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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Ukrainian nationalists carry torches during a rally in downtown Kiev, Ukraine.

European KKK :o: Remind me not to go on vacation in Ukraine.
ATO NEWS: Illegal armed formations complete provocative attacks - Міністерство оборони України

Friday, January 2.
DONBAS — According to the ATO press center, since 6.00 p.m. January 1, the illegal armed formations have completed 16 provocations.

They used small arms, grenade launchers, and mortars, GRAD systems.

The ATO press center states: in spite of militants’ provocations, the ATO forces control the situation in the region, complete scheduled actions to increase combat readiness, ensure peace in liberated communities and help local population.

European KKK :o: Remind me not to go on vacation in Ukraine.

stepan bandera was Ukrainian nationalist who wanted the establishment of the an Independent Ukrainian state and was assassinated in 1959.

Marchers carrying Stepan Bandera's portraits and played the drums. Smaller marches also took place in other Ukrainian towns, such as Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa. Bandera, who led the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in the first part of the 20th century is revered by Ukrainian nationalists for fighting Russian and Polish occupation in Ukraine but denounced by others as a Nazi collaborator during World War II.

One Ukrainian soldier killed, five wounded in Donbas conflict zone in last day : UNIAN news

One Ukrainian soldier was killed and another five were wounded in the Donbas conflict zone in the last day, National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.

He said that over the last day the situation in the Donbas conflict zone has not changed, with the Russian-backed militants carrying out sporadic attacks on Mariupol, Donetsk, Luhansk and Debaltseve.

According to Ukrainian military intelligence, local militants are continuing to be replaced by Russian military personnel as part of an effort to place all of the various armed gangs in the occupied territories under a unified command structure, Lysenko said.

Ukraine unilaterally declared a ceasefire on December 9, but it has been regularly violated by the Russian-backed militants in the east of Ukraine. Nevertheless, there has been a marked decrease in the frequency and severity of the attacks in the last few weeks.

Russian soldiers take charge in Horlivka, Donetsk region, says Tymchuk : UNIAN news
A large group of Russian soldiers in unmarked, winter combat gear has arrived in the Donetsk region town of Horlivka, head of the Information Resistance group and military expert Dmytro Tymchuk wrote on Facebook on Friday.


"In Horlivka, a fresh formation of Russian troops (up to 300 men) has taken control of the city,” Tymchuk wrote.

“The soldiers arriving were dressed in new camouflage uniforms, unmarked, well-equipped and well-armed."

Since the arrival of the Russians in the town, the number of local fighters has fallen sharply, said the expert.

Elsewhere, in Volnovakha district, Russian-backed militant units have again moved up to the frontline positions of the Ukrainian armed forces, Tymchuk said.

"Two fresh formations of the enemy, together numbering up to 200 people, were observed, along with six armored vehicles. Active intelligence gathering is also observed in the area (flights of UAVs and sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy)," Tymchuk said.
stepan bandera was Ukrainian nationalist who wanted the establishment of the an Independent Ukrainian state and was assassinated in 1959.

Marchers carrying Stepan Bandera's portraits and played the drums. Smaller marches also took place in other Ukrainian towns, such as Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa. Bandera, who led the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in the first part of the 20th century is revered by Ukrainian nationalists for fighting Russian and Polish occupation in Ukraine but denounced by others as a Nazi collaborator during World War II.

You just have proven that you have no clue about Ukraine and its dark history. You are spreading lies all over... someone pay you for this ukie propaganda?
Yes, sure, ukrainian nationalist fought against "Polish occupations" in 1943, murdered about 200 000 polish citizens (mainly women, child, elderly) They used cruel methods, I wont write about it couse it's trully the devil face...

Here's two film from russian side, quite objectiv story about ukie nationalist: Bandera, Szuchewicz and others retards from UPA, OUN... I hope you'll watch it and try write the same what you had posted:

The document content bloody graphic, but it's the real face of ukrainian nationalist.

