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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Putin launches new offensive in Ukraine - Business Insider

Russian-backed separatists launched a long-anticipated offensive maneuver on June 3 that fully severed a fraying ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. After weeks of military buildup and operational expansion along the front line, the Russian-backed forces stormed government-held military positions immediately west of the separatist stronghold of Donetsk before being driven back by Ukrainian troops.

A sustained Russian-backed offensive on these frontline positions may function as component of a larger maneuver to push south along the strategic Donetsk-Mariupol highway. The maneuver around Donetsk may also be part of a coordinated tandem offensive, a signature of Russia’s hybrid operations in eastern Ukraine.

Russian-backed separatists may synchronize the offensive west of Donetsk with a maneuver operation around the city of Artemivsk, a gateway to Ukraine’s regional military and administrative headquarters.

Moscow and the separatists may apply a large-scale tandem offensive to bully Kyiv into a peace settlement on their own terms for the third time in a year. The timing of the offensive on the morning after restarted ceasefire negotiations, which Kyiv accused the Russian delegation of abandoning, points to the existence of a political objective behind the operation.

Since March, Russian and separatists have accused Kyiv of flouting the key political component of the February ceasefire agreement, namely the constitutional recognition of the autonomy of occupied eastern Ukraine. The Kremlin may have ordered the launch of maneuver operations to not only expand the territory of the separatist “republics” but also to coerce Kyiv into giving them legitimacy.

Russian-backed separatists launched an offensive maneuver in eastern Ukraine early Wednesday morning, May 3, shattering the last semblance of a loose 100-day ceasefire that the separatists have steadily dismantled since April.

Wednesday’s assault on Ukrainian positions west of the separatist stronghold of Donetsk (1 on map) is the largest the Russian-backed forces have mounted since their February 18 capture of Debaltseve (2 on map), a key transit hub. The preparations for this offensive have been underway since April, prompting ISW to issue two warning intelligence products.

Institute of the Study of War

The separatists launched the maneuver one day following failed peace talks in Minsk, Belarus that Ukrainian officials accuse Russia of abruptly abandoning. Russia and the separatists may be applying sharply intensified military force not only to seize strategically important terrain but also to push Kyiv into granting autonomy to the territory the hybrid forces have captured over the past 14 months.

Russian-backed separatists under the flag of the self-styled “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DNR) assaulted Ukrainian positions around Marinka and Krasnohorivka (3 on map), government-controlled urban areas bordering the western city districts of DNR-held Donetsk. The Ukrainian military reported intensive bombardment and separatist attempts to encircle Ukrainian “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO) forces west of Donetsk using a combination of armor and heavy weapons such as “Grad” multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS).

International monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) recorded the movement of columns of heavy weapons moving toward southwestern Donetsk in the hours preceding the attack. According to the Ukrainian military, ATO forces in the area endured two large waves of assaults which killed at least three Ukrainian soldiers, wounded over 30, and left Marinka and Krasnohorivka in flames.

Ukraine’s military claimed to have repelled the separatist maneuver after a reportedly 1,000-man combined arms force made inroads into the government-held areas west of Donetsk. The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces announced that it redeployed heavy artillery withdrawn under the ceasefire agreement to the front line in response to the separatist offensive.

Reports of heavy shelling inside DNR-held Donetsk suggest that Ukrainian troops targeted the urban terrain that the separatists appear to have been using as a shielded launch point for attacks.Ukrainian forces claimed to have cleared separatist mechanized infantry from the town of Marinka, which separatist forces partially captured earlier in the day. ATO forces reportedly withdrew into Marinka from a checkpoint on a highway linking Donetsk to Ukrainian-held Zaporizhia, the capital of the neighboring province to the west.

The escalation of separatist offensive activity along the front line since April 2015 places the maneuver west of Donetsk in the context of the larger Russian-backed military operation in eastern Ukraine. Following the capture of Debaltseve, both the separatist and Ukrainian forces began withdrawing heavy weapons in accordance with the February “Minsk II” ceasefire agreement.

