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COMMENT: Taliban vs India —Rafia Zakaria (Who is the worse enemy?)


Sep 29, 2009
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This article sums up my views about Pakistan's attitude towards the "War on Terror" perfectly:

COMMENT: Taliban vs India —Rafia Zakaria
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

With the Americans refusing to take sides in any part of the conflict that doesn’t suit their own national interests, little incentive remains for the Pakistanis to construct a strategy that would leave them without options after American withdrawal

As Pakistan was rocked by bomb blasts, from Lahore to Peshawar to Kohat, Hakimullah Mehsud, the new leader of the Pakistani Taliban, issued a statement threatening to dispatch Islamic militants to India once an Islamic state had been established in Pakistan. In his statement Hakimullah said: “We want an Islamic state, if we get that then we will go to the borders and fight the Indians.”

Hakimullah’s statement is noteworthy for a variety of reasons. First, included among the volley of blasts that have hit the region in the past fortnight was one that targeted the Indian Embassy in Kabul for the second time. The blast, on October 9, 2009, killed 17 people including a top Indian diplomat and brought attention again to the extent of Indian involvement in Afghanistan.

The blast came days before the Indians completed a electric transmission line from Phul-e-Khumri to Kabul, one of several projects worth $1.6 billion, making India the fifth largest donor to Afghanistan. In addition to the electric transmission line, India has also helped construct the Zaranj-Delaram Highway, which was inaugurated in January of this year. They have also funded a hundred small development projects in rural Afghanistan, designed to provide quick respite to rural populations, and five medical missions that dispense medicines to over 1,000 people a day.

However, as the caustic debate over the Kerry-Lugar Bill has illustrated here in Pakistan, no amount of good deeds and development projects come without the aid grantors expecting geo-strategic advantages. India has constructed several consulates in Afghanistan, including ones in Mazar-e Sharif, Herat, and Kandahar. In the fallout from the second attack on their embassy in Kabul, Indian officials have also re-engaged in the debate over whether India needs to send troops to Afghanistan to take care of its investments. While the consensus in India is still against such drastic action, the Indian government and its allies within the Afghan government have made no bones about pointing their fingers at the ISI as possible perpetrators of the attack.

In turn, of course, Pakistani security agencies, in the aftermath of the bombings in Lahore on October 15, 2009, have begun pointing fingers at possible Indian involvement in the attacks, instead of blaming the more obvious Taliban. Lahore Commissioner Khusro Pervez blamed the Indian agency RAW for attacks in different parts of Pakistan. Interior Minister Rehman Malik cautioned that no speculation regarding Indian involvement should be engaged in without evidence.

Indeed, in the world of allegations and counter allegations that defines the India-Pakistan relationship, evidence may be the hardest thing to come by. What cannot be denied, however, is the fact that the Taliban and the Indians are currently engaged in a grotesque competition to be crowned Pakistan’s worst enemy. In other words, the choice before Pakistan’s security agencies is to pick one of the two on which to focus its limited security resources. As is well known, the United States is pressurising Pakistan to pick the Taliban and go on all out offensive against them in both the tribal areas as well as Afghanistan. Given the merciless targeting of security forces in Lahore and the recent attack on the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, this seems undoubtedly the reasonable option to stem the seemingly irrepressible tide of bombings that is currently plaguing the country.

The argument posited by the Americans, substantiated as it is by the bloodthirstiness of the Taliban is a good one: in the era of terrorism Pakistan should get over its obsessive fear of an Indian takeover and concentrate instead on eliminating the Taliban who pose an urgent and existential threat.

Yet while the argument is convincing from a normative standpoint, its naiveté represents the biggest hole in American strategy toward the region. This was pointed out in General McChrystal’s leaked report which clearly states that increasing Indian involvement in Afghanistan a hurdle in getting Pakistan to fight the Taliban. Despite this acknowledgement, the United States refuses to take sides between India and Pakistan, continuing on one hand to maintain a close and amicable relationship with India while also expecting full co-operation from Pakistan on the war on terror.

