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COAS, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, endorsed punishment to 2 Army and 1 civilian office for treason.

Cry me a river!
Why don't you stop ranting and start thinking? There were three people convicted but only two cases. One can surmise that the doctor was a culprit while the retired brigadier was his dupe, convicted for the character flaw of trusting the doctor.
Death to the traitors.. btw death sentences will be carried out in these cases or it's just for show?
This is what I wrote a few days ago. Had knowledge about it since last few months.


Now that the information is out, the civilian doctor (not a medical one) did a lot of damage.The kind that gets you a million plus dollars. You can compare his treason to the likes of klaus fuchs e.t.c.
Thank you for clarifying this. More details:
Dr.Wasim Akram Tarrar a DCM (deputy chief manager) at NDC.
@Oscar should be able to shed more light if he wants to.

Quick google search leads to his PhD thesis at Ohio State (2008):

He was part of ISI or MI
Please don't spread misinformation.
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Why don't you stop ranting and start thinking? There were three people convicted but only two cases. One can surmise that the doctor was a culprit while the retired brigadier was his dupe, convicted for the character flaw of trusting the doctor.

Looks like you are in severe pain losing some assets. Your time is up in Pakistan. American breathing space is zero. All you can do now is try to bribe your way to little victories, but they are going to be very short lived. We are going to catch them all one by one. When we do we will parade the traitors and obviously hang them.
Thank you for clarifying this. More details:
Dr.Wasim Akram Tarrar a DCM (deputy chief manager) at NDC.
@Oscar should be able to shed more light if he wants to.

Quick google search leads to his PhD thesis at Ohio State (2008):

Please don't spread misinformation.

That guy was a star here according to some. Used to give lectures/training as well to juniors from different nescom organs.

He achieved so much but sold all that for dollars.

The habit of pakistanis looking for short cut is what will be our doom.

Also one of the positive things about sending engrs to China is at least they send back our bhagoras (knew several that were sent back even though those engrs wanted to extend their stay after completion of studies). Along with moles these types of employees are a bunch of thankless fools who went there on govt expense but would not want to come back to do their time resulting in govt getting lower ROI.

Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Awan, former Corps Commander of Bahawalpur based HQ 31 Corps and Brig Raja Rizwan Ali Haider, a former MA in Germany
This is what I wrote a few days ago. Had knowledge about it since last few months.


Now that the information is out, the civilian doctor (not a medical one) did a lot of damage.The kind that gets you a million plus dollars. You can compare his treason to the likes of klaus fuchs e.t.c.

From what I heard, the way he was caught showed us the major loopholes in counter-intel which could have been easily plugged by timely data sharing of financial transactions by banks with our intel org. I hope SPD, ISI e.t.c have learned their lessons.

Another reason that strategic organizations need to implement and enforce the policy that none of their employees or their children/spouses can go abroad especially to western countries without permission/vetting (except for hajj or for china and some other countries) while they are still serving in that org and even after 5 years.

Their is a policy like that but I don't think it is strictly enforced as plenty of my friends/neighbours and their parents are living abroad (knew them from the time when my family served in such org). I am not saying that my friends and their parents were traitors but why take the risk?

Did he pass on the info about ongoing nuclear and strategic projects or did he sabotage them in several ways as well ?
Why don't you stop ranting and start thinking? There were three people convicted but only two cases. One can surmise that the doctor was a culprit while the retired brigadier was his dupe, convicted for the character flaw of trusting the doctor.
And you think you know about this case more than me?

Ive known about this case since some time now.

This was only announced today.
They were in touch with CIA.
There was no sabotage though.

I asked the sabotage because it's been 2 years now since Ababeel last tested. No new missile has gone through such long absence of testing. Even Shaheen 3.

Also the recent Banning of Firms which were working on behalf of Pakistan Strategic Missile organizations as well as banning of the Firms back in December 2016 might have been due to the info passed by this group
Then you tell us: why weren't these three convicted of treason?
Ask your CIA.
Ask them when they were caught?
Ask them which information they were trying to pass?

I asked the sabotage because it's been 2 years now since Ababeel last tested. No new missile has gone through such long absence of testing. Even Shaheen 3.
This was regarding something else man.
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