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Closing the gates of Lahore 'Pakhtuns allege discrimination as the gov cracks down on terrori

I refute this article 100%. I am a resident of Lahore, and i am quite aware of what is happening in my city. The only crackdown that has happened is against the illegal Afghans, their ghettos were largely uplifted and they were deported back to their country. These Ghettos were the result of increase in street crimes in Lahore. This is why tough security measures had to be taken and these people shipped back.

Any Pakistani Pushtun Brother with a valid NADRA I.D was left alone and allowed to carry on with their business. Anyone without a valid I.D Card was picked up and sent back. These so called Puktuns are Afghans, not Pakistani Pukthuns.

@haviZsultan @Bratva @Spring Onion

I concur; I play football at a local club where guys as far off as Skardu, Mardan and Quetta have come to play alongside their studies in Lahore. The club also has a healthy mix of guys from Karachi, Pindi, Peshawar, Multan and Isloo - I can't remember the last time any of the Baluch, the Hazara, the Baltis, the Pukhtoons or the Seraikis complained of discrimination or related any incident of the sort.

And it goes without saying that in my professional and student life here in Lahore I've come across quite a few Pukhtoons and other ethnicities that inhabit Pakistan - Barring the odd incident I don't recall anyone relating any incident whereby they suffered discrimination.

Plus in addition to Pukhtoon friends....I've got Pukhtoon relatives - Can't remember them saying anything either !

That said we're far from perfect so the odd incident is very much a reality but I don't think it would be unfair to say that there is NO discrimination at an organized and recurring level against any ethnicity in Lahore.
Afghan descendants from Bihar?, Yar when you intermix and you dilute your blood and no longer can speak Pashto or Dari Then am afraid you are not the genuine article.

You are a ghilzai, by defintion a pashtunised turk, you are hardly qualified to label who is and is not a pakhtun.
This is anecdotal bs, anyone can say look how we are treated in other parts of country.

Notice how he or she mentioned "black faces". They live in a delusion that they're some sort of white race, and get a reality check as soon as they go abroad.
even if not terrorism we have been facing discrimination at the hands of corrupt black faced Punjab police as soon as we reach Attock check post. These haramkhor Punjabi policemen illegally involve in extortion from Pukhtun Pakistanis.

Anyway we still do not treat Punjabis in the same way because we consider our self Pakistani and not Pukhtun

They are not Biharis they are bhatakhor
This post is full of racial slur. Black -faced Punjabis? All Punjabi Policemen are haramkhour? All are involved in extortion and that extortion is Pushtoon -specific? People from GB, Sindh and Balochistan do not travel to Punjab and get to interact with black -faced extortionist Punjabi Policemen? Similarly, all Biharis are Bhatta Khour? You must have thought a little before posting this racial slur.

Notice how he or she mentioned "black faces". They live in a delusion that they're some sort of white race, and get a reality check as soon as they go abroad.
In extreme bad taste and they label others as racists.
In extreme bad taste and they label others as racists.

I'm rather amused then offended. I mean that person mentioned Attock of all the places, where it's relatively common to find people as light as them, or even lighter. It's rather strange that the pot is calling the kettle black.

And notice it's always the racists complaining about racism. Imagine their reaction if a Punjabi called them "bachabaaz" or "gay" here, they would go all hysterical.
Everyone is showing their ugly ethnically polarized faces on this thread.It pains me that we cannot think even for a few seconds about equality and are playing a hand in the ethnic polarization of the nation. Punjabis I believe are the most immune to this kind of racial hatred. But on this thread even they are involved in spreading hate.
Because today a Punjabi sees and observes deeply that he can see all Pakistanis roaming freely in in Punjab and still no Punjabi stops them,sindhis think they are taking our rights so as Baluchis.I have'nt seen a Punjabi with a racial mindset even there are areas In Punjab which no one can say , during first visit are part of Punjab full of our Pashtun Brothers,some areas in Multan and bahawulpur full of baloch and sindhi brothers but not even single Punjabi has called them openly that they are taking our jobs and stealing our lands there are atleast 800 to 900 million Punjabis in Pakistan,do'nt our Pastun,sindhi or baloch brothers think that Punjabi can also think on same lines on which they think,and very frankly our Pashtun and FATA brothers have done immense damage to Pakistan by bringing many things in Pakistan for sake of easy money.If we fail to stop this shit today then tomorrow even Punjabi's will start to think like that,and Pashtuns should be last to complain any discrimination because nobody is blind. @DESERT FIGHTER @syedali73
Because today a Punjabi sees and observes deeply that he can see all Pakistanis roaming freely in in Punjab and still no Punjabi stops them,sindhis think they are taking our rights so as Baluchis.I have'nt seen a Punjabi with a racial mindset even there are areas In Punjab which no one can say , during first visit are part of Punjab full of our Pashtun Brothers,some areas in Multan and bahawulpur full of baloch and sindhi brothers but not even single Punjabi has called them openly that they are taking our jobs and stealing our lands there are atleast 800 to 900 million Punjabis in Pakistan,do'nt our Pastun,sindhi or baloch brothers think that Punjabi can also think on same lines on which they think,and very frankly our Pashtun and FATA brothers have done immense damage to Pakistan by bringing many things in Pakistan for sake of easy money.If we fail to stop this shit today then tomorrow even Punjabi's will start to think like that,and Pashtuns should be last to complain any discrimination because nobody is blind. @DESERT FIGHTER @syedali73
I hail from Balochistan and have first hand knowledge of how Mehmood Khan Achakzai of Pakhtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party has systematically (and of-course criminally) 'naturalized' Afghans by distributing them with Pakistan's national ID cards in Pishin. He did this solely to increase the vote bank in his constituency. A couple of months ago there was a news on how a corrupt female officer, an assistant deputy director, Palvisha Afridi (and many others in the same office) in NADRA Peshawar office distributed thousands of Pakistani ID cards to Afghan nationals.

