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Cobra Helicopter AH-1F SQD Transferred to Pakistan

And what is the guarantee that US will provide there latest machinery to PAK and will not show their back as their history is full of bluffs plus till today they didnot provide us with their latest technology rather than the old one apart from f-16's that was only because we were then fighting against Soviet Union

I personally think judging by the tone of the Obama Administration and the US Military leadership that in order to maintain stability in South and Central Asia and to destroy Al Qaeda, a strong partnership with Pakistan is needed.

US has realized it was a mistake to abandon Pakistan after the Soviets withdrew and I am sure they won't make the same mistake again.

But we do have to realize that US will never give us any weaponry which will give us the edge over India. India simply has too much global clout and for US economy to big of a market to pass up over Pakistan. We need to rely on China for these weapon acquisitions.

But US can provide us with weaponry to modernize our armed forces for counter-insurgency warfare such as new Gunships, Artillery, Missiles, etc.
Jordanian Army is getting rid of these Cobras because they are getting the Apache Gunships.

Cobras are a deadly platform...just ask the Taliban who are on the receiving end of these machines.

These Jordanian Cobras meets Pakistan's short term needs. US will provide us with AH-1Z Super Cobras (Vipers) in 2015 and then we replace our Cobras with a fleet of these AH-1Z.

Only the Pakistan Army and US Marines will fly the AH-1Z.


Exactly i am also waiting for that AH1Z these are seriously AMAZING machine!!! More aggressive.. Hope Pakistan will get 100 + eithers its from FMS or Own payed but hope Pakistan Army will get 100 of AH1Z Cobra's

Sorry but now adays i am also want to become AZAD PAKISTAN :D:D kiddin but yes i love Cobra Gunship AH1Z ;) its crAzy
I personally think judging by the tone of the Obama Administration and the US Military leadership that in order to maintain stability in South and Central Asia and to destroy Al Qaeda, a strong partnership with Pakistan is needed.

US has realized it was a mistake to abandon Pakistan after the Soviets withdrew and I am sure they won't make the same mistake again.

But we do have to realize that US will never give us any weaponry which will give us the edge over India. India simply has too much global clout and for US economy to big of a market to pass up over Pakistan. We need to rely on China for these weapon acquisitions.

But US can provide us with weaponry to modernize our armed forces for counter-insurgency warfare such as new Gunships, Artillery, Missiles, etc.

And that my friend is the ground reality. Very aptly put indeed!

What we can do and should do is to understand these converging interests of our neighbor and USA and work our way around it.

There are a number of things that Pakistan can do to hold its own against India viz a viz USA.

One thing we should not do is to overtly keep on playing our nuclear card on international forums. Nuclear Pakistan is a reality and all understand it -- there is no need to go around chest thumping on it. Instead use the "China" card intelligently against US and India. China today needs us as badly as US does.

All the defense equipment is not an issue if we have the money. The French, Germans, Italians, and for that matter the US companies would come running.

The trick is to gain economic leverage through US for US & EU market. China can help us penetrate the African markets.

We need to build space for economic recovery. Let the industrious Pakistani do the rest -- we will have enough money to buy what ever we want and when ever we want.

I am afraid -- negotiations with US are not centered around economic access!!!!:pakistan:
AH-1S = 18 current as 2 have been lost.(to be upgraded to 1F)
AH-1S = 16 from RJAF (to be upgraded to 1F)
Total = 34

AH-1F = 12 current

Total = 55 Cobras (1S & 1F) operational.

20+13 = 33 to be used for spares.

As far as I know and based upon my research, 40 AH1-F were given from US EDA and they were delivered. I think half were used for spares by PA.

The original 20 were down to 18. The so called 16 RJAF are not RJAF helos at all but US Army pre-postioned stocks in Jordan.

So the total might be like this:

20(-2)+40 (-20)+16= 54 (Both F & S models)

Fatman; thanks for clearing up things.:tup:
Many pakistani friends is not vary happy about getting old cobra from USA BUT......

Pakistan don't required Super cobra to fight ageist Taliban and terrorists. Simple cobra is more then enough for them...

