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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

@vostok Vosty lol,stop the propaganda...
I work in the army,you won't teach me anything new,i have some friends in the air force,one of them participated in the operation Harmattan,and they didn't ran out of ammunitions....
And ? So,doing 1 great exercise 1 time in 20 years means that you're well prepared ? You should train your troops a lot in 1 months.
It will be very hard to you to afford the modernisation plan,even your finance minister says that Russia can't afford military spending plan,how will you do,while our sanctions will be much harder,and the price of oil is failing. :) ?
Ok,but how many % of the funds for miitary are in generas,politics pockets ?
(66$/barel,it's time to vlady to cut the budgets..)

Finance minister warns Russia can't afford military spending plan| Reuters


Russian army T72B3 captured by the Ukrainian army,now under Ukrainian hands.


Comparison: Funerals of Ukrainian Heroes and Russian Soldiers Killed in Donbas

Stop your Western propaganda. Gabby, you uploading photos that uses Junta in its propaganda. You justify people who burnt alive a few easy dozens local people in Odessa. Burned alive, you understand this? They seized power by force in the country, they = Junta. Lie - their only tool to distract people from reality. And the reality is that they steal all the money that gives the west on the Ukr army. They sell weapons to militias. They rape, rob - behave as invaders. And they are the occupiers.
I'll repeat for the thousandth time - in Novorossiya there are no regiments of the Russian army. This does not mean that there is no Russian warriors, but they go there to fight at their own risk. For free. However, there is, of course instructors, advisors, scouts. This Russian land, the Russian people live there. If this were Americans, the United States bombed Ukraine to dust.
Do not read Junta propaganda, you will not find truth. These people have recently stated that "Altaic armored-tank militia" moved to Donbass. This was the most stupid thing I ever heard! They constantly use the names and numbers of non-existent or long disbanded military units. This is nonsense. If there were real column of Russian troops - a couple of thousands of tanks, helicopters, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, fighter jets, cruise missiles, and so on - most part of Ukrainian troops fled, or switched side to Russia.
Do not worry for Russia. Prices will rise again, the United States is not able to lower the price to $ 20, as they did in the 80s. So, no big deal.
"Your sanctions"? These are US sanctions, you are just colonies that obey orders.
Look here - her name was Valeria Lyahova, she was 16, and she threw herself under a Nazi tank with a bunch of grenades in hand.
Stop your Western propaganda. Gabby, you uploading photos that uses Junta in its propaganda. You justify people who burnt alive a few easy dozens local people in Odessa. Burned alive, you understand this? They seized power by force in the country, they = Junta. Lie - their only tool to distract people from reality. And the reality is that they steal all the money that gives the west on the Ukr army. They sell weapons to militias. They rape, rob - behave as invaders. And they are the occupiers.
I'll repeat for the thousandth time - in Novorossiya there are no regiments of the Russian army. This does not mean that there is no Russian warriors, but they go there to fight at their own risk. For free. However, there is, of course instructors, advisors, scouts. This Russian land, the Russian people live there. If this were Americans, the United States bombed Ukraine to dust.
Do not read Junta propaganda, you will not find truth. These people have recently stated that "Altaic armored-tank militia" moved to Donbass. This was the most stupid thing I ever heard! They constantly use the names and numbers of non-existent or long disbanded military units. This is nonsense. If there were real column of Russian troops - a couple of thousands of tanks, helicopters, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, fighter jets, cruise missiles, and so on - most part of Ukrainian troops fled, or switched side to Russia.
Do not worry for Russia. Prices will rise again, the United States is not able to lower the price to $ 20, as they did in the 80s. So, no big deal.
"Your sanctions"? These are US sanctions, you are just colonies that obey orders.
Look here - her name was Valeria Lyahova, she was 16, and she threw herself under a Nazi tank with a bunch of grenades in hand.
View attachment 158961

Oh brother..."16 year old girl throws herself under nazi tank with grenade in hand"-propaganda crap taken from the Soviet 1940's manuals.-Lavrenti Beria and daddy Stalin are proud.
@vostok If this was a Russian land and the "junta" is killing its civilians,why don't the Russian army "liberate" all the eastern Ukraine ?
Didn't Medvedev (or putin i don't remember) say that Russia will protect its citizens everywhere in the world ? (lol)
Also,if i show all the Russian propaganda and "novorossia" propaganda,i think it will take some months...
If there aren't Russian troops in Ukraine,who are you burrying in secret ? Also,why when persons are investigating the precense of Russian troops in Ukraine,they're getting beaten,or considered as western spies,or even terrorists ?
Remember,the great and the powerfull (lel) Putin said there weren't Russian troops in Crimea,then a couples of day after,he said that there are Russian troops to "protect" russians citizens against facists and the nazis of Kiev.....
Also,look at these T72B3s for exemple...
Sure, Russia just gives some recent modernised tanks to the separatists... Santa claus came before december...
remember those BMD-2 and captured soilders form Pskov In Ukraine.... :)





Also this



(if i'm not wrong,that soldier has been killed by the ukrainian forces.)

Junta propaganda right ?
But trust what you want vosty. :)
vostok said:
You justify people who burnt alive a few easy dozens local people in Odessa

What ?

