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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Fire, smoke and opposition supporters on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev, where clashes began between protesters and the police.

Donbas militia during a battle for the border town of Kozhevnya near Snezhny. Eastern Ukraine.

Attacks in eastern Ukraine continue despite ceasefire - watch on - uatoday.tv
31 December 2014

Donetsk airport and Pisky vilage under fire

Fighting in eastern Ukraine has continued despite a ceasefire, with Donetsk airport and Pisky village under siege.

Ukrainian reconnaissance reported that new Russian-backed militants and military equipment have been supplied to the Ukrainian border with Russia.

‘Kremin',Ukrainian soldier: "Two men with the guns were moving towards us, they stopped a car, driver was trembling, said he put up two guys. We saw that by the thermal imager. They started a fire and we did the same in response."

Foul weather makes the situation even more complicated as hard snowstorms attacked eastern and southern regions of Ukraine.

People living in villages released by fighters have begun to receive their pensions again and are working to get back to their normal lives, while those attacked by insurgents suffer without food and electricity.

31 December 2014
The traffic flows at the Gukovo BCP increased compared to last week. A daily average of 3,084 entries and exits was recorded, which accounted for approximately thirteen percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. Compared to last week more people exited the RF than entered. The net flow went from minus 38 to minus 188 (i.e. more exits from the RF) on average per day.

During the week, the OM observed a total of 67 persons in military-style clothing crossing the border at the Gukovo BCP, 21 of them left for Ukraine while 46 entered the RF.

The OM continued to observe high numbers of dumper trucks transporting coal from the Luhansk region to the RF, making usually 2-3 loads per day. As reported previously, the observers saw RF customs officers verifying that the trucks were empty while leaving the RF.
Donbas Poles ready to flee, fear for their lives - Thenews.pl :: News from Poland

31.12.2014 09:26
People in the eastern Ukranian region of Donbas live in fear, and hundreds of residents of Polish descent cannot wait to leave the region under a government-led programme.

“Life in [the city of] Donetsk is abnormal. People are walking around with guns, we hear gunshots, which causes reactions in fewer and fewer people,” region resident Victoria Kharchenko said, as she waits for a convoy to bring her family to Poland.

“In the evening, the city dies, and no one leaves their homes. Everyone here is afraid for their life,” she added.

Many Ukranians of Polish descent have expressed their hope that they would be settled in Poland by January 7 – the date of Orthodox Christmas Day.

“[Polish] Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz promised us that we would be in Poland by the end of the year, and we were hoping for this deadline. [A representative from] the Foreign Ministry came here, and promised us that the evacuation would not be cancelled, and will likely happen in the first half of January. It was very important for us, however, that everything turns out fine and that we will soon be in Poland,” Kharchenko said. (rg)
Maybe. But 100 years from now Russia will still be a strong country, and Crimea will still be a part of Russia because Crimea is an inalienable part of Russia.

100yrs from now? What is this? A wet dream? Who knows what will happen in a 100yrs. So lets talk about TODAY. Russia fell back in to recession since Putin's madness of occupying Crimea and Russian ruble has lost more than half its value against the dollar. Russia today stands alone as a sad joke all because of one mad man, Putin.
100yrs from now? What is this? A wet dream? Who knows what will happen in a 100yrs. So lets talk about TODAY. Russia fell back in to recession since Putin's madness of occupying Crimea and Russian ruble has lost more than half its value against the dollar. Russia today stands alone as a sad joke all because of one mad man, Putin.

1. Crimea is part of Russia. It is not occupied. There is a big difference.

2. The higher the dollar to ruble, the better for Russia. Oil sold on the international market is in dollars, and must be changed into rubles before bringing the income back to Russia.

3. No friend of Russia turned its back on Russia. No enemy of Russia became a friend of Russia. Nothing has changed.
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1. Crimea was annexed, not occupied. There is a big difference.

2. The higher the dollar to ruble, the better for Russia. Oil sold on the international market is in dollars, and must be changed into ruble before bringing the income back to Russia.

3. No friend of Russia turned its back on Russia. No enemy of Russia has become a friend of Russia. Nothing has changed.

1. Yes Crimea was occupied and remains under occupation after Putin decided to renege on the Budapest Memorandums of 1994 in clear violation of the condition:

"The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

As everyone knows already, Russian special forces operated in Crimea as they do now in Luhansk and Donetsk by removing Russian army insignia from their uniforms, a shameful and illegal act of cowardice.

2. Yes and the current price of oil on the market is so low that it has been one of the biggest factors in Russian ruble continuing its decline in value, Russian central bank burning up its reserves.

I can send you the link in your inbox if you like since the forum won't let me put up a link since I'm a new member.

You must be living in some alternate reality.

3. Russia has NO friends other than crazy countries such as Belarus. If Russia had friends, they would have been able to stop the sanctions that Russia faces today.
1. Yes Crimea was occupied and remains under occupation after Putin decided to renege on the Budapest Memorandums of 1994 in clear violation of the condition:

"The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

As everyone knows already, Russian special forces operated in Crimea as they do now in Luhansk and Donetsk by removing Russian army insignia from their uniforms, a shameful and illegal act of cowardice.

