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COMET LANDING- Europe set to make space history today!!

Now they have decided where to land it...

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Dilettante is my fav pet word :D
WoW !! This was an awesome post thanks,though i wonder how did they calculate weight of its head,and also why did they choose to land it on the front portion of its head,maybe because it's looking towards sun which would keep its batteries charged and because it has few slopes,maybe.
which is that probe??
"solar probe plus'' this project has been delayed but is expected to be launched by 2018.it would be the closest approach to the red giant.
Solar Probe Plus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
your last few words are correct... "all that we are doing to our surroundings and our fellow beings".

humanity's problems are simple... they are social and political... (a). existence of money system, (b). existence of national governments, nationalism, and the consequent wars, (c). anti-human cultural practices, (d). the obsolete family system.

if we remove even the first three, most of humanity's problems will vanish immediately... those problems are not from nature... adoption of the idea of "communist humanity" will leave us with all the time to pursue exploration of space... simple... those who refuse communism are the ones who stubbornly prolong socio-political problems.

The idea of how to get rid of these problems, or, even the views about what exactly are the reasons of humanity's problem may differ from person to person but no one can deny the fact that in today's world we face a lot of issues that need to be resolved. We cannot call reaching space an advancement for humanity as long as we have not solved our problems at home. It is good for science exploration but is not the solution of the basic problems that we and our world face today.
@levina do you know that time lag for one way communciation to rosetta and philae??
But @jamahir Philae cannot send its data to Earth directly ..it must do it via Rosetta.And that might take 2 hrs.
But @jamahir Philae cannot send its data to Earth directly ..it must do it via Rosetta.

yes... that is why i separately mentioned philae... :-) on earth, using satellite phones i think has a delay of a few milliseconds... and earth-moon communications is 1.3 seconds one-way, i think.

And that might take 2 hrs.

one-way?? cannot be...
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