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'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali, hinted attack on Bangladesh or West Bengal

I think Indian police and administration are way too loosey goosey with these terrorist outfits. Seems like they have given up.

Where is the equivalent of Indian Rapid action forces i.e. SWAT teams with training and equipment to match?? These terrorists are finding safe haven in India now.

Sorry, we neither have the capacity nor capability to maintain such forces. I guess our efficient neigbhours can provide a helping hand during the time of need? :-)
Is it not this ISIL propaganda quite a dangerous threat to BD after it has successfully destructed Churches and hotels in SL? I wonder, how ISIL or other fanatic groups can so thoroughly brainwash people to kill innocent people?

Another false flag operations being planned and advertised during the Indian elections by Hindutva lunatics. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and other militant groups claiming to be Muslim are actually financed, trained and equipped by the Zionists and orchestrate terrorism to defame Islam and Muslims. They target vulnerable and easily manipulated people to carry out these attacks in order to create anti-Muslim hysteria around the world.
Write this down, "ISIS" will do terrorist activities in all of India's neighboring countries

Its quite interesting that after ISIL was defeated, it surfaced in all countries neighbing india.

the benefits of Israeli friendship
Write this down, "ISIS" will do terrorist activities in all of India's neighboring countries

the benefits of Israeli friendship
Not friendship, it is Israeli sponsorship that ISIL has been getting all along.
Wild boars? Elaborate please...
After Pathankot attack Indian forces claim that two terrorists went into nearby jungle and they are tracking them but after two days they found that they are chasing wild boars :lol:
They issue every now and then, all countries should be vigilant anyways.
Three years ago, local JMB sleeper cells had put up posters in several districts of West Bengal asking the youth to join the terrorist organisation.

@Bilal9 and Black_cats, contrary to earlier decades in South Asia when many Muslim middle-class youths were secular and some even looked at socialism as the solution to their problems, many current middle-class Muslim youth are besotted with the Tableeghi Jamaats and the TJs find their followers among school / college students and "normal" professionals.

The TJs are the stepping stones to joining terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and joining up NATO-initiated wars like in Syria.

What the Bangladeshi government and the West Bengal government should do is crack down on the TJs, ban them and educate the youth and the community at large that this new love for the Tjs is actually contrary to the teachings of Islam and contrary to peace co-existence with the people of other communities.
We have been screaming our lungs out for so long in Assam about the alien infestation. I pray to God that he reserves a special place in hell for our local politicians to rot away that made this possible. All the ground work during Axom Andolan have been laid to waste for the lure of increasing their vote bank. If these jihadi scums even plan to attack my state i promise that it will be 80s and 90s all over again. Neither Assam nor any part of India should tolerate these douchebags.
We have been screaming our lungs out for so long in Assam about the alien infestation. I pray to God that he reserves a special place in hell for our local politicians to rot away that made this possible. All the ground work during Axom Andolan have been laid to waste for the lure of increasing their vote bank. If these jihadi scums even plan to attack my state i promise that it will be 80s and 90s all over again. Neither Assam nor any part of India should tolerate these douchebags.

If you are talking about Bangladeshis, the Rohingyas, Bengali Muslims or local Muslims then stop being a racist.
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Is it not this ISIL propaganda quite a dangerous threat to BD after it has successfully destructed Churches and hotels in SL? I wonder, how ISIL or other fanatic groups can so thoroughly brainwash people to kill innocent people?
View attachment 556328

I believe there are bigger players behind the scenes
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If you are talking about Bangladeshis, the Rohingyas or even Bengali Muslims then stop being a racist.
Why? Are you too in cahoots with them? When are we effing going to wake up and smell the coffee. We have no issues with the Bengalis, both Hindus and Muslims, our state has a huge Bengali population and it's a state language too down south. It is the illegal Bangladeshis that have been sneaking into our lands, staying aloof in ghettos, stealing our jobs and consuming our resources.

I don't expect you too follow news from Assam but Wahabi scums indulging in radical Islam is exponentially growing, and many of them have been arrested here trying to plot terror.

We have a matrilineal society in north east, violence against women is almost non existent unlike in rest of India, but these scumbags are destroying our social fabric. If i am a racist for pointing this out, then i will wear the badge proudly.
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