern control.

Hi,There is again certain inconsistencies in the statements of the authors above- Firstly rajendra has already been developed as a 'radar' system,it was the first phased array radar to be designed in india(early 90s)- infact the version currently in service with IAF is it's 5th iteration/generation featuring various advanced concepts like adaptive beam pattern,refinement of search modes etc. They are even working on a longer ranged akash-2 SAM centered around the same FCR
Secondly the author has got it all wrong about arudra-here are some corrections-
1)The radar being installed all across various air bases in india is the israeli ELTA-2048 i.e the MPR and it has nothing to do with LRDE's arudra project(it is a mis-belief which was started by prasun dasgupta in his blog trishul and that continues to influence a lot of people)
2)The arudra project is an "independent" project of LRDE to design and develop a medium powered AESA radar in 400kms range category with advanced DBF features- The radar has already been trialed and it was put on display at def expo-2014 new delhi
Hi,There is again certain inconsistencies in the statements of the authors above- Firstly rajendra has already been developed as a 'radar' system,it was the first phased array radar to be designed in india(early 90s)- infact the version currently in service with IAF is it's 5th iteration/generation featuring various advanced concepts like adaptive beam pattern,refinement of search modes etc. They are even working on a longer ranged akash-2 SAM centered around the same FCR
Secondly the author has got it all wrong about arudra-here are some corrections-
1)The radar being installed all across various air bases in india is the israeli ELTA-2048 i.e the MPR and it has nothing to do with LRDE's arudra project(it is a mis-belief which was started by prasun dasgupta in his blog trishul and that continues to influence a lot of people)
2)The arudra project is an "independent" project of LRDE to design and develop a medium powered AESA radar in 400kms range category with advanced DBF features- The radar has already been trialed and it was put on display at def expo-2014 new delhi

Why dont you give us a nice write up on Indian Radar systems.. with potential deployments(without going overboard on opsec)..and submit it here.
Sure my friend,i will put forward my writings most probably by first or second week of feb!

Bro, whatever you write, be careful not to reveal any sensitive info, in case you have any:dirol::crazy_pilot:.

Also, I recommend you write a articles describing the basics of radar tech, so mere weaklings like me can understand a thing or two about radars:rap:!
Bro, whatever you write, be careful not to reveal any sensitive info, in case you have any:dirol::crazy_pilot:.

Also, I recommend you write a articles describing the basics of radar tech, so mere weaklings like me can understand a thing or two about radars

I understand your concerns,i will only be writing based on what has already been published by DRDO in their various research journals or magazines- i will merely be explaining the tech used by DRDO based on again open source scietific literature and my own experience! In case you have doubts,throw it to me,i will try to answer it...:-)
i have plethora of research papers(mostly from IEEE and some from DRDO's DSJ) on radars systems engineering which i would love to share with interested people in this forum
I understand your concerns,i will only be writing based on what has already been published by DRDO in their various research journals or magazines- i will merely be explaining the tech used by DRDO based on again open source scietific literature and my own experience! In case you have doubts,throw it to me,i will try to answer it...:-)
i have plethora of research papers(mostly from IEEE and some from DRDO's DSJ) on radars systems engineering which i would love to share with interested people in this forum

I am just curious, which course are you studying now?

1)The radar being installed all across various air bases in india is the israeli ELTA-2048 i.e the MPR and it has nothing to do with LRDE's arudra project(it is a mis-belief which was started by prasun dasgupta in his blog trishul and that continues to influence a lot of people)

It wasn't Prasun K Sengupta who spread this misinformation,rather it was the Shiv Aroor who was responsible for this **** up.In fact it was that Prasun Sengupta who had first detected this mistake.
In fact it was that Prasun Sengupta who had first detected this mistake.

Sorry,but i had read in one of his blogs long time back,when i was still in college that "IAF's arudra is actually israeli ELTA-2048"- WHICH MEANS he himself wasnt sure about what is what.
Sorry,but i had read in one of his blogs long time back,when i was still in college that "IAF's arudra is actually israeli ELTA-2048"- WHICH MEANS he himself wasnt sure about what is what.

Mr mishra i would like a few clarifications.

1)Are mmic's being produced in india itself or made outside based on our dsign?
2)Whats the average semiconductor fab process size involved in nm?
3)Why do we fail to produce even a simple slotted array radar for tejas??Is it related to cooling?
4)If indeed drdo is making progress in uttam aesa can u please specify the average power of the t/r module??Also will the cooling system be indigenous??
Sorry,but i had read in one of his blogs long time back,when i was still in college that "IAF's arudra is actually israeli ELTA-2048"- WHICH MEANS he himself wasnt sure about what is what.

PSG simply indulges in "cut-paste" journalism; except that being the ardent "pamphlet-hound" that he is; he has many pieces of paper that he can cull out of. While Shiv Aroor is simply an "overgrown schoolboy" masqueraing as a Defence Journo.
Sorry,but i had read in one of his blogs long time back,when i was still in college that "IAF's arudra is actually israeli ELTA-2048"- WHICH MEANS he himself wasnt sure about what is what.

No,the reason behind was the IAF themselves had named the Elta EL/M 2048 as Arudhra.
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