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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

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4317 people died,9921 wounded since April according to UN.As always UN not doing its job properly and refusing to announce real numbers.Over 30 000 people have died or wounded from both sides since April.OSSE totally biased towards Ukraine whole time and working as spies for them.International Red Crest refusing to work and help people of Donbas.Entire western MSM doing propaganda work for new west friends in Kiev.But despite all this DNR/LNR not only will win but expand Novorossia .
"We have faith, honor and dignity..."
Handing the flag to 1st Battalion of "The Ghost" Brigade of Brigadir Mozgovoy.
Is Mozgovoi a Cossack?
No, as far as I know. Perhaps you have thought so because of the "Папаха" (papakha, military hat)- but such caps were also in Soviet times, they were part of the uniform of generals from 1940 and later - for colonels. This tradition continues to this day.
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