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Closest allies: Joint defence declaration of India and USA

at Восто́к when you can build space station together,and give them n1 high-performance rocket engines..why can we do some business with them...do you think only you reserve the right to have secret love affairs...??:smokin:
India is known for pro-Russia, yaar this USA will create tensions between India-Russia.... Russia is the best India can get, they even agreed to make us self-dependent......let Modi come in power, he is pro-Russia type.
Modi is a pro-India type. :angel:

he is anti-pak too lol

anyways we're not the decision making party but Russia has helped India when we were in deep trouble......why congress don't use even 0.001% of its brain
A Russian is talking about imperialism? Dude you know what USSR did with Balcon Countries and east European countries. Dont tell me that you were not imperialist. Indo-Russian relations were based on mutual interests and even it should based on same criteria. You can not emotional blackmail us on past favors. We already given back everything. We are not Pakistan who have in eternal debt with US or China. We love Russia and We love Russian people but you just can not blame us for backstabbing as we were or are never your servants. We love Russia though :cheers:

What utter hypocrisy? Is what is happening in tribal areas not imperialism and ethnic cleansing which is fuelling maoist rebellion ?Isn't the behavior of India in Kashmir not imperialism. What utter hypocrisy?

@vostok ,forget the indians here. They will sing all kind of nonsense. Russia saved India from USA and China in 1971,1967.Yes,India has backstabbed Russia after getting the ultra advanced tech transfers.
@Echo_419,there were never good relations b/w Russia and China in mid-60's to late-80's. It was USA and China who were heavily arming the terrorists in Afghanistan.Russia's primary allies where warsaw pact,cuba,ethopia,syria,Vietnam and India.Russia had a war with China in 1969 in which Russia crushed the chinese forces that did incursions and threatened to turn China into a glass sheet.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ce-declaration-india-usa-7.html#ixzz2gDNeASCU

A Russian is talking about imperialism? Dude you know what USSR did with Balcon Countries and east European countries. Dont tell me that you were not imperialist. Indo-Russian relations were based on mutual interests and even it should based on same criteria. You can not emotional blackmail us on past favors. We already given back everything. We are not Pakistan who have in eternal debt with US or China. We love Russia and We love Russian people but you just can not blame us for backstabbing as we were or are never your servants. We love Russia though :cheers:

What utter hypocrisy? Is what is happening in tribal areas not imperialism and ethnic cleansing which is fuelling maoist rebellion ?Isn't the behavior of India in Kashmir not imperialism. What utter hypocrisy?

@vostok ,forget the indians here. They will sing all kind of nonsense. Russia saved India from USA and China in 1971,1967.Yes,India has backstabbed Russia after getting the tech transfers.
@Echo_419,there were never good relations b/w Russia and China in mid-60's to late-80's. It was USA and China who were heavily arming the terrorists in Afghanistan.Russia's primary allies where warsaw pact,cuba,ethopia,syria,Vietnam and India.Russia had a war with China in 1969 in which Russia crushed the chinese forces that did incursions and threatened to turn China into a glass sheet.

china won't and can't win a war with india, but there is a chance for small conflicts especially in Arunachal Pradesh. so india want a credible deterrence against china.

you are right, bro.

China can still crush india whenever it likes,considering that there is no Russia to stop them now.(India's backstabbing has done wonders already, Since india went to USA ,china did incursion of 640 sq km) .
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at Восто́к when you can build space station together,and give them n1 high-performance rocket engines..why can we do some business with them...do you think only you reserve the right to have secret love affairs...??:smokin:

I really do not want you to go through all the horrors of the 90's, after which Russia had to go to such an unnatural cooperation with U.S.

A Russian is talking about imperialism? Dude you know what USSR did with Balcon Countries and east European countries. Dont tell me that you were not imperialist. Indo-Russian relations were based on mutual interests and even it should based on same criteria. You can not emotional blackmail us on past favors. We already given back everything. We are not Pakistan who have in eternal debt with US or China. We love Russia and We love Russian people but you just can not blame us for backstabbing as we were or are never your servants. We love Russia though :cheers:

And what we did to them? Tell me please. And I will tell you, how "nice" life they got now, under "democratic" Western rule.
India is already a western stooge thanks to Congress

India's stand on Syria came as a surprise to the Kremlin,” says Prof. Andrei Volodin of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy. He thinks it is shortsighted on the part of India to cast its lot with the U.S., whose global power is declining, and with conservative Gulf monarchies, which are historically doomed. But he admits that India's Syria stand falls into a trend.

