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'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali, hinted attack on Bangladesh or West Bengal

Desperate much? Or did the ill conceived plan backfire..
What we think today, you will think one week later... :D

Anyway, why dont you issue threats against us anymore?

@waz @Oscar @Horus can you please mute this crying b!tch for the time being. It’s getting annoyed. Calling others IS admirer and asked to blow up. Making religious comment not allowed. Otherwise these hindutva trolls would be shown their real face.
Oi, let this gandu cry. Im missing lalgiri. This bloke isnt bright enough...
@waz @Horus @Oscar can you please deal with these two racial bigots in any way that you deem fit. Insulting people's race and ethnicity is no joke and shouldn't be allowed in any public discourse. Regards.

What we think today, you will think one week later... :D

Anyway, why dont you issue threats against us anymore?

Oi, let this gandu cry. Im missing lalgiri. This bloke isnt bright enough...
Reported for gender based slur. Jeez, you people are the epitome of filth.
Oops, Im busted. Want to issue any threat for that?
The obnoxious stench emanating from your rotten selves pretty much covers that aspect.

Oops, Im busted. Want to issue any threat for that?

Want to issue any threat for this serious crime sir?
Take your own sweet time before typing, don't commit harakiri.
Okay, since I don't know the Assamese language I cannot translate what the other facebook users have written but the first person's post does not make reference to any flood relief but makes an insulting reference to her being a Muslim ( "Khilonzia" and "Miyani" ) :

As fas as I know, Khilonziya means Native. This term is used exclusively whom they consider son of soil of Assam. On the other hand, Miyani is perhaps female verson of the word 'Miya', which they use to indicate Bangladeshi origin Muslims.

The truth is, almost all the Muslims in Assam has their roots in present Bangladesh. Migrated there in the last several hundreds of years. Biggest number during the British period. Assam originally was almost devoid of any Muslim few hundreds of years ago. It was mostly forested. A lot of Muslim peasants from East Bengal gone there under state patronage, cleared the forest and started farming there. Earlier wave of Muslim settlers assimilated into Assamese language and now known as Assamese Muslim but newer, bigger waves in late British period retained their Bengali language and culture. So calling this girl, illegal Bangladeshi is false surely, but Miyani is right. At some point of history, her ancestors migrated from current Bangladesh.
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Indians are quite active in all around their neighborhood. Pakistan, Mayanmar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, ...

'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali
Raj Shekhar | TNN | Updated: Apr 27, 2019, 11:43 IST
ISIS flag

  • A pro-IS Telegram channel has released a poster in Bengali saying “Coming Soon”.
  • Sources in an intelligence agency confirmed that such a poster was in circulation and that it was being looked into.
NEW DELHI: Indicating that Islamic State could be planning an attack in Bangladesh or West Bengal, a pro-IS Telegram channel has released a poster in Bengali saying “Coming Soon”. Sources in an intelligence agency confirmed that such a poster was in circulation and that it was being looked into.

The poster, released on Thursday night, reads “Shighroi Aschhe (coming soon), Inshallah..” and has the logo of a group called al Mursalat. Agencies have taken the poster seriously as the IS has just carried out deadly serial blasts in Sri Lanka through local outfit Tawheed Jamaat.

Bangladesh already has a strong Islamic State presence with a section of local terrorist organisation named Jamatul Mujahideen (New-JMB) being affiliated to ISIS Central.

However, JMB operatives have also been known to frequent Kolkata and others parts of West Bengal and neighbouring states for recruitment and establishing hideouts.

In February this year, a JMB operative, Ariful Islam, was arrested from the Babughat area in Kolkata. He was one of the accomplices in the Bodh Gaya blast, which took place in 2018. Earlier, JMB had set up a module in Assam as well and the arrested operatives had disclosed that the outfit was using Chirang area of Lower Assam district as a training centre, an officer recalled.

Last July, US agency FBI had interrogated ISIS-JMB terrorist Mohammed Musiruddin a.k.a Musa arrested by the West Bengal CID from a train at Burdwan station. Musiruddin, who had been hiding for a long time in Tamil Nadu's Tirupur district, had revealed his links with Amjad Sheikh, a key member of the JMB, arrested in 2014 in connection with the Khagragarh twin blast case. Three years ago, local JMB sleeper cells had put up posters in several districts of West Bengal asking the youth to join the terrorist organisation.

Read the article posted above to bust all your hindutva myths and bubble. All your questions are answered with facts, figures and explanation. The article is posted in Reuter’s and sourced from Hindu statistics professor of Assam who was part of illegal immigrant movement. He himself declared its myth. No stat support such claim.

Fact check: Are illegal Bangladeshi migrants responsible for increase in Assam's Muslim population?

As National Register of Citizens is updated to identify illegal immigrants, a former statistics professor’s book busts a few myths about the state’s demography.


I am also saying the same... Wait for NRC to reach its logical conclusion.... The article is a typical leftist made by Azaz Ashraf, an expert in pick and choose data writer. If I am hindutva propagandist, I am sorry, but you will be hard faced to convince "my real namesakes" in debates. You are yet to answer even one of my questions in my previous posts...

Even if I go by the article, and if Muslims in UP, Bihar, Maharastra, Andhra, Gujarat has a same 70+ growth rate, why is their growth of their percentage wrt to total state population has grown marginally like 3-5%, while it is 8 and 12% higher in WB and Assam?

