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'Coming soon', says Islamic State poster in Bengali, hinted attack on Bangladesh or West Bengal

Why? Are you too in cahoots with them? When are we effing going to wake up and smell the coffee. We have no issues with the Bengalis, both Hindus and Muslims, our state has a huge Bengali population and it's a state language too down south. It is the illegal Bangladeshis that have been sneaking into our lands, staying aloof in ghettos, stealing our jobs and consuming our resources.

I don't expect you too follow news from Assam but Wahabi scums indulging in radical Islam is exponentially growing, and many of them have been arrested here trying to plot terror.

We have a matrilineal society in north east, violence against women is almost non existent unlike in rest of India, but these scumbags are destroying our social fabric. If i am a racist for pointing this out, then i will wear the badge proudly.

Okay, you make valid points but there are also tragic cases like the Assamese singer Nahid Afrin ( a Muslim ) being called a Bangladeshi on one hand and on the other the mullahs passing fatwas against her singings
Okay, you make valid points but there are also tragic cases like the Assamese singer Nahid Afrin ( a Muslim ) being called a Bangladeshi on one hand and on the other the mullahs passing fatwas against her singings
Why on the earth are you blaming us Assamese for fatwas issued by mullahs on the talented kid? I don't watch television but this i darn well know that she is liked by one and all. I know little about Islam but these preachers are an abomination, and we have seen their kind spring in all corners.
SF, infact even Pak doesnt have any force like this. National Security Guards aka Black Cats.
Every police chapter in each state is it's on CTU.

Is it not this ISIL propaganda quite a dangerous threat to BD after it has successfully destructed Churches and hotels in SL? I wonder, how ISIL or other fanatic groups can so thoroughly brainwash people to kill innocent people?
View attachment 556328

They use drugs for altering their mind.
Its R&AW in the garb of ISIS.
Yes and it's so easy for you to tell. We live amongst them and know the ground realities. But this i assure you and you may take a timestamp if anything untoward happens because of 'them' the reaction will be swift and vicious.
These Isis pigs have been wiped out in Iraq and Syria, losing close to 100k fighters in the process. Now they want to terrorise the world by radicalising Muslims online.
Truly disgusting creatures...!
These Isis pigs have been wiped out in Iraq and Syria, losing close to 100k fighters in the process. Now they want to terrorise the world by radicalising Muslims online.
Truly disgusting creatures...!

IS will never be gone, before that they were called the Syrian rebels and Al-Nusra, before that they were called the Iraqi insurgency, before that they were Al-Qaeda.

The large Sunni populations of Iraq and Syria are not happy with being ruled by those from other sects. It was always a time bomb waiting to go off.

Is it a surprise that every time it is killed off, another one rises in its place with a slightly different name. They are trying to kill the head of the hydra without asking why the hydra exists in the first place.

Now the USA is building an armed Kurdish state in northern Syria, just wait until the Kurds start working on what they consider to be their land in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It will be an even worse bloodbath than before.
IS will never be gone, before that they were called the Syrian rebels and Al-Nusra, before that they were called the Iraqi insurgency, before that they were Al-Qaeda.

The large Sunni populations of Iraq and Syria are not happy with being ruled by those from other sects. It was always a time bomb waiting to go off.

Is it a surprise that every time it is killed off, another one rises in its place with a slightly different name. They are trying to kill the head of the hydra without asking why the hydra exists in the first place.

Now the USA is building an armed Kurdish state in northern Syria, just wait until the Kurds start working on what they consider to be their land in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It will be an even worse bloodbath than before.
Forget just for a moment the various nation states, what is the common denominator, that feeds the base from which the hydra heads sprout. Whose responsibility must it be to contain it atleast, those who are not even remotely linked to it.. I envy you Chinese for a lot of things, not least how you have managed to withhold the Beast.
Radicalism exists everywhere. I am for beinging them into body politic... give them latitude, provide broad based education which is the best way to combat radicalism.

Mailed fist should be the last resort and applied judiciously.
Why on the earth are you blaming us Assamese for fatwas issued by mullahs on the talented kid? I don't watch television but this i darn well know that she is liked by one and all. I know little about Islam but these preachers are an abomination, and we have seen their kind spring in all corners.


The large Sunni populations of Iraq and Syria are not happy with being ruled by those from other sects. It was always a time bomb waiting to go off.

There was not much of inter-sectarian conflict in Syria before 2011. The President's wife is Sunni and if you look at Syria's military and government you will see a mix of religions and sects.

There was not much of inter-sectarian conflict in Syria before 2011. The President's wife is Sunni and if you look at Syria's military and government you will see a mix of religions and sects.
That was one internet warrior claiming that she would do nothing after winning the competition towards flood relief when the entire state was reeling under the calamity. The retorts by other users show the real face of Assam, one facebook user versus 5 others in this post and 5 million in real life. What are you trying to prove?
That was one internet warrior claiming that she would do nothing after winning the competition towards flood relief when the entire state was reeling under the calamity. The retorts by other users show the real face of Assam, one facebook user versus 5 others in this post and 5 million in real life. What are you trying to prove?

Okay, since I don't know the Assamese language I cannot translate what the other facebook users have written but the first person's post does not make reference to any flood relief but makes an insulting reference to her being a Muslim ( "Khilonzia" and "Miyani" ) :

Okay, since I don't know the Assamese language I cannot translate what the other facebook users have written but the first person's post does not make reference to any flood relief ;

It doesn't, and for your information that suffix Chao refers to the heavenly figures in Tai-Ahom, and that bloke whoever he might be is a disgrace for us. And you are going to take that random post against us? If so, may i start quoting the numerous posts made be the illegal Bangladeshis against our culture and country from the same Facebook from my repository?!
Its R&AW in the garb of ISIS.

Looks like RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW propaganda ............. please add some more masala.

These Isis pigs have been wiped out in Iraq and Syria, losing close to 100k fighters in the process. Now they want to terrorise the world by radicalising Muslims online.
Truly disgusting creatures...!
ISIS is not simply a group its a mentality, the issue is more deep rooted. Its an ideology just like nazism , getting rid of it be difficult.
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