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'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali, hinted attack on Bangladesh or West Bengal

@Bilal9 and Black_cats, contrary to earlier decades in South Asia when many Muslim middle-class youths were secular and some even looked at socialism as the solution to their problems, many current middle-class Muslim youth are besotted with the Tableeghi Jamaats and the TJs find their followers among school / college students and "normal" professionals.

The TJs are the stepping stones to joining terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and joining up NATO-initiated wars like in Syria.

What the Bangladeshi government and the West Bengal government should do is crack down on the TJs, ban them and educate the youth and the community at large that this new love for the Tjs is actually contrary to the teachings of Islam and contrary to peace co-existence with the people of other communities.

Thanks. I believe the govt. is quite vigilant watching the TJ's and and Madrassah outfits.
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