Scroll in is not exactly an article you would show in anybody's face to prove something.. Calm down and wait for NRC to reach its logical conclusion... Every Indian citizen, including our own Bengali Muslims will get justice who got settled before 1971... Well others wont be so lucky, as SC is monitering it and wont allow govt to regularize. The max the govt will do is make them stateless if they cannot prove their citizenship or move to Bengal making another NRC in Bengal possible....
I am also saying the same... Wait for NRC to reach its logical conclusion.... The article is a typical leftist made by Azaz Ashraf, an expert in pick and choose data writer. If I am hindutva propagandist, I am sorry, but you will be hard faced to convince "my real namesakes" in debates. You are yet to answer even one of my questions in my previous posts...

Even if I go by the article, and if Muslims in UP, Bihar, Maharastra, Andhra, Gujarat has a same 70+ growth rate, why is their growth of their percentage wrt to total state population has grown marginally like 3-5%, while it is 8 and 12% higher in WB and Assam?

Scroll in is not exactly an article you would show in anybody's face to prove something.. Calm down and wait for NRC to reach its logical conclusion... Every Indian citizen, including our own Bengali Muslims will get justice who got settled before 1971... Well others wont be so lucky, as SC is monitering it and wont allow govt to regularize. The max the govt will do is make them stateless if they cannot prove their citizenship or move to Bengal making another NRC in Bengal possible....

Go there. Answer is self explanatory. It’s population growth from 1971-1991. In 1980s many Hindus moved out of Assam so their growth rate is low 45% compared to Muslims 78% which resulted more growth percentage wise for Muslim. But Muslim growth is similar to all across India.

The article even pointed out some tribals had higher than Muslim growth rate. The area on average has high Muslim growth are extremely poor and has lower literacy rate which linked to the reason.

Since 1910 Muslim growth are uniform. 1951 there was a dip as many moved to Bangladesh. Same happened between 1961-1971. Rest are there as well for comparison.

To summarize lower growth rate of Hindu is the reason for higher Muslim growth. In other states Muslim and Hindu growth rate are similar or Hindus did not moved out of the state so Muslim did not increase by big margin.
Go there. Answer is self explanatory. It’s population growth from 1971-1991. In 1980s many Hindus moved out of Assam so their growth rate is low 45% compared to Muslims 78% which resulted more growth percentage wise for Muslim. But Muslim growth is similar to all across India.

The article even pointed out some tribals had higher than Muslim growth rate. The area on average has high Muslim growth are extremely poor and has lower literacy rate which linked to the reason.

Since 1910 Muslim growth are uniform. 1951 there was a dip as many moved to Bangladesh. Same happened between 1961-1971. Rest are there as well for comparison.

To summarize lower growth rate of Hindu is the reason for higher Muslim growth. In other states Muslim and Hindu growth rate are similar or Hindus did not moved out of the state so Muslim did not increase by big margin.

That is your possible explanation which I simply cant accept why 10% of the Hindu population would move out of Assam for job opportunities when there is no migration of Hindus from any other "poor" state except Kashmir... Why is the Muslims wont migrate for better economic prospect and Hindus alone? See the one sided stand of yours?

And I dont even know why you guys are even interested in proving these guys are Indian citizens.... They are not your concern... Realistically speaking, even if NRC can prove they are not Indian citizens, they cannot be proven they are Bangladeshi citizens... THey would have destroyed long back their id if they had any...

As for this thread, I really admire the way BD fights ISIS. As a Muslim majority state it has no inhibition on whom they arrest and prosecute. The game isnt the same in India. We have political parties having Muslims as vote banks and its tough for police to bring in people for suspicion... In BD it aint a issue as everyone involved are Muslims.. SL is now arresting people left, right and centre and it doesnt care on what its liberal brigade think.. Same is for China.. India isnt the same.. And i hope our political parties set aside their differences for the sake of security of its people...
That is your possible explanation which I simply cant accept why 10% of the Hindu population would move out of Assam for job opportunities when there is no migration of Hindus from any other "poor" state except Kashmir... Why is the Muslims wont migrate for better economic prospect and Hindus alone? See the one sided stand of yours?

And I dont even know why you guys are even interested in proving these guys are Indian citizens.... They are not your concern... Realistically speaking, even if NRC can prove they are not Indian citizens, they cannot be proven they are Bangladeshi citizens... THey would have destroyed long back their id if they had any...

As for this thread, I really admire the way BD fights ISIS. As a Muslim majority state it has no inhibition on whom they arrest and prosecute. The game isnt the same in India. We have political parties having Muslims as vote banks and its tough for police to bring in people for suspicion... In BD it aint a issue as everyone involved are Muslims.. SL is now arresting people left, right and centre and it doesnt care on what its liberal brigade think.. Same is for China.. India isnt the same.. And i hope our political parties set aside their differences for the sake of security of its people...

For that go back and check communal unrest in Assam. Why Hindu population increased less has no reason to co-relate with uniform Muslim growth all across India. There are no abnormal spike which suggest illegal migration that’s the main point. Most importantly other tribes and Christians had higher growth than Muslim in different parts of Assam. For sure there are no issues of Bangladesh or questioning that part.

This graph is self explanatory. The poor region of Assam with low literacy rate experienced higher growth rate of population though Christian and Tribals had higher growth than Muslim between 1971-1991.

Only Lakhimpur and Dimahasao had an abnormal spike. However I am quite sure Muslim population was very low in those region which resulted these spike and despite the spike Muslim population was low.

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