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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

NSDC posts a map that doesn't change every single day. Don't people take Christmas vacation in Ukraine? :rofl:
In fact, we are Orthodox, not Catholics(except traitors from Western Ukraine). We will have Christmas on 7 January.
Orthodox - about 80-90% of the population. Therefore, Ukraine called Orthodox country. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in the old style, that is, the 7th of January.

There are three different orthodox Churches in Ukraine and Kyiv Patriarchate is unrecognized by Moscow Patriarchate
There are three different orthodox Churches in Ukraine and Kyiv Patriarchate is unrecognized by Moscow Patriarchate
Kiev "patriarchy" is not recognized by any of the Orthodox Patriarchs. This is sect, not a church. In Ukraine, there is only one canonical Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate.
Young Nazis screamin their Nazi slogans. Central street of Kiev.
Kiev "patriarchy" is not recognized by any of the Orthodox Patriarchs. This is sect, not a church. In Ukraine, there is only one canonical Orthodox Church - Moscow Patriarchate.
Young Nazis screamin their Nazi slogans. Central street of Kiev.

There are even historical reasons behind it as during the Soviet union other churches were liquidated, as the Soviet government only recognized the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) and even now according to Ukrainians this policy is being adopted by Russian federation.
There are even historical reasons behind it as during the Soviet union other churches were liquidated, as the Soviet government only recognized the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) and even now according to Ukrainians this policy is being adopted by Russian federation.
When the Ecumenical Patriarch recognizes so called "Kiev Patriarchate" as canonical church, then the sect will become a chyrch. Until then, sect stay sect.
The so-called "Patriarch of Kiev" was Metropolitan of Kiev and very wanted to become the Moscow Patriarchate. However, the Synod elected Alexy 2, after than Metropolitan of Kiev grudge. He proclaimed himself "Patriarch of Kiev", after which he was excommunicated from Orthodox Church. That is, he - an impostor. Anyone can make a suit and say that he - the patriarch. This does not make him the real Patriarch.
When the Ecumenical Patriarch recognizes so called "Kiev Patriarchate" as canonical church, then the sect will become a chyrch. Until then, sect stay sect.
The so-called "Patriarch of Kiev" was Metropolitan of Kiev and very wanted to become the Moscow Patriarchate. However, the Synod elected Alexy 2, after than Metropolitan of Kiev grudge. He proclaimed himself "Patriarch of Kiev", after which he was excommunicated from Orthodox Church. That is, he - an impostor. Anyone can make a suit and say that he - the patriarch. This does not make him the real Patriarch.

It was just to redo the policy adopted by the USSR when it recognized just Moscow Patriarchate and liquidate all other Patriarchate. Patriarch Filaret who heads the Kyiv Patriarch was born in Donetsk Oblast , Amvrosiivsky Raion which is now under the control of Separatists. So is he Ethnic Russian or Ethnic Ukrainian ?
It was just to redo the policy adopted by the USSR when it recognized just Moscow Patriarchate and liquidate all other Patriarchate. Patriarch Filaret who heads the Kyiv Patriarch was born in Donetsk Oblast , Amvrosiivsky Raion which is now under the control of Separatists. So is he Ethnic Russian or Ethnic Ukrainian ?
You have to understand that one desire to become a patriarch is not enough. In order for you to become Patriarch, you need to be recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. As long as you're not recognized by major Orthodox Patriarch of all - you're just an impostor. Besides, Filaret was excommunicated. So he is not only an impostor, but a heretic and sectarian.
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You have to understand that one desire to become a patriarch is not enough. In order for you to become Patriarch, you need to be recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. As long as you're not recognized by major Orthodox Patriarch of all - you're just an impostor. Besides, Filaret was excommunicated. So he is not only an impostor, but a heretic and sectarian.

On June 8, 2010 in Istanbul a meeting was held between President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. This meeting testifies to respect that the head of the state extends towards the Mother-Church of Constantinople and the attention paid by the Ecumenical Patriarch to Ukraine.

The Kyiv Patriarchate is grateful to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his prayers for Ukraine and the unity of the Ukrainian Church. We hope that the Mother Church of Constantinople will continue acting not just prayerfully, but by other means, in accordance with the assumed burden of primacy in Orthodoxy, on the lines of overcoming church division in Ukraine, provoked by non-canonical actions of the Moscow Patriarchate, keeping in mind the words of Christ “and whoever wishes to be first among

On our part we have to state that the Kyiv Patriarchate did not secede from the Orthodox Church for we unfailingly confess Orthodox faith and perform canonical prescriptions in our church life, We separated from the Moscow Patriarchate and do not recognize its authority over Ukrainian Church – but the Patriarchate of Constantinople itself stated in the Tomos of Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Poland (1924) that joining of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686 was carried out regardless of prescriptions of the canon law and therefore is illegal.
Vicariate of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Home
On June 8, 2010 in Istanbul a meeting was held between President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. This meeting testifies to respect that the head of the state extends towards the Mother-Church of Constantinople and the attention paid by the Ecumenical Patriarch to Ukraine.

The Kyiv Patriarchate is grateful to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his prayers for Ukraine and the unity of the Ukrainian Church. We hope that the Mother Church of Constantinople will continue acting not just prayerfully, but by other means, in accordance with the assumed burden of primacy in Orthodoxy, on the lines of overcoming church division in Ukraine, provoked by non-canonical actions of the Moscow Patriarchate, keeping in mind the words of Christ “and whoever wishes to be first among

On our part we have to state that the Kyiv Patriarchate did not secede from the Orthodox Church for we unfailingly confess Orthodox faith and perform canonical prescriptions in our church life, We separated from the Moscow Patriarchate and do not recognize its authority over Ukrainian Church – but the Patriarchate of Constantinople itself stated in the Tomos of Autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Poland (1924) that joining of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686 was carried out regardless of prescriptions of the canon law and therefore is illegal.
Vicariate of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Home
Exactly. You can say whatever you want, but as long as you do not recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch - you're just an impostor who pretends patriarch.
List of Orthodox churches in the world.
Orthodox - about 80-90% of the population. Therefore, Ukraine called Orthodox country. Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in the old style, that is, the 7th of January.

