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Comedy in Pakistan: Who’d have thought?

Another similar article on her experience in Pakistan .


Halal comedy? You might as well ask for halal bacon | Shazia Mirza | Comment is free | The Guardian

In all the countries that I have travelled to to perform standup comedy – the United States being a regular destination – I have never been held up or interrogated at customs. Or I hadn't,
until I arrived in Pakistan last week.

I spent six hours at Lahore customs, as I did not have a visa in my British passport to enter the country. The people who organised my gig had
mistakenly assumed that because my parents were born in Pakistan and I too am brown, they would automatically let me in.

The customs officer asked: "Are you Pakistani?" Yes. "Where were you born?" England. "That makes you a foreigner." I get called a foreigner in my parents' country of birth, and I get called a foreigner in my own country of birth.

He looked through my passport, which is filled with US visas. He said: "Are you a spy?" No, I'm a standup comedian. "What's that?" I tell jokes.
"And will you be doing that in this country?" Yes. "Oh, is this the entertainment for the Taliban?" he
asked, quite seriously. No, I replied.
He said: "What I should do is deport you, but if you give me $100,
I'll see what I can do."
I paid it. I got in.

My first performance took place at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (Lums). The audience was made up mainly of lecturers and
students, and as I arrived I was told:
"Don't worry about performing – we've stepped up security because peopleknew you were coming."
The fact that there needed to be security at all to tell jokes indicated danger. Pakistan is a sexually repressed country, and that is the root of many
of its problems.

The last time I performed in Lahore I was told: "You can talk about anything you like – religion, politics, drugs, you can swear and curse, just don't mention 'The Sex'."
Any sexual words or connotations werebanned – because in Pakistan there is no mention of sex on television, radio, or in public.

In Lahore this time I am told by armed security personnel before going on stage: "Be careful, it's best you only do halal comedy." Halal comedy? There is no such thing. That's like saying, I only
eat halal bacon.

I had some requests from members of the audience who came to my dressing room before the show to ask me specifically to do jokes about sex and religion. Which is what I had
intended to do, anyway.
After the gig I had to have two armed bodyguards outside my bedroom while I slept. (That's no use: I need uniformed men in my bed, not outside

I then went to perform two hours away in Karachi. The audience consisted of young people, old people, women in burqas and groups of men – all sitting on the floor together. The doors were locked as soon as all the audience were in, and once again armed security
guards stood outside.

On arrival I was told by the organiser:
"The Pakistani Taliban are infiltrating down to the outskirts of Karachi now, so be careful with what you say. It's best not to talk about religion, or sex,
and don't mention the word "gay"." Why? "Because gay doesn't exist in Pakistan," she explained.

Pakistan believes it has freedom of speech, but the only freedom you have is to comply with the speech they want to hear. She continued: "There is a law against making any jokes about
President Zardari. You cannot make any jokes about him in public and you are not allowed to text any jokes to your friends about him, otherwise you will be put in prison."

When you tell a comedian not to do something, well. I made a joke about President Zardari. The audience loved it. They laughed like they had never laughed before.

The people in authority in Pakistan are telling the public what they can and cannot say, how to behave and what to wear – and this is totally incongruous with what the people really want. All
the things the audience laughed at are the things they are most repressed about. Jokes about sex, religion and politics got the most laughter.

After the show I was invited to a party.
I walked in, to be offered a joint of marijuana, followed by a joint of opium, followed by vodka and then a discussion on ****.

I was asked: "What's your favourite **** film?" I have never watched ****. I tried to lie but I couldn't think of a **** movie, so I told the truth: I've never watched ****. This was met with "You've never watched ****?
Let us show you some!"

A collection of 600 films was pulled out from behind the bookcase. I was then offered a male Russian hooker for the night.

There it is – the hypocrisy of a sexually repressed, censored society: I can't say "gay" on stage, but after the show, opium and prostitutes are on offer.

She is an Idiot.

How can you travel to a foreign country without a visa.

UK does not have a bilateral visa waiver program with Pakistan.

Neither does the US. When I travel to Pakistan. I travel with two passports ( a Pakistani and a US Passport ).

I enter Pakistan on my US Passport and come back on my US Passport.

If I show up at the Pakistani immigration with no Pakistani visa on my US Passport or a Overseas Pakistani origin National ID card or a Pakistani Passport, they have a right to deport me, even though I am Pakistani by birth as per my US Passport.

Even an Idiot would know that.

I am not too impressed by Shazia Khan. She lacks common sense.
I didnt know British passport holders needed a visa into US.... :unsure: thought they roamed around the world like the owned it except some parts of Asia...

only for common wealth countries, there is no wealth left but there must be something common
Indians would grab onto any straw in a desperate attempt to beg for a word of praise from other countries. The things she has mentioned are fabricated lies on purpose, to create drama and excite the Indian fan-boys here. Let me explain to you how.

First off, you can never lie and get away from US immigration now especially after 9/11. What do you think happens when they have long visa processing times? They investigate you, your family members, countries you have visited, and every affiliation you have had with any group. If your processing has been quick, its not that you were lucky because investigator was feeling generous, its because in their network of information your connections and you were clean.

I remember what my father told me once when he applied for a US visa to come visit me at my graduation. The officer at US embassy told him, your son drives a jeep, does he like it? So thats just an officer at embassy expect much more information from immigration.

I have traveled out and into US more than 7 times, and two times I had to wait in line. All the times I saw people from all nationalities forget Indians, even Australians were there. You just cannot expect to call yourself Indian and get away with questioning, they already know all your details and nationalities don't help. Immigration at airports is a way to verify your identity and physical presence, your background research has already been done.

Only if people had a brain to think before posting dreams of praise, they'd avoid a tonn of humiliation.
I am 99.9% sure this woman is a pathological liar.
I am 99.9% sure this woman is a pathological liar.

Good choice of word , heard of it many times by Richard Clarke about Pakistanis .

Buddy stereotypes comedy can only be enjoyed if you come out of your comfort zone
Bull crap another scum indian taking a cheap shot at Pakistan. Looking at her face I can fully understand why the immigration officer laughed so much hahaha
PS: Indians seem to be spending way to much time reading dawn...
Right! Because it is the most balanced, objective news paper/website in Pakistan that has the best editorials and knowledgeable journalists who know what the heck they're talking about.

Contrast it to your 'Rupee News' crap and dozens of similar tabloids that are a laugh riot!!! :sick:
Why does she wears hijab sometimes and not wear it other times?


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