“Some upper echelons in the Ministry of External Affairs, alarmed by China's fast rise and backed by the U.S. Indian community and a corporate lobby, are trying to impose a foreign policy course on the country's leadership that goes against India's long-term interests,” the Russian scholar who closely follows India's political scene told The Hindu. Prof. Volodin sees this trend as part of an ongoing struggle in the Indian elite between advocates and opponents of the foreign policy tradition of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, a struggle aggravated by a general decline in the level of strategic thinking in the Indian foreign policy establishment.

“India's stand on Syria betrays the same lack of strategic foresight as its recent decision to buy in a tender a 20th century fighter plane for 21st century tasks at a time when a fifth-generation platform that India is jointly developing with Russia is in the pipeline.”

Five years ago, Mr. Putin, then President, placed India along with Russia and China in an exclusive club of world powers that “can afford the luxury of genuine sovereignty”. As he prepares to reclaim presidency, Mr. Putin has again invoked the issue of sovereignty in foreign policy.

“Everything we do will be based on our own interests and goals, not on decisions other countries impose on us … Russia has practically always had the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy and this is how it will be in the future,” Mr. Putin wrote in his election manifesto.

“Syria has put to the test the ability of countries to take sovereign decisions,” says Prof. Volodin. “Russia and China have passed the test; India, unfortunately, has not.”
The cold wind from Russia - The Hindu

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ak-preview-top-secret-tank.html#ixzz2gDOIeIzH
USA cannot be trusted and India knows this very well.

In 1971 USSR helped us and we never forget that.

The deals such as
1)Akula nuclear submarines
2) PAK FA and FGFA.
3) INS vikramaditya
4) diesel submarines upgrade.
5) T90 tanks
6) MTA programme
are worth 100 of billions of dollars and these deals out weigh any deals India does with USA :cheers:

Do not forget India is with Russia in crucial matter like Syria .

Regarding China, China at the moment is behaving like a headless chicken attacking every neighbor.
Chinese are unreliable and India-Russia alliance is not same as India-Russia-China block.

except India every nation who has disputes with China aligned with USA. But India is only counter balancing these greedy chinese with some defense help from USA.

I really do not want you to go through all the horrors of the 90's, after which Russia had to go to such an unnatural cooperation with U.S.

And what we did to them? Tell me please. And I will tell you, how "nice" life they got now, under "democratic" Western rule.
USA cannot be trusted and India knows this very well.

In 1971 USSR helped us and we never forget that.

The deals such as
1)Akula nuclear submarines
2) PAK FA and FGFA.
3) INS vikramaditya
4) diesel submarines upgrade.
5) T90 tanks
6) MTA programme
are worth 100 of billions of dollars and these deals out weigh any deals India does with USA :cheers:

Do not forget India is with Russia in crucial matter like Syria .

Indian govt only changed because British govt declared that India was supporting strike on Syria,that to at eve of delhi elections so it could be political hot potato for opposition.

India's stand on Syria came as a surprise to the Kremlin,” says Prof. Andrei Volodin of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Diplomatic Academy. He thinks it is shortsighted on the part of India to cast its lot with the U.S., whose global power is declining, and with conservative Gulf monarchies, which are historically doomed. But he admits that India's Syria stand falls into a trend.

“Some upper echelons in the Ministry of External Affairs, alarmed by China's fast rise and backed by the U.S. Indian community and a corporate lobby, are trying to impose a foreign policy course on the country's leadership that goes against India's long-term interests,” the Russian scholar who closely follows India's political scene told The Hindu. Prof. Volodin sees this trend as part of an ongoing struggle in the Indian elite between advocates and opponents of the foreign policy tradition of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, a struggle aggravated by a general decline in the level of strategic thinking in the Indian foreign policy establishment.

“India's stand on Syria betrays the same lack of strategic foresight as its recent decision to buy in a tender a 20th century fighter plane for 21st century tasks at a time when a fifth-generation platform that India is jointly developing with Russia is in the pipeline.”
The cold wind from Russia - The Hindu
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ce-declaration-india-usa-7.html#ixzz2gDQYRM9c

A very delayed and subdued reaction, at a time when the non-aligned world had expected a big country like India to come out in support of rights and justice. It was yet another example of the mealy mouthed approach that has come to define Indian foreign policy, says Seema Mustafa.

British Prime Minister David Cameron inadvertently forced India to take a declared position on the United States proposal to invade Syria, limited or otherwise. After a long bout of silence, New Delhi was shocked on the eve of general elections, to find that the British government had listed it as one of the countries supporting US military action against Syria.

