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Clash in Chitral over Kalash girl’s ‘forced’ conversion to Islam

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so instead of trying to save them, let us accelerate the destruction process like ISIS
Just search how many ancient Hindu sites has been destroyed by Muslims in this part of world. Also this land which is now called Pakistan only teaches you how Muhammad Bin Qasim came here and spread Islam instead of telling them how he ordered killing of Hindus in massive numbers and destruction of Hindu temples. Why don't you see Hindu temples around? Nobody knows about Indus River Civilization in Pakistan. There is nothing about them or chapters about great Hindu kings in the past. Have you ever thought why there is only Muslim friendly contents in your Social Studies and Urdu books?

Try to bring the change here and forget about ISIS and Kalash. They are far away from you and hardly affect your life in any way.
Forced conversion is haram. If it were allowed there would be no non-Muslim in SA today. In fact it is these derailed mullahs who give a negative perception of Islam/Muslim. .
Heavy tax was imposed on non-Muslims. If it was indirectly trying to convert them than what was? Have you ever gone through history?
Just search how many ancient Hindu sites has been destroyed by Muslims in this part of world. Also this land which is now called Pakistan only teaches you how Muhammad Bin Qasim came here and spread Islam instead of telling them how he ordered killing of Hindus in massive numbers and destruction of Hindu temples. Why don't you see Hindu temples around? Nobody knows about Indus River Civilization in Pakistan. There is nothing about them or chapters about great Hindu kings in the past. Have you ever thought why there is only Muslim friendly contents in your Social Studies and Urdu books?

Try to bring the change here and forget about ISIS and Kalash. They are far away from you and hardly affect your life in any way.
Because most people are Muslims now? and have been for the past few centuries.
which school did you go to? seriously? everyone teaches about indus valley civilization.
The red Kafirs in Chitral were forcibly converted to Islam by Amir Abdur Rahman. The villages of the converted Red Kafirs in Chitral are known as Sheikhanandeh — the village of converted ones. Kalash are the Black Kafirs.
Because most people are Muslims now? and have been for the past few centuries.
which school did you go to? seriously? everyone teaches about indus valley civilization.
If you are Muslim then why do you read English novels with Christian characters in it? You are dumb. Try to understand what I am saying first then come back. Also how much do you know about Indus Valley Civilization? I would love to know.
Truth be told its over for the Kalash
there are 4000 left

whats the plan? inbreed till they are blind
Heavy tax was imposed on non-Muslims. If it was indirectly trying to convert them than what was? Have you ever gone through history?
Jizya was never heavy, and this argument tells me that you are only here to bash Islamic history without any or little prior knowledge of the Early Islamic Conquests
worshipping rocks and idols is jahilat unbecoming of a human being

islam is the one true faith, the only path to salvation as per Gods will

As a Muslim it is a duty to spread Gods will and end the worship of obominations, idols and disbelief

That holds true whether your in Pakistan, uk or elsewhere

Ohhh Boy.. do you know how do you sound ?

There may be lot of people with 'false' faith but please don't purify them with Kalashnikov's. Now you are going to say don't color us in same color as terrorist are and It is not fault of other Muslims.

Actually it is fault of others, first it is fault of their friends then it is fault of their family then it is fault of their community. They know the person is going through radicalization but they keep on ignoring by assuming he has embraced the faith and become a 'devout' Muslim.

Suddenly this 'devout' muslim thinks that being himself as devout person is not good enough . He thinks 'true' faith is only path to salvation as per Gods will. How can he allow others to follow a 'false' faith. How can he allow worshiping of rocks and idols and jahil human being around him. So he stop concentrating become more devout rather he tries to convert others by peaceful way just like you. When those 'jahil' people do not take his teaching seriously and do not embrace path of 'true' faith, he is disgusted. Then a 'master of the true faith' from a mosque tell him if you can't eradicate jahalat , eradicate 'jahils'. either of way you are removing jahalat from this world. He decides to carry out his 'duty' by ignoring many teaching of 'true' faith.

