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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Ukrainian Orthodox Church provides humanitarian aid to Ukraine's army - watch on - uatoday.tv

Head of Orthodox Church Filaret asks Ukrainians not to evade mobilisation

The head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Filaret, has provided humanitarian aid to Ukraine's soldiers serving in the country's east. He announced that one ton of canned meat will be sent to Ukraine's army.

Filaret, Head of Ukrainian Orthodox Church: "A sacred duty of every citizen is to defend their homeland. Those who deny it don't love their motherland. Those who don't love commit a sin. Let believers think of what they do!"

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has so far provided some 10 tons of food and medicine, as well as 20 ambulances for Ukraine's army.


Approximately 100 fighters of Georgian citizenship are fighting in east Ukraine on a voluntary basis and according to the Georgian authorities they are now officially allowed to participate. However, Georgians fighting for illegal armed groups abroad can be punished, meaning any Georgians fighting on the side of the Moscow-backed militants could be prosecuted should they return to Georgia. Georgia, which is likely to join Nato one day has two Moscow-backed break-away regions of its own.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia are both propped-up by Russian military and economic support.

Ukrainian government prepare new bunch of clay pigeons ..

Civlians are taking up military training
In Sumy was burned cafe on wheels, popular among the collaborators of the Junta.

Maidan-freak Semenchenko,
who boasts that he knows Military Science better than Victory Marshal Zhukov, who defeated the Japanese in the Khalkhin-Gol and Nazis, was contused and immediately went to the hospital.
This is a good sign. As is well known for a couple of days before Ilovaisky Cauldron Semenchenko got heroic shot in the a.s.s and immediately went to the hospital.
Debaltseve residents escape the fierce fighting in their Donetsk Oblast city and flee to nearby Sloviansk, which is controlled by Ukraine's forces.
© Stefan Huijboom

A tank drives in the central of city donetsk

"As a result of the night shelling in Donetsk, 14 civilians were injured in Kuybyshevsky and Petrovsky regions," Basurin told the Donetsk News Agency.

According to the DPR official, three Donetsk residents were killed in the past 24 hours, with another 19 wounded.

A woman ties a Ukrainian national flag on a member of a special unit of the Ukrainian armed forces at a farewell ceremony, before the unit departs to take part in a military operation, in Kharkiv, January 30, 2015.
Credit: Reuters/Stanislav Belousov

(Reuters) - Thirteen Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in fighting against Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine in the past 24 hours, a Kiev military spokesman said on Sunday.

A further 20 soldiers were wounded in the clashes, spokesman Volodymyr Polyovy said in a televised briefing.
Italian Newspaper: 173rd Airborne Brigade Heading to Ukraine to Train Forces
American soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade at Camp Ederle in Vicenza, Italy, are expected to be leaving the base once again soon to head to Ukraine to help train soldiers for their fight against Russia, an Italian newspaper reports.

The operation will be part of a project outlined by Lt. Gen. Gen. Ben Hodges, the head of U.S. Army Europe, earlier this month, reports the newspaper, Il Giornale, will involve the same division that traveled to Ukraine last September for another NATO exercise, Rapid Trident,according to a translation of the Italian newspaper report.
The same newspaper earlier this week suggesting that American soldiers may already be on the ground in Ukraine and helping the government of Kiev.

In a post that covers a purported Jan. 24 attack on the Black Sea port city of Mariupol by troops from the People's Republic of Donetsk, a Ukrainian reporter questions a soldier wearing a Ukrainian uniform, and claimed he used perfect English when he told the reporter to leave him alone.

Meanwhile Hodges, making his first visit to Kiev earlier this month, said the number of troops that will head to the Yavoriv Training area, located about 40 miles from the Polish border, has not yet been determined, reports Defense News.

The mission is part of a State Department plan to "assist Ukraine in strengthening its law enforcement capabilities, conduct internal defense, and maintain rule of law" Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Vanessa Hillman said.

During his visit, Hodges met with Ukrainian Armed Forces Lt. Gen. Anatoliy Pushnyakov and acting commander of the National Guard Lt. Gen. Oleksandr Kryvyenko, and said he was "impressed by the readiness of both military and civil leadership to change and reform."

The Ukrainian government requested the training to help reform their police forces and establish a newly formed National Guard.
According to Defense News, the initiative funding is coming from the Global Security Contingency Fund, and was requested by the Obama administration for this fiscal year to help and train allied forces.

Already, the United States has $19 million earmarked to help Ukraine set up its National Guard.

Derek Chollet, who left his post as assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs on Jan. 17, told Defense News that he does not expect the training mission "will require significant U.S. presence."

The mission is being planned among fears from Eastern European countries that Russia will step up its aggression in Ukraine. The fighting has continued in Donetsk, Ukraine, between government forces and separatist rebels, and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko this month claimed Russia sent 9,000 troops into his country to back up the rebels.

Chollet told Defense Times that the incursions are refocusing American attention onto the region.

