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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Russia is transfering tank forces from Ulan-Ude to Rostov region:




They arrived to Rostov region...



@vostok What do you think about those deployments of the Russian army ?
Just protecting the border ? Future operation ? Tourism ?
Russia is transfering tank forces from Ulan-Ude to Rostov region:




They arrived to Rostov region...



@vostok What do you think about those deployments of the Russian army ?
Just protecting the border ? Future operation ? Tourism ?
What's the difference where to move military units within your own borders? Especially not the fact that this event ever took place. You should read less Russophobian media.
Putin watches TV. The announcer says:
- The junta in the 23rd time announced that Russia sent troops to Ukraine.
Putin thinks:
"May be I should really send troops just for one week, and then withdraw so they could understand the difference?"
There were (or there's still) Russian troops in Ukraine,it's sure.
Remember in August,the rebels were losing everywhere and in one day they said "We'll launch a counter-offensive",in 1-2 weeks they literally smashed the Ukrainian army .... That's suspect no ?... :o:
Putin also admitted that there were no Russian troops in Crimea........... :lol: :p:
There were (or there's still) Russian troops in Ukraine,it's sure.
Remember in August,the rebels were losing everywhere and in one day they said "We'll launch a counter-offensive",in 1-2 weeks they literally smashed the Ukrainian army .... That's suspect no ?... :o:
Putin also admitted that there were no Russian troops in Crimea........... :lol: :p:
No one loses nothing. Only the borders towns. Strelkov managed to withdraw his men from Slavyansk with weapons.
Offensive of militia was planned at the same time when the Junta shoot the plane. Because of this militia's offensive did not happen
If in Ukraine were Russian troops - at least like in Crimea, without heavy armors and aircrafst - most of Ukr troops would simply give up. I assure you in that.
In New Russia, there are only Russian volunteers, some instructors and itelligence. But no regular military units. BTW there few French volunteers in New Russian militia.
So,how do you explain that Lev Schlossberg,a local Pskov politician was beaten after reporting about paratroopers gone to Ukraine ? :p:
So,how do you explain that Lev Schlossberg,a local Pskov politician was beaten after reporting about paratroopers gone to Ukraine ? :p:
There is a saying - "beating the fool means teaching him."
Think about it. If in Ukraine were Russian troops, the Ukrainian army would behave as well as in the Crimea - that is, just give up and shift side to Russian Army.
Junta began to attack in summer only when convinced that Putin will not send troops.
Russia is transfering tank forces from Ulan-Ude to Rostov region:




They arrived to Rostov region...



@vostok What do you think about those deployments of the Russian army ?
Just protecting the border ? Future operation ? Tourism ?

Most likely supply rebels. Russians typically use T-90 not T-72.
Most likely supply rebels. Russians typically use T-90 not T-72.

Russia still uses T72s in high quantity....
Not all russian armored divisions are equipped with the T90....
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Russia still uses T72s in high quantity....
Not all russian armored divisions are equipped with the T90....

The T-72s that Russian army uses is typically T-72B3 rather than T-72B as shown. These are very likely hand me downs for rebels.
Ukranian side has admitted 14 000 dead from April to November.At vk strelkov info there is a short video from Igor Bezler.Amongs other things he is saying -Poroshenko and wife of Gerasimov(person close to Avakov) did sell weapons to Gorlovka NAF units - trucks of weapons.Not long ago there was a report for train full with "Grad" missiles coming from Zaporojie.
Igor Bezler talks about arms deals between NAF and the Ukrainian government. Reveals that Poroshenko still owes weapon supplies on the sum of 450 000 UAH he hasn't provided to Gorlovka yet.
There were (or there's still) Russian troops in Ukraine,it's sure.
Remember in August,the rebels were losing everywhere and in one day they said "We'll launch a counter-offensive",in 1-2 weeks they literally smashed the Ukrainian army .... That's suspect no ?... :o:
Putin also admitted that there were no Russian troops in Crimea........... :lol: :p:

Everyone knew there were Russian troops in Crimea. There were photographic and video evidences. Plus, only Russians have Ratnik which were seen in Crimea. There are no Russian troops in Donbas. Everyone knows Ukrainian troops don't dare shoot at Russian troops. Ukrainian troops drop and run at the very first sight of Russian troops. That's why Russia annexed republic of Crimea and special city of Sevastopol, more than 4.5% of the rest of Ukraine, without firing a single shot :p: This to date is the most successful military campaign in human history. Donetsk is no Slavyansk. You think Ukrainian army could have taken Donetsk had there been no Russian backing to rebels whatsoever? Even the Russian army had trouble taking Grozny after losing thousands of soldiers.
In New Russia, there are only Russian volunteers, some instructors and itelligence

That's not what the "junta" says and shows....

Machinery, Rus passports & lists of soldiers from Pskov airborne division found in #Lugansk









Vintorez ?

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That's not what the "junta" says and shows....










Vintorez ?


You would believe Goebbels? After all, he was a master-liar. And Junta - his heirs. They do not even hide the fact that they are followers of the Nazis of the Second World War.
Think with your own head. Russia - is powerful military machine. It is able to overcome all united Europe (iwithout USA military). And Ukrainian army - corrupt, fragmented, poorly equipped, half of it - a Nazi battalions of mercenaries who do not obey to the staff.
The war of Russia and Ukraine would have ended in 3-5 days.
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