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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

It's only a matter of time before they are all dead or crippled. 3 of these thugs were killed and another 14 were wounded just yesterday :rofl:

They're fighting for their country,they now that they can die,they defend their country against mercenaries,so what ?
i really want to know the losses of russian soldiers/separatists/mercenaries everyday,we'll laugh. :)
They're fighting for their country,they now that they can die,they defend their country against mercenaries,so what ?
i really want to know the losses of russian soldiers/separatists/mercenaries everyday,we'll laugh. :)

There is 0 Russian casualty in Ukraine.

That's not what the russian soldiers's mothers say.....
OH yes,they're west agents,paid by west,i forgot. :lol:

Proof? Crappy Soviet era Ukrainian bullets can't even shoot through Russian Ratnik body armor. How many American soldiers were killed in 2003 when the US blasted away the Iraqi army? :-)

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Superboy said:
As for body armor, you have no idea how easily armor piercing 7N22 and 7N14 bullets slice through them like knife through butter. So go ahead and waste your money supplying body armor to Ukraine. It won't do Ukraine any good :agree:

Superboy said:
Proof? Crappy Soviet era Ukrainian bullets can't even shoot through Russian Ratnik body armor.

So,if i understand,the modern westerns body armor can be easily pierced by the ennemies,and the Ukrainian can't even shoot trough the body armor of the non-modern thing called Ratnik ?
You're funny boy.
And if i'm not wrong,the deliveries of the Ratnik havent even started......
So,if i understand,the modern westerns body armor can be easily pierced by the ennemies,and the Ukrainian can't even shoot trough the body armor of the non-modern thing called Ratnik ?
You're funny boy.
And if i'm not wrong,the deliveries of the Ratnik havent even started......

Ukrainian soldiers don't have 7N22 and 7N14 AP bullets. Those were developed in Russia after the USSR. Even AP bullets would have trouble shooting through Ratnik, which is a lot tougher than Interceptor.

Militia mastering sniper rifle "KSVK"
Militia mastering sniper rifle "KSVK"
Can you provide an exact map of the areas controlled by Russians?

Can you provide an exact map of the areas controlled by Russians?

No. at the moment there are no fresh map. And actually here is real language map.

And here is geograthy of internet requests in Ukrainian. Even in Western Ukraine less then one/fird use Ukrainian in Internet.
Famous Russian actor (and Orthodox priest) Ivan Ohlobystin came to support the struggle of New Russia for freedom and independence.


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