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CM-400AKG: Pakistan's supersonic carrier killer

I will not take brahmos word over russian i think brahmos is same like DRDO "Big Mouth"
Naam bade or darshan khute

Brahmos is an indo russian joint venture.Official statement from brahmos site and brahmos official is anyday more reliable than Any newspaper..But even then,RIA novosti article you quoted was talking about brahmos reaching mach 2.5 at cruise altitude of 10m,not the sea skimming level..On the other hand,brahmos site is specifically mentioning sea skimming level of 3-4 m.
As per analysis brahmos is based on yakhont but with new technology the same way CM-400 may be based on kh-15 but with new seeker,frame and new rocket motor with gps for mid course correction

Yes CM-400 may be advanced than the KH-15 although KH-15 have more range(thus better rockets)..I was replying to the arguement that mach:5 terminal speed is un-interceptable to SAMs by pointing out that such stand-off missiles have been around for decades and most modern SAMs are capable to counter such threats.
There is an interesting post from an eminent Pakistani poster in another thread which I think will make some sense here too :)

Ghar main kane ko nahi daane aur amma chali bhunane..............There is no grain in house, but the woman is ready for popping.

with current economic indicators like the current account deficit, IIP, and fiscal deficit period of big spending on defence is over.
There is an interesting post from an eminent Pakistani poster in another thread which I think will make some sense here too :)

Such statements look good if applied to all departments of Govt.
One should start from the top to bottom; PM house, President house, NA, Provincial Assemblies...that is total of over 1000 seats and lots of politicians too with their 'allotted' budget, if one starts trimming them and then defence, then will everything become fine? I believe it will...
Brahmos is an indo russian joint venture.Official statement from brahmos site and brahmos official is anyday more reliable than Any newspaper..But even then,RIA novosti article you quoted was talking about brahmos reaching mach 2.5 at cruise altitude of 10m,not the sea skimming level..On the other hand,brahmos site is specifically mentioning sea skimming level of 3-4 m.

In my previse quote i mention a true sea skimmer is when it travel above sea level in 1-2 meter range to exploit radar horizon range .once the radar track that missile its too late or it can only depend on ciws.
In my previse quote i mention a true sea skimmer is when it travel above sea level in 1-2 meter range to exploit radar horizon range .once the radar track that missile its too late or it can only depend on ciws.

You are wrong in the assumption that a missile is "true sea skimmer" only when it travels 1-2m above sea level..

Sea-Skimming Trajectory — A low-level cruise missile trajectory, about 10 m above sea level. A warship under attack can only detect a sea-skimming missile when it emerges over the horizon at a distance of 15 to 25 nautical miles (28 to 46 km), which translates to only 25 to 60 seconds of warning time.

MissileThreat :: Glossary for Cruise Missiles

A mach 2.8 missile sea skimming at level of 4m gives much less response time than a subsonic one at 1-2meters,When other parameters are equal.
radar does not have to guide the missile in either case, particularly when the missile has on-board seeker that activates during flight trajectory. Active guidance is the name of the game here.

Unfortunately, no videos yet as far as i know :(

Now that the Chinese have unveiled the new lollipop and there has been no holds bar here in this forum... stupidity shooting beyond roofs.. defying laws of nature aswell as Physics.. the thinks tanks... a few who are calculating momentum and claiming it to be K.E. with no restrictions of dimension of the measurements units... claiming active radar guidance a few claiming passive guidance.

I found this one the top of the chart.

Lets us be familiar with the "active guidance" of yours sir which some how picks the target where the parent radar fails to do so.
Now that the Chinese have unveiled the new lollipop and there has been no holds bar here in this forum... stupidity shooting beyond roofs.. defying laws of nature aswell as Physics.. the thinks tanks... a few who are calculating momentum and claiming it to be K.E. with no restrictions of dimension of the measurements units... claiming active radar guidance a few claiming passive guidance.

I found this one the top of the chart.

Lets us be familiar with the "active guidance" of yours sir which some how picks the target where the parent radar fails to do so.

The CM-400AKG missile is a fire and forget weapon with range of 180 to 250 kilometers. It is available with different seeker options depending upon the mission profile. Chinese side offering an active radar seeker and an imaging infrared seeker capable of target-recognition (TR).

It is a single stage, solid rocket-powered high speed missile which can carry penetrator or blast / fragmentation warheads to destroy the fixed or slow moving ground and maritime targets. CM-400AKG can be pre-programmed to destroy the ground targets with percision by uploading the digital imagery of the target or it can be retargeted using its active radar seeker.

As explained by the designer of the missile in a chinese tv interview. Instead of bumping randomly in a thread, try to do a proper research instead of wasting all your energy on verbiage.
what??? i responded to a post that was saying that brahmos can reach 2.8 flying as low as 30 cm...
what i said based on that russian website was brahmos can never reach 2.8 mach flying at low alititudes...
and later you yourself admitted this fact...
now whats wrong?? its clear and simple...
i dont care for what you think, i wanted to show...

so please! mind your own business...

You also said that a BrahMos would fly only at Mach 1.5-1.7
Which was completely wrong.
And please do tell, what business do you mean? You are doing the same thing I am doing, so get off that high horse and smell the air.
You also said that a BrahMos would fly only at Mach 1.5-1.7
Which was completely wrong.
And please do tell, what business do you mean? You are doing the same thing I am doing, so get off that high horse and smell the air.

yeah my link says so..that was to contradict the completely erroneous claim of 2.8 mach...

the official link for brahmos says it flies SUPER SONIC throughout flight...where is it written that its mach 2+ ??
You are wrong in the assumption that a missile is "true sea skimmer" only when it travels 1-2m above sea level..

MissileThreat :: Glossary for Cruise Missiles

A mach 2.8 missile sea skimming at level of 4m gives much less response time than a subsonic one at 1-2meters,When other parameters are equal.

If a ASCM is just above sea 1-2 M it will be very hard for radar to detect it and when it does either too late or have to depend on CIWS ,you can call 10M - 15M above sea a sea skimmer its your choice .
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