They wanted to be with EU side,they didn't want a Russian puppet as president,where's the problem ?
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@vostok If this was a Russian land and the "junta" is killing its civilians,why don't the Russian army "liberate" all the eastern Ukraine ?
Didn't Medvedev (or putin i don't remember) say that Russia will protect its citizens everywhere in the world ? (lol)
Also,if i show all the Russian propaganda and "novorossia" propaganda,i think it will take some months...
If there aren't Russian troops in Ukraine,who are you burrying in secret ? Also,why when persons are investigating the precense of Russian troops in Ukraine,they're getting beaten,or considered as western spies,or even terrorists ?
Remember,the great and the powerfull (lel) Putin said there weren't Russian troops in Crimea,then a couples of day after,he said that there are Russian troops to "protect" russians citizens against facists and the nazis of Kiev.....
Also,look at these T72B3s for exemple...
Sure, Russia just gives some recent modernised tanks to the separatists... Santa claus came before december...
remember those BMD-2 and captured soilders form Pskov In Ukraine.... :)





Also this



(if i'm not wrong,that soldier has been killed by the ukrainian forces.)

Junta propaganda right ?
But trust what you want vosty. :)

What ?
They wanted to be with EU side,they didn't want a Russian puppet as president,where's the problem ?
Junta propaganda works only for those who admit that they can, in principle, telling the truth. It is designed for Western people. All members of the junta - were in power under Yanukovich, and they were members of organized crime in the 90s. For example Poroshenko was a minister in the government of Yanukovych. And now they suddenly became "revolutionaries." And in order to come to power they did maidan and went to war, already has cost thousands of lives. And still, they will lose, because there is no truth behind them.
Maybe you do not know what happened in Odessa. Nazis with weapons drove peaceful locals who peacefully opposed the junta and the Maidan in the building and burned alive them. Those who jumped out from burning they killed with weapons or metal fittings.
You post some photos from Junta publics - they have less value than a byte on the server. Each fake Junta has long been unmasked. No tank columns from Russia nobody not found. Even Psaki did not show no satellite photos of "tank columns".
If the New Russia does have some equipment from Russia - it was not delivered by the Russian government, and by good people.
About the fact that Putin has not sent troops to the New Russia - I do not know why he did not. If it was I who decide - I would send troops without any doubts.
About those who wants American puppets as authorities and for the sake of it destroyed the country and expelled legitimate authority - God will judge them. Among them most - naive idiots.
In any case, I believe that the New Russia will win in its just struggle for independence. And I believe in Free Novorossia from Odessa to Kharkov.
Insurgents of Nazi batallion "Azov". Junta made them part of Kiev police.

one of them reading a verse to his captain. Pay attention to the "Sieg Heil" at the end.
All this happens in the building of the regional governance of the Kiev police.
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@ Vostok-he knows very well what did happen in Odessa!But it does not matter for him-russian people for the likes of Gabriel and Flamer are nothing.Dont waste your time arguing with them-look at their posts and hatred for anything russian.Anything harmful to Russia and russian people is fine in their book.
In other news - soon another 9th humanitarian convoy will be send to help people of DNR/LNR
Trust what you want.
You'll see soon that you're government is lying to you again. (Aren't you a Russian speaker from Ukraine,so you're Ukrainian... :what:)
Meanwhile,the west continues to supply Ukrainian soldiers with equipment..





Ukrainian nazi sold....
Opps ?




Russian Rocket luncher captured

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Trust what you want.
You'll see soon that you're government is lying to you again. (Aren't you a Russian speaker from Ukraine,so you're Ukrainian... :what:)
Meanwhile,the west continues to supply Ukrainian soldiers with equipment..





Ukrainian nazi sold....
Opps ?

Gabriel's grandpa must have fought for Vichy France Nazis :disagree:

Vichy France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for body armor, you have no idea how easily armor piercing 7N22 and 7N14 bullets slice through them like knife through butter. So go ahead and waste your money supplying body armor to Ukraine. It won't do Ukraine any good :agree:
Trust what you want.
You'll see soon that you're government is lying to you again. (Aren't you a Russian speaker from Ukraine,so you're Ukrainian... :what:)
Meanwhile,the west continues to supply Ukrainian soldiers with equipment..





Ukrainian nazi sold....
Opps ?




Russian Rocket luncher captured


Hope they dont surrender their arms and run away singing the national anthem like the last time..
Trust what you want.
You'll see soon that you're government is lying to you again. (Aren't you a Russian speaker from Ukraine,so you're Ukrainian... :what:)
Meanwhile,the west continues to supply Ukrainian soldiers with equipment..





Ukrainian nazi sold....
Opps ?




Russian Rocket luncher captured

Believe in what you want. But remember, you know nothing, and I live here. I know, that teachers in our schools are forced to teach children the local version of "Sieg Heil". You would like the children to France shouted "Sieg Heil" and forced to glory collaborators of WW2?
Tell me, if Junta is so sure, that it fight with Russia - why they do not claim the war?


@vostok I cannot really condemn them,remember what one of your leader did to the Ukrainian people...
And you want them to love Putin,communism and others ?
Be sure that they won't hug you.

So what ? :lol:

Oh, looky here. Brand new T-72B3 :p:

Oh, looky here. Brand new ASVK sniper rifle :p:

Ukraine as a country exists because of communists. If it wasn't for Lenin and Khurschev there would be no country called Ukraine with these borders today.
So yes they should be greatful to communism.
Probably it's time for you to study something about Ukraine before you continue on this topic.
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