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Commander: Iranian Drones More Advanced than US ScanEagle

why are iranians obsessed with words "slave" and "slavery"? this is something very particular to middle easterners
why are iranians obsessed with words "slave" and "slavery"? this is something very particular to middle easterners

This is common in ME . Cos we've seen it in our country . If you are an Indian it has to be particular for you too cos none of the original Indians have forgotten the British slavery there and if forgotten its their foolishness they don't learn from history .
Your analysis is colored because of reverence of Khomeni as a "religious" personality.

My views are about Khomeni's "political" side.

He used petro-dollars to spread militant Shia-ism in Pakistan and anywhere Shias were a sizable majority. This is when Saudis were not too big on spreading their Wahabi Islam.

Unfortunately now, the religious devils released by Saudi and Iranian are killing so many innocent men, women, and children around the world.

And this political side of Khomeni is not pretty.

Hope you understand.

Khomeni's government is a clear proof that state and religion must be separated.


You are just judging while you don't know anything . Khomeini never spread shia and sunni . He even asked muslims to unity against the west .

I don't appreciate him or his way cos of religious stuffs . what he did was ending hopelessness between Muslims , He just taught
the Iranian youth to stop dying for western culture , development and he taught them to stand on their feet , bring and create their own patterns . many people say he was an ice age man with religious beliefs while he was the one asked Iranians to study as most people were uneducated . I don't need to write about Wahhabi leaders cos it's their religion that is against shias and its again their religion that has freed killing shias .

I don't blame any one for judging Khomeini even if that's a blind judgement cos I can't expect a person , living in a secular or western liberal country to understand his thoughts . But I ask Muslims to read about him and his thoughts however I doubt if they can find his books in Arabian countries mostly Sunni countries as it should be forbidden by their kings .

You'd better read about this man first then judging him .
LOL yeah sure. Why copied an obsolete drone if you claim yours is more advanced as you said?
This just shows that if Iran was peaceful citizen of the world, it would do so much better.

Unfortunately this beautiful country is being ruled by mad-Mullahs.


But still better than those zardari's , mushraff's and nawaz's who rule our own country.... You are talking like you are living in a most peaceful country ruled by some genius brains allergic to violence and born without the word madness in their dictionary

Wait! You guys didn't have one? Sheesh! Thought you guys were so advanced...

we have ... a little heavy & expensive ...

wait a min !!!

if you are so faking advanced save your toys ...

anyway !!! thanks for nano SAR ... :D

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