In turn, Pakistan equally doggedly wants assurances from the United States that if it did indeed eliminate the Taliban from Afghanistan with the help of the United States, some guarantee would be provided against encirclement by India on the majority of its borders. It is this missing assurance, one that the United States cannot and will not give, that is the root of its crucial failure in both Afghanistan and Pakistan today. The Americans simply continue to hope that the mayhem caused by the Taliban will be so debilitating that Pakistan will forget about its foes on the eastern border and concentrate on the mess to the west.

Pakistanis for better or worse realise that both choices before them are inherently bad ones. They can either choose to unequivocally support the United States against the Taliban even if a pro-Indian government is installed in Kabul, encircling the country on its eastern and western borders by hostile forces. Or, they can wait and hedge their bets that some of the Taliban can be co-opted into some form of pseudo-Islamic state that appeases both their lust for power and their zeal for literalist faith.

With the Americans refusing to take sides in any part of the conflict that doesn’t suit their own national interests, little incentive remains for the Pakistanis to construct a strategy that would leave them without options after American withdrawal. Morality and reason aside, it is difficult to trust an ally that refuses to take sides against your enemy and hence the tragic reality that in a contest for most hated enemy, India may still win.

Rafia Zakaria is an attorney living in the United States where she teaches courses on Constitutional Law and Political Philosophy. She can be contacted at rafia.zakaria***********
Exactly what I think. Pakistan has a choice between cooperating with the Americans and allow India to strategically "encircle" them in Afghanistan, or support the Taliban, keep Afghanistan unstable, and keep India out of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, this also means that Pakistan will have to agree to the backward demands of the Islamists in order to keep their country free from bomb-blasts and terrorists assaults.

So what will Pakistan choose? I think that Pakistan will eventually make peace with the extremists rather than allow an India-friendly Afghanistan.
Looking at this situation, it would be hilarious, if it were not so seriously tragic. Our neighbours have lost all their logic, because just uttering the word India, seemingly makes them lose all reason and logic.

What India is doing in Afghanistan is helping that sad, broken country to get back on its feet. It is building roads, bridges, infrastructure, and doing its own part in getting a neighbour prosperous again.

And what does that charitable action induce in Pakistan? Fear, loathing and bad blood. What did we do to deserve this? If Pakistan had been a good neighbour, it would also have prospered, just by the side effect of peace, if not by direct help by India. But it chose to be paranoid about India, and look at it now - it is still caught up in a silly question of whether to support a murderous gang of thugs, that is snapping at it's own throat (the Taliban/TTP... as if there's a real difference between the two!) or a neighbour who is weary of the truant attitude of it's smaller neighbour, and is waiting since five decades for a hand of real friendship.

We extended a hand of peace and friendship so many times, but each time it was refused, and in case of Kargil, viciously bitten. What did we do to deserve this??

Why don't you guys sit back and think a bit, Is it really so difficult for you guys to see what is plain and obvious to us?
^I don't think Pakistan has any good options here at all.

On one hand, a strong pro-India Afghanistan is a threat. On the other, militant Islam is a threat.

If Pakistans are short-sighted, they will choose option 1. If they are thinking about long term interests, then they would choose option 2. Obviously, they are going to choose option 1.
Exactly what I think. Pakistan has a choice between cooperating with the Americans and allow India to strategically "encircle" them in Afghanistan, or support the Taliban, keep Afghanistan unstable, and keep India out of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, this also means that Pakistan will have to agree to the backward demands of the Islamists in order to keep their country free from bomb-blasts and terrorists assaults.

So what will Pakistan choose? I think that Pakistan will eventually make peace with the extremists rather than allow an India-friendly Afghanistan.

A to-the-point and accurate assessment of Pakistan's policy. However, fact remains that if Pakistan accepts the demands of the ultra-conservative Taliban, the only people who would suffer would be the common people of Pakistan. For India... the battle against Islamic fanaticism continues...
US wanted to involve Pakistan in this never ending war finally suceeded.

Pakistan will move 10 years more backword at least.

