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COAS and DG ISI reach PM house

What are the corruption cases against Shahid Khaqan Abbassi? State verifiable facts only, no fake news.


It's next to impossibe that there is a minister in PMLN and Zardari govt. who is not involved in commission and corruption(they call it business/profit) and they also have the audacity to call it there right, the 'Khata hai tau Lagata bhi hai' patwari illogical logic. :what:
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Large number of people in Lahore supported PTI but Imran Khan gave them Usman Buzdar...

Ok that was a political blunder and he paid the price for it by losing several seats in by elections.

But he must still be given time to complete his term (heck, it is less than one and half years only) and let people decide in next election.

But by gathering of all thieves against him has made him a hero all of a sudden. Bad move on oppositions part, if you ask me!
Any other country would have started arresting conspirators to end the conspiracy.

Politicians involved in this conspiracy should be investigated and charged with Treason against the state
Beta, treason was IK getting ISI help from 2014-18. You do not know what you are talking about. Better climb off your high horse.

You were talking in your previous post about "verifiable facts only".

Now where are your "verifiable facts" to make such a claim? Please present them, we are waiting. Or else it is just another dishonest propaganda!
Any other country would have started arresting conspirators to end the conspiracy.

Politicians involved in this conspiracy should be investigated and charged with Treason against the state
here we are sitting, speculating the situation while the 'defenders' of the nation are no where to be seen meanwhile the public is being robbed of their sovereignity.

You were talking in your previous post about "verifiable facts only".

Now where are your "verifiable facts" to make such a claim? Please present them, we are waiting. Or else it is just another dishonest propaganda!
its useless to argue with this guy, you can clearly see he is a nooni
Even Faisalabad which was considered main support center of Sharifs gave the most seats to PTI.

Times have changed. That Sanaullah and Abdi Sher Ali cant even walk on streets in their own area, people hate them!

But for Chak saab, Nalaik League is still the most popular party in Pak. He is living in some parallel universe!
You should look at economies of Faisalabad (gujrat, Sialkot, Gujranwala)and Lahore
All of these factory based cities were getting pumled during NS era, employment was going down, factories were shuting down
Now they're experiencing boom years- so maybe just maybe
They can differentiate between how polices at federal level helped these industrial cities

Lahore on the other hand was experiencing boom years- during NS era because of consumer/affluent centric economy

But now currency devaluation made thier lives hell even more so than rest of the country because of the way Thier economy was set up

So it's understandable if they lost support of industrial cities (although I don't think so let's see)
It's not the case with consumer/more affluent driven cities
Any other country would have started arresting conspirators to end the conspiracy.

Politicians involved in this conspiracy should be investigated and charged with Treason against the state
They'll be elected and put into government!
Beta, treason was IK getting ISI help from 2014-18. You do not know what you are talking about. Better climb off your high horse.

No PM is guaranteed a 5 year term in Parliamentary democracy. This is not a presidential system that has failed Pakistan more than once. So, take it easy. IK is not someone appointed by God, he is just a populist leader & you are a gullible follower.
Treason is saying Pakistan did Mumbai attack
Treason is calling gujral and telling him about Kashmiri mujahideen presence
Treason is meeting that dark, short ugly Indian bastard from Thier spy agency
Treason is privately meeting Afghan NSA who called Pakistan a whore house and multiple other such things

Any ghairat mand Pakistani would hate him with his guts- million's do
Millions more will

Large number of people in Lahore supported PTI but Imran Khan gave them Usman Buzdar...
IK did Punjab dirty by installing Buzdar...
Especially after Elahi and SS

I hope to God he recovers from this mistake
Once convicted they cannot run for office.
Won't matter when PDM comes into play. Convictions will be overturned with the state powerless to do anything about it. Case in point the killer who was just escorted by the PPP from an International Airport :D.

This country is a farce!
They will destroy PTI.

PTI is coming apart just turn on the TV.

How much PTI is destroyed will depend on how much Imran Khan fights, which he will to the bitter end.

We are tamashaee here.

That just means he doenst care and he just wants halwa poory.

What did Gen Zia have for breakfast before he sent Bhutto to the gallows?


Once convicted they cannot run for office.

Im just waiting for the coming Facebook messages that came during Nawaz Sharif’s last days.
“Asalam ____! Long time.. how are you??
How is _______ Khala and ____?

Me: “Im well Alhamdulillah and so are Ammi and Papa.. how are you? Hope everything is ok at your end?”

More small talk…

“Well, I thought I would ask you since you are in the states if you know any good lawyer.. you know ____ got admission in U of zzzz and we want him to immigrate there so maybe you can guide us”

Me: “Ji ji.. dekhiye process is not exactly easy and its best you all first focus on him studying and getting the visa so he can come here”

“Beta can you help with the visa, these days it is being rejected quite often and even your ______ applied and they were rejected.. now they are trying for E-2 visa”

Me: “I don’t work in the state department so I really cannot help, everything is online and you can understand the process easily”

“Yes, ok .. if you can refer the website.. you know Baita this country is doomed and I won’t want my children here and even your ____ always wanted to move to the US”

Me: “ wasn’t your husband the one calling Malala a whore of the US and bragging about how Pakistan defeated two superpowers in Afghanistan and the US should mind its own business and get lost?”

No reply for 2 hours
Im just waiting for the coming Facebook messages that came during Nawaz Sharif’s last days.
“Asalam ____! Long time.. how are you??
How is _______ Khala and ____?

Me: “Im well Alhamdulillah and so are Ammi and Papa.. how are you? Hope everything is ok at your end?”

More small talk…

“Well, I thought I would ask you since you are in the states if you know any good lawyer.. you know ____ got admission in U of zzzz and we want him to immigrate there so maybe you can guide us”

Me: “Ji ji.. dekhiye process is not exactly easy and its best you all first focus on him studying and getting the visa so he can come here”

“Beta can you help with the visa, these days it is being rejected quite often and even your ______ applied and they were rejected.. now they are trying for E-2 visa”

Me: “I don’t work in the state department so I really cannot help, everything is online and you can understand the process easily”

“Yes, ok .. if you can refer the website.. you know Baita this country is doomed and I won’t want my children here and even your ____ always wanted to move to the US”

Me: “ wasn’t your husband the one calling Malala a whore of the US and bragging about how Pakistan defeated two superpowers in Afghanistan and the US should mind its own business and get lost?”

No reply for 2 hours
Neither you nor your " relative " are right in this hypothetical conversation.
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