2. Yes and the current price of oil on the market is so low that it has been one of the biggest factors in Russian ruble continuing its decline in value, Russian central bank burning up its reserves.

I can send you the link in your inbox if you like since the forum won't let me put up a link since I'm a new member.

You must be living in some alternate reality.

3. Russia has NO friends other than crazy countries such as Belarus. If Russia had friends, they would have been able to stop the sanctions that Russia faces today.

Russia never recognized Crimea as part of Ukraine, just as the US never recognized the Baltics as part of Russia. From the POV of Russia, Crimea was merely under Ukrainian occupation.

China is Russia's best friend. Russia is China's national security issue.
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Ukraine is on its way to move towards NATO and EU which means Western and European doors will be opened for Ukrainian immigrants and even the number of Ukrainian, Belorussian, Russian asylum seekers is high in EU and Western world. Already EU is doing a lot for the people of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.

10/2011 to 12/2013
European Union - EEAS (European External Action Service) | Ensuring protection of asylum seekers and refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine

01/2012 to 12/2013
European Union - EEAS (European External Action Service) | Local integration of refugees in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine

06/2013 to 02/2016
European Union - EEAS (European External Action Service) | Establishing regional child support centers in Ukraine
Russia never recognized Crimea as part of Ukraine, just as the US never recognized the Baltics as part of Russia. From the POV of Russia, Crimea was merely under Ukrainian occupation.

China is Russia's best friend. Russia is China's national security issue.

Russia did recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine by signing the Budapest Memorandums. Russia isn't a little child to not understand what it meant to sign those memorandums since the entire international community considers Crimea part of Ukraine. NO ONE cares about what Russia's POV when its only Putin's POV as is evident from the crippling sanctions on Russia today.

China is NOT Russia's best friend. Not too long ago China and Russia were at war with each other. Yes their relations have warmed up a bit but that doesn't mean 'best friends'. Like I said, you must be living in some alternate reality.
Russia did recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine by signing the Budapest Memorandums. Russia isn't a little child to not understand what it meant to sign those memorandums since the entire international community considers Crimea part of Ukraine. NO ONE cares about what Russia's POV when its only Putin's POV as is evident from the crippling sanctions on Russia today.

China is NOT Russia's best friend. Not too long ago China and Russia were at war with each other. Yes their relations have warmed up a bit but that doesn't mean 'best friends'. Like I said, you must be living in some alternate reality.

Russia does not recognize the current Ukrainian government which came to power through an illegal coup. The Budapest Memorandum only applies to a legitimate Ukrainian government.

International community? Really? What's that? :rofl:
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Russia does not recognize the current Ukrainian government which came to power through an illegal coup. The Budapest Memorandum only applies to a legitimate Ukrainian government.

Nonsense. Current Ukrainian government came to power via people powered revolution when the Moscow stooge Yanukovych reneged on his promise to the people of Ukraine for closer economic ties with the E.U under pressure from Putin. And at first instance, he ran with his tail between his legs to his Russian masters to seek refuge when he was replaced by the street protests. Since his departure, Ukraine has already had presidential elections much free and fair than Putin would ever allow in Russia itself out of fear of losing power.

Looks like Russian leaders and their puppets have some unique skills of making agreements and/or promises, then reneging on them.

We all know what happens in Putin's Russia where political opponents get silenced, journalists assassinated, dissenting media outlets banned and shutdown. Only those who sing praises of Putin are allowed breathing space.

I personally have met people who have escaped Russia and sough asylum abroad out of fear for their lives because they dared to criticize Putin the madman.
Nonsense. Current Ukrainian government came to power via people powered revolution when the Moscow stooge Yanukovych reneged on his promise to the people of Ukraine for closer economic ties with the E.U under pressure from Putin. And at first instance, he ran with his tail between his legs to his Russian masters to seek refuge when he was replaced by the street protests. Since his departure, Ukraine has already had presidential elections much free and fair than Putin would ever allow in Russia itself out of fear of losing power.

Looks like Russian leaders and their puppets have some unique skills of making agreements and/or promises, then reneging on them.

We all know what happens in Putin's Russia where political opponents get silenced, journalists assassinated, dissenting media outlets banned and shutdown. Only those who sing praises of Putin are allowed breathing space.

Civilians cannot revolt without weapons. CIA gave weapons to revolt. CIA cannot do that in Hong Kong because they cannot send weapons to Hong Kong.

Oliver Stone says CIA was behind Ukraine revolution in bizarre Facebook rant
Civilians cannot revolt without weapons. CIA gave weapons to revolt. CIA cannot do that in Hong Kong because they cannot send weapons to Hong Kong.

Oliver stone? Hahaha! Thanks for the New Year's Eve laugh. Might want to dig up better sources for starters.

If Yanukovych had kept the spirit of the Orange Revolution of 2004 alive and worked sincerely for the interests of Ukrainians and not those of Putin; he would still be in power today. But alas! That's the sad consequences of stooges, they run to their master at the first sign of trouble.
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Givi, commander of rebel Somali battalion, addresses people of freedom on New Year's Day.

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