What stage are you on ?? :azn::azn:
Key steps need to be taken to protect the culture of the Kalash. There is a common belief among the Kalash that they are converting due to pressure from mullahs and others upon them. I knew an Ahmedi who converted to Islam but I would never like him to be converted besides his will. I would never hold a sword over his head and force him to convert. In fact I had no purpose to convert him. My policy has been simple. Give ultimate respect to the Ahmedis or Kalash or any other group.

What mullahs do not understand is that if they give respect to other religious groups rather than pressurize them through tactics like not giving them jobs and deriding their faith constantly they will gain far more converts than right now. In fact that is how Islam actually spread. Muslims have much to be ashamed for as our society are a shadow of the original muslims from Prophet Mohammad's time.

@Pakistani Exile @Jaanbaz as an Ahmedi can clearly relate to how religious persecution rather than independent will is the reason for the Kalash people's conversion. Also wherever there is conflict suddenly the woman comes up and says she has volunatarily converted to Islam. This was also clear during Rinkle Kumari's case. It smells of purposeful, forced conversion to me. Now the mullahs will come and say I am not religious so I am supporting Ahmedis and Kalash. Can't a devout person respect others and agree to live with other religions in peace?
Ohhh Boy.. do you know how do you sound ?

There may be lot of people with 'false' faith but please don't purify them with Kalashnikov's. Now you are going to say don't color us in same color as terrorist are and It is not fault of other Muslims.

Actually it is fault of others, first it is fault of their friends then it is fault of their family then it is fault of their community. They know the person is going through radicalization but they keep on ignoring by assuming he has embraced the faith and become a 'devout' Muslim.

Suddenly this 'devout' muslim thinks that being himself as devout person is not good enough . He thinks 'true' faith is only path to salvation as per Gods will. How can he allow others to follow a 'false' faith. How can he allow worshiping of rocks and idols and jahil human being around him. So he stop concentrating become more devout rather he tries to convert others by peaceful way just like you. When those 'jahil' people do not take his teaching seriously and do not embrace path of 'true' faith, he is disgusted. Then a 'master of the true faith' from a mosque tell him if you can't eradicate jahalat , eradicate 'jahils'. either of way you are removing jahalat from this world. He decides to carry out his 'duty' by ignoring many teaching of 'true' faith.

What stage are you on ?? :azn::azn:

spreading the will of God is requested of Muslims by God

the rest of your post is B.S, we need to stop spreading the will of God because pagans become bent out of shape, if you want to worship idols and monkey or elephant or kali maa gods then do so, but maybe your neighbour wants to seek salvation in which case a Muslim could help
Many years back I had trekked into Kafiristan. While returning I came across a group of Tablighis on the main road. They said they were not allowed into the area because the authorities did not want them to influence the Kalash people. Apparently the govt's policy was to keep these people secluded so that researchers could study their ancient ways. I did not appreciate the idea of locking up people in a zoo like situation. They should be allowed access to mainstream so that they can enjoy the benefits of civilization.

Kafiristan ceased to exist a while back when the people there converted to Islam and the region changed its name to Nuristan. This happened during the British era.
If someone dont convert/revert voluntarily then such conversion are not valid.There is not concept of forced conversion is Islam. Whats the point of converting others by force when their heart is not embracing message of Islam.. Jahil people
spreading the will of God is requested of Muslims by God

the rest of your post is B.S, we need to stop spreading the will of God because pagans become bent out of shape, if you want to worship idols and monkey or elephant or kali maa gods then do so, but maybe your neighbour wants to seek salvation in which case a Muslim could help

Amusing. I guess you are entitled to your beliefs. But considering there are what some 190 million Muslims in Pakistan - how is it going to matter if 4000 Kalash people pursue their own faith?
Amusing. I guess you are entitled to your beliefs. But considering there are what some 190 million Muslims in Pakistan - how is it going to matter if 4000 Kalash people pursue their own faith?
no problem whatsoever, and rhey should be defended with the full force of law and government

but its a perverse day if one of them converts to islam and alleged Muslims have butt hurt

The Pakistani government could refuse their acceptance of islam and force them to carry out kalash faith practices at gun point
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