But yes if thinking on other point of view like fighting against India then Super cobra comes handy.

and as long as i know usa is giving this cobra to help pakistani force to fight against Taliban and terrorists, so Pakistan should be thankful to USA for giving this capable war machine to Pakistani force :)
Many pakistani friends is not vary happy about getting old cobra from USA BUT......

Pakistan don't required Super cobra to fight ageist Taliban and terrorists. Simple cobra is more then enough for them...

But yes if thinking on other point of view like fighting against India then Super cobra comes handy.

and as long as i know usa is giving this cobra to help pakistani force to fight against Taliban and terrorists, so Pakistan should be thankful to USA for giving this capable war machine to Pakistani force :)

Not a valid argument, US used B52 in Afghanistan and plus Apache. India shouldn't feel insecure against these minor addition in Pak army. Look at Indian weapon buying spree and Pakistan...Can raise same argument, India don't need SU30 adn TU bombers, who is the enemy?
Many pakistani friends is not vary happy about getting old cobra from USA BUT......

Pakistan don't required Super cobra to fight ageist Taliban and terrorists. Simple cobra is more then enough for them...

But yes if thinking on other point of view like fighting against India then Super cobra comes handy.

and as long as i know usa is giving this cobra to help pakistani force to fight against Taliban and terrorists, so Pakistan should be thankful to USA for giving this capable war machine to Pakistani force :)

Well if we are going to induct gunships in our army might as well get Super Cobra , and upgrade and get trained at same time

I think the advantage is just moderniztion in due time not like 20 years later etc ... and I think we deserve the super cobras based on the work our army has put up fighting talibans

Our thinking is due to spareparts and replacements , we ideally want to fly a fleet which has ample parts available .... you know helo accidents are lethal you can't eject safely many times ...

So from security and safty prespective , its in our best interest to get Super Cobra Gun ships in 2015 not alot just 30-36 ships for our border missions or for army units

The bottom line is safety of pilots obviously and also maintainability of parts for the ships
I personally think judging by the tone of the Obama Administration and the US Military leadership that in order to maintain stability in South and Central Asia and to destroy Al Qaeda, a strong partnership with Pakistan is needed.

US has realized it was a mistake to abandon Pakistan after the Soviets withdrew and I am sure they won't make the same mistake again.

But we do have to realize that US will never give us any weaponry which will give us the edge over India. India simply has too much global clout and for US economy to big of a market to pass up over Pakistan. We need to rely on China for these weapon acquisitions.

But US can provide us with weaponry to modernize our armed forces for counter-insurgency warfare such as new Gunships, Artillery, Missiles, etc.

.....and F-16s!!!:pakistan::usflag:
AH-1Z Viper

the missile on the edge is ....... ???? is it the sidewinder

pakistan should buy these

Is that thing in its nose Areal refueling Stuff?

This is AADS (Airspeed and Directional Sensor).


For more information goto AH-1F Aircraft System

I have not seen any Cobra's fitted with refueling receptacle, though i could be wrong.

I think Pakistan should wait out for the T-129 and just keep asking for cobras and super cobras as stop gaps. Though the AH-1Z would also be a great option but T-129 will be available before that time.
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Both are excellent platforms and yes ATAK will be available before AH-1Z and Turk friends are offering us a good deal. Either way, both machines are on par with each other.
yes T 129 is better tha cobra more latest sensors and engines and weapon system
These are not gonna be Jordanian Helos, hopefully.

US has stored a lot of military equipment in many middle eastern and other arab countries to any future military conflict. Jordan, Israel, Qatar and some other are few of the examples where equipment in reserve is placed.

In the Syrian-Lebanon tension a few years ago, the US agreed to transfer Cobra helicopters to Lebanon from its war reserves stationed at Jordan on emergency basis.

So most probably these are those helos which took part in the Iraq War and then stored in Jordan for future use.

These are not gonna be Jordanian AF cobras as Jordan needs themselves.

There is no such thing as American storage basis in Jordan.
Honestly not because I'm Turk or Chinese but both WZ-10 and T-129 can be easily picked up against AH-1Z. Better systems, sensors, engine, more blades...etc. But if it's the AH-64...Damn no way. Btw what about PAF to upgrade the Cobras to AH-1W ?
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