Hum to dobe hein tumeh bhi la dubain ghein sanam;)
Oh trust me all those Indians who are enjoying now will suffer later.Trust me it won't be easy :).Pakistan is only trying to not reach the boiling point currently due to NATO.Otherwise, Indians would be blown from left right in Afghanistan.
HINT: Even Afghans can be hired for this kind of work.
Talibans are a desperate people.They are being dealt with right now.Its not going to be easy..But Pakistan faced even worse insurgency during 90's in Karachi.
What India is doing in Afghanistan is helping that sad, broken country to get back on its feet. It is building roads, bridges, infrastructure, and doing its own part in getting a neighbour prosperous again.

Get off from the moral high horse of yours and this self righteousness. We know what India in reality is doing in Afghanistan and for what reasons.
Exactly what I think. Pakistan has a choice between cooperating with the Americans and allow India to strategically "encircle" them in Afghanistan, or support the Taliban, keep Afghanistan unstable, and keep India out of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, this also means that Pakistan will have to agree to the backward demands of the Islamists in order to keep their country free from bomb-blasts and terrorists assaults.

So what will Pakistan choose? I think that Pakistan will eventually make peace with the extremists rather than allow an India-friendly Afghanistan.

First of all TTP isnt taliban, they are just wanna be who are using the word called taliban as its a popular norm.
The real taliban were the ones under Mullah Omer and Mullah Omer have clearly stated that TTP is not one of them and certainly their agenda is different.
Pakistan will and should support factions which will provide us with a friendly neighbor in Afghanistan while on the other hand should take concrete steps against TTP and its ilks.
The option of a Islamic state in Pakistan does not stand valid as Taliban remained the rulers of Afghanistan for many years and never ever did such a situation arose and there wont be one in the near future if Mullah omer comes to power in Afghanistan.
As for the US well the time for the US to depart is pretty near and so is India who with the behest of the US is enjoying poking others.
Get off from the moral high horse of yours and this self righteousness. We know what India in reality is doing in Afghanistan and for what reasons.

Other than allegations, should you not have one proof about the incident which can be verified by an external country, even China.

One press reporter says India is using Afghanistan to encircle Pakistan. Other allege that Taliban and India are same. Infact, India is paying Taliban money to do so. During all this allegations, no one wonders what will India benefit in having a paranoid and unstable Pakistan. Wont India fear that nuclear weapons may fall into Taliban hands or that Pakistan would use that on India in haste.

Pakistan views Afghanistan as its backyard. India's friendly relationship with Afghanistan got to be directed against Pakistan. Why this paranoia ? In couple of years, India and China will conclude the border arrangement. Would you still say that, there India goes again encircling Pakistan via China.

All the previous wars we had, the one except 1971, Pakistan aggressed w.r.t to India. Even in the most recent case as Kargil, which I still fail to conceive the objective of the mission.

I cannot understand how Pakistan still prefers Taliban over India. Taliban is blowing up GHQ, whereas Indians still waiting for a positive development for their Mumbai incident orchestrated by Pakistanis.
... and so is India who with the behest of the US is enjoying poking others.

What poking??

A lie does not become a fact by repeating it 100 times. Pakistan is directly complicit in meddling in Afghanistan, as per Afghans themselves. India is only helping Afghanistan build infrastructure.

If you have anything to substantiate, do so, or else don't lie.

To me it appears to be a good strategy of pinching others and crying out loud "Teacher... this guy pinches me..." Sadly, this does not go on forever. Teacher comes to know sooner or later.
What a nonsensical premise for an article - which is the worst enemy, a bunch of terrorist thugs or a democratic secular nation. Yup i can certainly see why Pakistan faces such a difficult choice.

he blast, on October 9, 2009, killed 17 people including a top Indian diplomat and brought attention again to the extent of Indian involvement in Afghanistan.

This is inaccurate. No Indian citizens were killed during the second attack on the Indian embassy.
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Personally, I think there is no greater enemy of Pk then the ppl of Pk themselves.

They have for decades allowed themselves to be led like a herd of sheep and been so gullible that they have been led up a gum tree by the Army & Religious Fundamentalist - all the while believing that the decisions taken by them were right & in the best interests of them & the nation.

Sadly, they have had no voice in anything. The money being spent is from the taxes they pay, aid alone cannot run a country.

Till they do not stand up to be counted those at the helm will do as they myopic brains tell them while the nation suffers.
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