People talk about anti-state activities of Altaf, if they get to know what Bacha Khan, Wali Khan, and Mehmood Achakzai sort of 5th columns have done to this country, they'll forget about Altaf and Mujeeb. These people have never, from the day Pakistan came into being, accepted Pakistan. They always talked about Afghanistan and shamelessly supported Afghanistan and her interests over those of Pakistan, be it Durand's line or Kala Bagh Dam, and now Pakistan-China economic corridor. It is just that media is afraid of exposing these people because the next minute they'll play the race card, just as we see here on this very thread.

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I apologize for my comments, I just didn't have my naswar that's all, Honestly I am sorry if anyone took offense.

@Spring Onion you do know people of attock are pukhtoon, they are even fairer then some of us.
I apologize for my comments, I just didn't have my naswar that's all, Honestly I am sorry if anyone took offense.

@Spring Onion you do know people of attock are pukhtoon, they are even fairer then some of us.

Lol, they are at least 70% ethnic Potohari. The "Pathans" as they are called there are only found in the south-west and north. The speak Potohari and hindko.
You are a ghilzai, by defintion a pashtunised turk, you are hardly qualified to label who is and is not a pakhtun.

Yes I am a ghilzai, a Turk who has joined the Pashtun federation, I only said can someone from let's say Bihar or Bangladesh can claim to be a pukhtoon a genuine article?, they may have had some connection with us but now it's not the case they have have been absorbed in to the local culture so their claim is baseless.

Imran khan is a Niazi he has pukhtoon background but he identifies himself as a Punjabi and rightly so because he is born and raised there, even he doesn't consider himself a pukhtoon.

If I was born and raised and in Sindh then I will identify myself as a Sindhi.

Lol, they are at least 70% ethnic Potohari. The "Pathans" as they are called there are only found in the south-west and north. The speak Potohari and hindko.

Attock is quite big, mostly pukhtoons are settled in an area called chach, they settled along the the river banks, they are bilingual they speak Pashto as well as hindko.
Attock is quite big, mostly pukhtoons are settled in an area called chach, they settled along the the river banks.

Agreed. They don't form the majority in Chach(Hazro area) though, as a good number of people there are Potoharis, mostly of the Awan clan. The proper Pathan dominated area of Attock is the south-west of Jand, where the Khattak tribe resides, whose leader is known as the Khan of Makhad.

And I have got some bad news for you; the pathans of Attock intermarry with some Potohari clans(Khattars and Awans), hence they have "diluted blood". The Khan of Makhad has marital links with the Gakhar family of Haripur.

PS: A thing to add; Imran Khan considers himself a pashtun. Isa-Khel region of Mianwali is predominantly Pashtun and lies on the west of Indus. According to Gazetteers, till only 100 years ago, the Niazis of Isakhel could speak Pashto, but now they have forgotten. IK's Punjabi side comes from his mother, whose family was settled in east Punjab.
Agreed. They don't form the majority in Chach(Hazro area) though, as a good number of people there are Potoharis, mostly of the Awan clan. The proper Pathan dominated area of Attock is the south-west of Jand, where the Khattak tribe resides, whose leader is known as the Khan of Makhad.

And I have got some bad news for you; the pathans of Attock intermarry with some Potohari clans(Khattars and Awans), hence they have "diluted blood". The Khan of Makhad has marital links with the Gakhar family of Haripur.

PS: A thing to add; Imran Khan considers himself a pashtun. Isa-Khel region of Mianwali is predominantly Pashtun and lies on the west of Indus. According to Gazetteers, till only 100 years ago, the Niazis of Isakhel could speak Pashto, but now they have forgotten. IK's Punjabi side comes from his mother, whose family was settled in east Punjab.

True but if you cross the river in to attock villages like furmali, Malah, waisa, Sirka, shadi khan, ghorghushti, haidera, chillaray and many more are predominantly pukhtoons who are bilingual.
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