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CM-400AKG: Pakistan's supersonic carrier killer


Like the Thors hammer---a kinetic energy based weapons system---.

My hammer is much better than this missile

ON Topic> Emergence of this missile may result in deployment of anti ACC version of Brahmos on large scale.

Perhaps the in development hyper sonic 200 KM range ALA is answer to this missile
brahmos can never reach 2.8 mach at LOW ALTITUDES due to dense air or whatever may the reason be...

SS-N-26 Yakhont/Oniks P-800 | Russian Military Analysis

SS-N-26 Yakhont/Oniks P-800 is same one which the brahmos is based on...

Untrue actually.
BrahMos is supersonic all through out the flight, including low altitudes.
BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile - BrahMos.com

Even your link states
We should note the fact that BrahMos employs a ramjet engine and not a turbofan or a turbojet.
Besides it is well documented that BrahMos can reach its target in less than 5 minutes, which must mean that it remains supersonic for the entirety of it flight, lest it wouldn't be possible if BrahMos had slowed down.
Untrue actually.
BrahMos is supersonic all through out the flight, including low altitudes.
BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile - BrahMos.com

Even your link states

We should note the fact that BrahMos employs a ramjet engine and not a turbofan or a turbojet.
Besides it is well documented that BrahMos can reach its target in less than 5 minutes, which must mean that it remains supersonic for the entirety of it flight, lest it wouldn't be possible if BrahMos had slowed down.

oh my boy...read again...super sonic does not mean 2.8 mach...super sonic means 1+ mach..
now let me make it clear...from my link...

Typically, it flies at 14,000 m at the high point of a high-low trajectory and at about 10-15 m at the low point of a low-low trajectory. Just before terminal engagement, the missile usually descends to 5-10 m. The maximum range is 300 km (high-low) or 120 km (low-low). At a distance of 60-80 km to the target the missile's radar switches on and searches for the target. As soon as the target is located, at a distance of about 25-30 km, the radar stops transmitting and works in passive mode only while the missile is directed into a computed point of intercept. Usually one out of every three missiles turns on its radar with the others being directed by the "leading" missile. There are also some other features that enhance the missile's air-defense-penetration capabilities. First of all, the missile is coated with radar-absorbent materials (RAM). The missile also has an onboard radar-warning receiver and analyzer, enabling it to initiate sharp maneuvers when necessary. The high speed of the missile - Mach 2.6 at high altitude and Mach 1.5-1.7 at low altitude
oh my boy...read again...super sonic does not mean 2.8 mach...super sonic means 1+ mach..
now let me make it clear...from my link...

Do keep your condescension to yourself, I know what it means.
Surely on water the BrahMos cannot do Mach 2.8 continuously but yes it can still do Mach 2.0 which is why it can reach its target in less than 5 minutes, there seems to be no other explanation for this time frame.
FYI your link is about Oniks not Brahmos.
P-800 is again DIFFERENT from BrahMos.
Measuring BrahMos in the same context is just wrong.

Do keep your condescension to yourself, I know what it means.
Surely on water the BrahMos cannot do Mach 2.8 continuously but yes it can still do Mach 2.0 which is why it can reach its target in less than 5 minutes, there seems to be no other explanation for this time frame.
FYI your link is about Oniks not Brahmos.
P-800 is again DIFFERENT from BrahMos.
Measuring BrahMos in the same context is just wrong.


then why did you even respond to my post saying 'untrue'? when i said nothing wrong...

brahmos can never reach 2.8 mach at LOW ALTITUDES
p-800 is not much different.brahmos is actually based on this very same missile...
Sorry my british pakistani friend..It says brahmos can reach mach 2.8 at levels as low as 10m..Not that its sea skimming level is set to 10m..

Its officially stated sea skimming height is 3-4 meters,making it ideal for stealth attacks..
Ship-launched BRAHMOS can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target :: BrahMos.com

British pakistani ?

In both link you provided this one is latest 2012 and its says as low as 10m

Other link is from 2010

And for sea skimmer please the following
The Exocet is built by MBDA, a European missile company. Development began in 1967 by Nord as a ship-launched missile named MM 38. A few years later Aerospatiale and Nord merged. The basic missile body design was based on the Nord AS30 air to ground tactical missile. The air-launched Exocet was developed in 1974 and entered service with the French Navy five years later.[3]

The relatively compact missile is designed for attacking small- to medium-size warships (e.g., frigates, corvettes, and destroyers), although multiple hits are effective against larger vessels, such as aircraft carriers.[4][5] It is guided inertially in mid-flight and turns on active radar late in its flight to find and hit its target. As a counter measure against the air defence around the target, it maintains a very low altitude during ingress, staying 1–2 m above the sea surface. Due to the effect of the radar horizon, this means that the target may not detect an incoming attack until the missile is only 6000 m from impact. This leaves little time for reaction and stimulated the design of CIWS.
then why did you even respond to my post saying 'untrue'? when i said nothing wrong...

coz I did know what you intended to mean, which unfortunately for you is not true.....

p-800 is not much different.brahmos is actually based on this very same missile...

Oh really?
Do you know that P-800 and BrahMos have completely different Inertial Navigation System.
There are many subsystems that are completely Indian in The BrahMos which makes it a missile of such high repute.
So yes it is DIFFERENT if not much different.
British pakistani ?

In both link you provided this one is latest 2012 and its says as low as 10m

Other link is from 2010

Yes,37 year old unmarried bitish pakistani from kensington..

And WTH...The one you posted,from RIA novosti says brahmos can reaach mach 2.8 at an altitude as low as 10m..Not Its sea skimming level..

The one I posted was from official brahmos website,which clearly mentions its sea skimming level as 3-4 m,which is a great advantage to a super sonic missile..And your pathetic aguement is that it is frum 2010...!!!!
coz I did know what you intended to mean, which unfortunately for you is not true.....

what??? i responded to a post that was saying that brahmos can reach 2.8 flying as low as 30 cm...
what i said based on that russian website was brahmos can never reach 2.8 mach flying at low alititudes...
and later you yourself admitted this fact...
now whats wrong?? its clear and simple...
i dont care for what you think, i wanted to show...

so please! mind your own business...
brahmos can never reach 2.8 mach at LOW ALTITUDES due to dense air or whatever may the reason be...

SS-N-26 Yakhont/Oniks P-800 | Russian Military Analysis

SS-N-26 Yakhont/Oniks P-800 is same one which the brahmos is based on...

Brahmos incorporates a lot of new technologies compared to Yakhont,which it is based on..

Even according to the official brahmos website..

The technology behind the missile makes it a game changer in the global arms industry.No other missile is capable to fly mach 2+ speeds and yet skim the seas.
Ship-launched BRAHMOS can fly in sea-skimming mode, completely destroy target :: BrahMos.com
Yes,37 year old unmarried bitish pakistani from kensington..

And WTH...The one you posted,from RIA novosti says brahmos can reaach mach 2.8 at an altitude as low as 10m..Not Its sea skimming level..

The one I posted was from official brahmos website,which clearly mentions its sea skimming level as 3-4 m,which is a great advantage to a super sonic missile..And your pathetic aguement is that it is frum 2010...!!!!

I am married with 3 kids and from mumbai now i am in dallas
I will not take brahmos word over russian i think brahmos is same like DRDO "Big Mouth"
Naam bade or darshan khute
I will take the word of indian navy or army personal word
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