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COAS Visits AHQ Lauds PAF Professionalism !

Deadeye, REK and Ra'had homing in on their targets.

Literally from past few years I used to think PAF should take next step of evolution and become Air and Space Force which was necessary to operate as 5th gen force .... I believe this is first step in the direction to become 5th gen force.

Gentlemen be the witness of PAF upgrading its kill chain to next generation

All GNSS systems are listed.
Basically the operations center. It is not a NOC in the classic sense because they are not looking at networking data, but essentially follows the same principle. This is a poorly designed infrastructure.
Looks more like something built for display
SoMe if the areas are seemingly display centers but there are a few areas in the tweet video that are ops centers.

Looks almost like a “sir” designed place.Though I cannot verify I am certain there is no meaningful physical authorization and access control. Lighting seems to non diffused (the answer seems just darken the place), they are using laptops in places, lack of ergonomic design which will make the place tedious to work in, resulting in poor analysis. I wonder if air is purged and controlled, if power is redundant and DoD compliant - I can go on and on. Finally I wonder if these machines are hardware verified. Doubt on most of these areas. I haven’t even begun to speak to application and network level hardening around milspecs. And then finally the usability and intuitiveness of the systems and machine human interfaces and finally the analysis optimization using computational statistical modeling and ML where legitimate formulations are to be had.
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Basically the operations center. It is not a NOC in the classic sense because they are not looking at networking data, but essentially follows the same principle. This is a poorly designed infrastructure.
It’s not an NOC. A lot of other pictures of PAF command and control centers on the net. Very different from this. Seems like a demo for COAS.
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