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You just have proven that you have no clue about Ukraine and its dark history. You are spreading lies all over... someone pay you for this ukie propaganda?
Yes, sure, ukrainian nationalist fought against "Polish occupations" in 1943, murdered about 200 000 polish citizens (mainly women, child, elderly) They used cruel methods, I wont write about it couse it's trully the devil face...

Why i would spread propaganda ? and why anyone would pay me ?

This article is there on Ukrainian website
Thousands mark death of Ukrainian nationalist hero - watch on - uatoday.tv

Here's two film from russian side, quite objectiv story about ukie nationalist: Bandera, Szuchewicz and others retards from UPA, OUN... I hope you'll watch it and try write the same what you had posted:

The document content bloody graphic, but it's the real face of ukrainian nationalist.

I have read about all this and that's why i am talking about it . Its reality that there were invasions by red army and Nazi army in which many people from all the nations have suffered and millions were perished.
Ok you just passed info from ukie side, which is full of historical lias, your choise what you posted...

I have read about all this and that's why i am talking about it . Its reality that there were invasions by red army and Nazi army in which many people from all the nations have suffered and millions were perished.

Simply example of relativism of yours... and its justified ukrainian nationalist which on Nazis' side murdered otheres nations in cruel way? I don't get it.

New ukr forces coming to Donbas:
Ok you just passed info from ukie side, which is full of historical lias, your choise what you posted...

Simply example of relativism of yours... and its justified ukrainian nationalist which on Nazis' side murdered otheres nations in cruel way? I don't get it.

Oh Come on please. There is always two side of the coin and everywhere no one wants to show what is going on with the Ukrainian people and how the people are suffering there.

You are still there only it seems in 19th century . United states, Germany, Canada all are helping Ukraine so does that make them supporters of Nazis. I see all this as the case of sovereignty of a country.

A woman walks past one of the armoured personell carriers of Russian SOBR (Special Police Forces) which arrived in the Crimean capital Simferopol, on May 15 2014
I see all this as the case of sovereignty of a country.

Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Is that the only thing you know? Perhaps we should have let Hitler massacre Jewish people because by golly bombing Germany was an infringement on Germany's sovereignty. :hitwall:
Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Sovereignty. Is that the only thing you know? Perhaps we should have let Hitler massacre Jewish people because by golly bombing Germany was an infringement on Germany's sovereignty. :hitwall:

I see all these things in terms of my country first . For us Indian ours sovereignty and integrity is important.
Consider losing Crimea as punishment for coup. Germany lost land after WW1 and after WW2 as punishment.

But here not just about Crimea but even Eastern Ukraine, gas crisis, coal mines, over all the Ukrainian people who are suffering.
But here not just about Crimea but even Eastern Ukraine, gas crisis, coal mines, over all the Ukrainian people who are suffering.

Not punishment enough. Germany lost about half its land after WW2 and is now a small country.
Oh Come on please. There is always two side of the coin and everywhere no one wants to show what is going on with the Ukrainian people and how the people are suffering there.

You are still there only it seems in 19th century . United states, Germany, Canada all are helping Ukraine so does that make them supporters of Nazis. I see all this as the case of sovereignty of a country.

You seem blind on one eye. What's a suffering of ukrainian people, where, by whom... What you are trying to prove? That ukrainian people are shelling by russian army, that someone trying eliminated them, destroy their houses and lives...

Pictures from Donetsk and region, who did this? How do you think?










Let's face to facts then, Ukr Forces shelling cities with russian people inside, they destroy houses, factories etc. Of course you can justife this becouse of abstract idea: sovereignty, integrity, democracy, nation and others words that match to current situation for those on the top. If you aren't fish you should remember what happened in Serbia few years ago. Similar situation but the forces of good 'United states, Germany, Canada' had other point of view about sovereignty of independent country.
It' s ironic now isn't it. So don't try to play these cards...
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