The mandarins controlling foreign policy realised that the silence, made even more fashionable by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was not working to India’s advantage and fielded the MEA spokesperson to clarify that the government was certainly not supporting the proposed limited strike on Syria.

A very delayed and subdued reaction, at a time when the non-aligned world had expected a big country like India to come out in support of rights and justice. And yet another example of the mealy mouthed approach that has come to define Indian foreign policy, where old friends have been discarded but new friends still not really found except for the US and Israel who continue to cast a heavy shadow on most Indian foreign policy and even defence responses.

The injustice of the US strategy for Syria can escape only the most hardened and blinkered governments. Russia’s Vladimir Putin is a fine example these days of a sovereign country that will not allow unilateral will to be imposed on weaker nations, whereby military might becomes the sole criteria with rights, laws, international covenants, and indeed the United Nations itself being willfully flouted.
India's silence on Syria will antagonise its friends - Rediff.com India News
You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.

USA is watching the Eurasian continent getting more "cohesive" and integrated and it brings more irrelevance for them. So they need more allies in this continent. They already have Japan, S. Korea at the periphery, adding India in this list has been a long cherished goal. Now that 2014 (Afghan withdrawal) is coming closer, and Pakistan becoming more expendable, this may be the beginning of a new era for India-USA relations.

Russia or Soviet Union was a source for defense tech for both China and India for many decades. Now that Chinese indigenous tech is getting better, Russian tech is no longer enough to balance the threat from China, so India is moving towards more superior western tech or East Asian tech from S. Korea and increasingly it will also come from Japan. In any event Russia's share of Indian defense budget is set to diminish in the future, as much as India hates to loose Russia as an ally and counterweight to China.

For USA another strategy to appease Pakistan could be to avoid getting too directly involved with India and supply defense tech from EU or Japan/Korea, under US blessings or US components built into it.

It is time for Russia to see the writings in the wall and make their own decisive strategic move in this new juncture.
China can still crush india whenever it likes,considering that there is no Russia to stop them now.(India's backstabbing has done wonders already, Since india went to USA ,china did incursion of 640 sq km) .

Aiyo....aiyo.....aiaiyo.........now what will we do ? bachao.....bachao.......arre koi tho bachaooooo..........tattey kho gaye hai.
USA is watching the Eurasian continent getting more "cohesive" and integrated and it brings more irrelevance for them. So they need more allies in this continent. They already have Japan, S. Korea at the periphery, adding India in this list has been a long cherished goal. Now that 2014 (Afghan withdrawal) is coming closer, and Pakistan becoming more expendable, this may be the beginning of a new era for India-USA relations.

Russia or Soviet Union was a source for defense tech for both China and India for many decades. Now that Chinese indigenous tech is getting better, Russian tech is no longer enough to balance the threat from China, so India is moving towards more superior western tech or East Asian tech from S. Korea and increasingly it will also come from Japan. In any event Russia's share of Indian defense budget is set to diminish in the future, as much as India hates to loose Russia as an ally and counterweight to China.

For USA another strategy to appease Pakistan could be to avoid getting too directly involved with India and supply defense tech from EU or Japan/Korea, under US blessings or US components built into it.

It is time for Russia to see the writings in the wall and make their own decisive strategic move in this new juncture. India is no longer a given or granted, it is now at play, in fact it has been for quite a few years.

It is not about superior western tech.Russian tech has its advantages too ,but rather of goals of the Indian elite. If the elite only wants to keep money in swiss accounts and do corruption , then Obviously CIA or USA is the way.If the elite cares about nation and its safety then its Russia who provides the military and diplomatic means .

Aiyo....aiyo.....aiaiyo.........now what will we do ? bachao.....bachao.......arre koi tho bachaooooo..........tattey kho gaye hai.

No one will help India this time.Indian elite is setting India up for cannon fodder against China.At this point,only a coup-e-tat by military could save India from falling into the trap.
No one will help India this time.Indian elite is setting India up for cannon fodder against China.At this point,only a coup-e-tat by military could save India from falling into the trap.

Clearly you do not understand sarcasm or Mocking. :angel:
Clearly you do not understand sarcasm or Mocking. :angel:

As if I care. Anyone who has knowledge about energy and resources and geopolitics can see where India is heading .A collision course and a train wreck.
India-Russia-China block is my dream. This alliance could easily challenge the Western world. The West is no longer has any moral rights in the lead. There used to be - the West was carrying Christianity, therefore, together with bayonets and bombs came some good. Now only bayonets and bombs.
India-China-Russia could become the basis of a new, better world for all people. This could be the new anti-fascist alliance with a 100% chance to win the "Axis of Evil" - Washington, London and their vassals.
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