I didn't knew Christmas was celebrated on different dates
Thx man :enjoy:
Exactly. You can say whatever you want, but as long as you do not recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarch - you're just an impostor who pretends patriarch.
List of Orthodox churches in the world.

Kyiv Patriarchate do recognize Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople but do not recognize authority of Moscow Patriarchate over Ukrainian Church as according to them during the time of USSR all other Patriarchate were liquidate and only Moscow Patriarchate was recognized by the USSR authority.
Servicemen renew demolished infrastructure in Lugansk Oblast - Міністерство оборони України
Thursday, December 25,
LUGANSK OBLAST — Ukrainian servicemen help to renew demolished and damaged facilities in Lugansk Oblast.

Due to cooperation among army units, local authorities and civil population there is supplied potable water, gas, power, medical products and food to localities.

According to chief of the group of civil military control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is problematic to provide support in the zone of close combat contact with terrorists. The militants mine approaches to water supply stations, power lines and gas pipe lines.




Ukraine's militia into modern police force

Interior Ministry will start recruiting people to be new patrol officers for Kyiv on Jan. 20.
“Everyone is free to participate in a competition,” Zguldaze said during the press conference. “There will be different criteria; and one of those is age – preferably starting 18 until 35 years old,” Zguladze says.

She also said that salaries for police officers would be upped.

Selected candidates will continue their training at schools. Earlier Avakov said the candidates will undergo “three months of rigorous training and studies.” He said the final tests after the training program are expected to select 50 percent of applicants.

“We will have a new police patrol service. With new approaches, rules and new people. And hopefully, with your renewed trust,” the minister posted to his Facebook page on Dec. 24.

“Police need to serve everyone and all. People don’t trust police at all now, and we could not do anything without it,” Zguladze said. “Renewing image of police is our primary task.”

That’s what she managed to do in Georgia. During her term as a deputy interior minister in 2005-2012, almost 90 percent of national police force was dismissed and new officers hired in a matter of weeks.

I think people here are afraid whenever some big events comes specially Olympics and festivals

Beijing Olympics events in Georgia , Sochi Olympics events in Crimea, Ukraine.

and on the eve of Christmas events in Mariupol, Kharkiv and Odesa.

Interior minister's advisor says Kharkiv, Odesa explosions aim at escalating tensions in Ukraine

Grenade thrown at parliamentarians in Kyiv demonstrates growing terrorist threat to Ukraine – Turchynov
As reported, an unknown man hurled a grenade in the direction of a group of Ukrainian parliamentarians outside a hotel in Kyiv late on Wednesday, the Kyiv department of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported on Thursday.

NSDC introduces strict regime of control on border with occupied territories| Ukrinform

KYIV, December 25 /Ukrinform/. Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), after an attempt on the lives of MPs in Kyiv, is planning to significantly strengthen controls at crossing points on the border with occupied territories.

Poroshenko orders tightening of security at strategic facilities| Ukrinform

Fireworks banned in Kyiv until end of anti-terrorist operation| Ukrinform

One Ukrainian soldier has been injured in the Donbas conflict zone in eastern Ukraine in the last day, National Security and Defense Council spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at a briefing in Kyiv on Thursday
NSDC: One soldier injured in last day : UNIAN news

Contact group in Minsk agrees 'all for all' prisoner exchange - read on - uatoday.tv

The Minsk negotiations are still going on, [but] it is early to talk of any agreements," Donetsk People's Republic leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko said on Thursday.
"The only thing I can say is that we have removed the last point of non-contact about the exchange of prisoners. The exchange will be 150 to 225, ‘all for all.' Now, we are still discussing other issues," Zakharchenko added.

Ukraine Conflict Sides Agree to Swap Captives: Luhansk Leader / Sputnik International

On December 24 Advisor to the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Markiyan Lubkivsky said that Ukraine was ready to transfer within the first wave of exchange 225 detained insurgents, some of whom were Russian citizens.

LUHANSK, December 25 (Sputnik) – The Kiev government and the self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk agreed on a prisoner exchange scheme under which a total of 375 people will be swapped, the Luhansk leader said Thursday.
“There is an agreement concerning [the exchange of] prisoners of war – 225 from the Ukrainian side and 150 from our side. All other issues are still being negotiated,” Luhansk leader Igor Plotnitsky said, adding that the swap may take place this weekend.

Pullout of Heavy Artillery in Donbas to Begin on December 26: Kiev / Sputnik International
KIEV, December 25 (Sputnik) — The opposing sides in the Ukrainian conflict will begin on December 26 the withdrawal of heavy artillery from the separation line to create a 30-km (18.6 miles) security buffer zone as part of the ceasefire agreement, the Ukrainian military said Thursday.

"We are working to ensure the strict implementation of the Minsk memorandum," the Defense Ministry's press service said citing Maj. Gen. Oleksandr Rozmaznin, Deputy Chief of the Main Command Center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"The first stage is to observe the 'regime of silence.' After December 26, we will begin the next stage — the withdrawal of heavy artillery — 100-mm caliber and higher — to the agreed distances [from the separation line] in order to create a 30-km security buffer zone," Rozmaznin said.
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