In addition to training forces, Washington this month delivered a prototype of an armored Kozak vehicle for the Ukrainian border guard, according to a U.S. Embassy report.

The vehicle, which costs about $189,000, has an armored hull that protects it against mines and bombs, and is just one piece of equipment sent by the United States, said the embassy, which noted "the United States has delivered dozens of armored pickup trucks and vans to the Ukrainian Border Guard Service. The Kozak is larger and offers a higher level of protection."

Italian Newspaper: 173rd Airborne Brigade Heading to Ukraine to Train Forces

United States Delivers Prototype of Made-in-Ukraine “Kozak” Armored Vehicle to Ukraine Border Guard Service

“Kozak” armored vehicle

January 20, 2014

Yesterday the United States delivered the first prototype of an armored “Kozak” vehicle to the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service (SBGS) at its logistics base in Kyiv.

The “Kozak” is the first prototype of its kind designed by “Practika” in Kyiv, Ukraine. Meeting Ukrainian Class 4 standards for armoring, the vehicle is built on an IVECO chassis and includes a v-shaped armored hull to guard against anti-personnel mines or other explosives. The prototype is analogous to a lite version of a U.S. Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle.

To date, the United States has delivered dozens of armored pick-up trucks and vans to the Ukrainian Border Guard Service. The “Kozak” is larger and offers a higher level of protection. Delivery of the prototype helps fulfill one of the commitments noted in the June 4, 2014 White House Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine.

Statements | Embassy of the United States Kyiv, Ukraine
Current situation near Debaltsevo (junta - blue, militias - red).
Current situation near Debaltsevo (junta - blue, militias - red).
View attachment 188733
brother, don't take this guy @Hindustani78 seriously.he is not majority of indian guys voice,maybe his mother or father is Lithuanian or surely he or she is false flag deliberately trying to create misunderstanding between indian and russian people.come to my place in uttar pradesh,india and ask anyone who is the best friend of india,they will gladly say roos meaning russia.this is truth,i can challenge anyone on this matter,please finish those scums of nazi junta and reclaim eastern ukraine(novorussia),majority of people of india are with you.i can fully in confidence say that.
brother, don't take this guy @Hindustani78 seriously.he is not majority of indian guys voice,maybe his mother or father is Lithuanian or surely he or she is false flag deliberately trying to create misunderstanding between indian and russian people.come to my place in uttar pradesh,india and ask anyone who is the best friend of india,they will gladly say roos meaning russia.this is truth,i can challenge anyone on this matter,please finish those scums of nazi junta and reclaim eastern ukraine(novorussia),majority of people of india are with you.i can fully in confidence say that.

I am 100% Indian and even aware who are real friends of Indian nation. I do believe in people to people contact based on respect and dignity. Anyone who disgrace my nation and my people , i always explain them in mild way that we Indians respect all the nations and on other hand explain fellow Indians with whom we should be mild and good etc.

People of Uttar Pradesh are even aware who are the real friends of Indian Nation.

Seven civilians were killed in shelling in Donbas on Feb. 1 as of the day's afternoon. A 66-year old woman was killed by a shell in her house in a village in Artiomovsky district of Donetsk Oblast. Six men of various age were found dead in villages near Artiomovsk, Dzerzhynsk, and in Debaltsevo.

Ukraine's government blames the deaths on the Russia-backed separatists. All of the shelled towns are controlled by Ukraine.

The deaths add to the 12 civilians killed in Debaltsevo and three in Luhansk Oblast on the day before, Jan. 31, making the civilian death toll of the weekend raise up to 22 casualties. Only a week before the separatists' shells killed 30 civilians in Mariupol, Ukraine's stronghold in the south of Donetsk Oblast. Since then, civilians have been reported killed in shelling almost daily.

As Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry report, all the civilian deaths were caused by shells launched from Grad and Uragan launchers.

Military losses mount too. Thirteen Ukrainian servicemen were killed and 20 were wounded on Feb. 1, adding to the 15 killed and 33 wounded on Jan. 31.

An elderly woman reacts after shelling hit a residential area in Donetsk's Kyibishevsky district, killing two civilians, on Jan. 30, 2015.


TASS: World - Six killed, 11 injured in munitions explosion in Ukraine’s Kherson region

"Overnight to February 1, a fire broke out at a filed camp of a military unit near the settlement of Krasny Chaban in the Kherson region. Six servicemen were killed and elevem more were injured," the press service said.

Local media say ten more servicemen are missing.

"A total of 12 servicemen were taken to hospital with thermal injuries. They are in condition of medium gravity," a spokesman for the Kherson department of the Ukrainian emergencies ministry said.

An investigation is underway.
DPR army before the attack on Uglegorsk
Their country has betrayed them. The junta tried to put them on their knees (literally). In spite of all this, they continue to serve the people of former Ukraine. "Berkut" in New Russia.
No worry, Americans are arriving to replace lost Ukrainian servicemen.

There are no American boots there nor will there ever be, only weapons and intelligence. This war is simply unwinnable for the west.

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