The separatists continued to engage Ukrainian forces with indirect fire around key areas, most notably the ATO positions north of Donetsk and east of Mariupol (4 on map), the strategic city that anchors the highway from the separatists’ republics to Russian-held Crimea. Separatist forces began redeploying heavy weapons to the front line in April under the guise of preparations for May 9 “Victory Day” military parades.

Russia and the separatists have adapted Soviet operational art to their hybrid campaign in order to penetrate the Ukrainian front. The separatists gradually increased attacks from heavy weapons banned under the ceasefire agreement as the Russian-backed forces began bolstering their offensive capabilities along the front line in April.

Over the course of several weeks the separatists broadened their offensive operations, expanding their artillery targets from a few key Ukrainian positions to the majority of the front line. The separatists’ operational shift from isolated shelling to widespread attacks across a large front disguised preparations for the maneuver west of Donetsk, an area untouched during the ceasefire period until the night of May 27.

Russian-backed separatists engaged Ukrainian forces around other key areas as the offensive transpired west of Donetsk and in the day following the maneuver. Ukrainian positions north of Donetsk received intensive shelling while positions east of Mariupol endured an uptick in shelling after recent periods of relative calm. At least two incidents of shelling deep into Ukrainian territory were reported from June 1 to June 3, demonstrating longer range than the separatists have typically exhibited in the “Minsk II” ceasefire period.

Several attempts by the separatists to break through the frontline in areas away from Donetsk were reported during the same timeframe including at least one successful penetration. The separatists may have engaged ATO forces around other potential targets in order to prevent Ukraine from concentrating troops around Donetsk. Continued dispersed attacks also enable the separatists to probe for weak points in the Ukrainian defenses in order to launch a second synchronized maneuver.

The operational design that the separatists are using now likely mimics the tandem Russian- backed separatist offensive maneuvers that bookended the first Minsk ceasefire period. In August and early September 2014, Russian-backed separatists conducted a maneuver to envelop the rail hub of Ilovaisk (5 on map) while a regular Russian armored column opened a new front in the conflict by seizing coastal terrain (6 on map) along the Azov Sea. In January and February 2015, Russian-backed separatists seized the Donetsk airport before combined Russian-separatist forces encircled Debaltseve.

These tandem offensives brought Kyiv to the negotiating table with the separatists and Moscow. The two ceasefires out of these negotiations allowed Russia to gradually bolster the military capacity of the separatists and consolidate the territorial gains made during the hot war into defensible proxy political entities. It is likely that Russia and the separatists will reapply this operational design in the current offensive to maximize territorial gains before Ukrainian forces are able to form a coherent response.

The Russian-backed separatist offensive around Marinka and Krasnohorivka may serve several operational and strategic objectives that are not mutually exclusive. These two urban areas lay between the separatists and a major government-held reservoir and thermal power plant in the city of Kurakhove (7 on map), 20 kilometers west of Donetsk. These infrastructure points provide clean water and energy for many separatist-held areas.

Separatist leaders have highlighted the priority of securing major infrastructure points as a means to create viable states independent of Kyiv. Separatists have often targeted Ukrainian-held energy infrastructure along the front line, resulting in regular outages particularly during the winter period. Kurakhove’s strategic position on elevated terrain would also make it highly defensible as a westernmost point of separatist control. Separatist penetration beyond Marinka and Krasnohorivka would reveal Kurakhove as the probable target of the maneuver.

The maneuver launched on June 3 is more likely part of an operation to seize the northern leg of the Donetsk-Mariupol H20 highway (8 on map). Russian-backed forces began shelling both Marinka and areas of the highway south of Donetsk at the end of May after three months of inactivity and continued to target the Ukrainian positions on the highway during the offensive maneuver. The coincidence of attacks west and south of Donetsk suggests that these efforts are part of a single coordinated operation to seize the H20 highway.

Marinka acts as the forward most Ukrainian positon to southwestern Donetsk, a primary axis from which the separatists would likely launch an assault on that road. The capture of the government-controlled highway is a necessary precondition for a Russian-backed siege on the strategic port city of Mariupol.

A separatist advance into Marinka and intensified targeting of Ukrainian positions south of Donetsk would indicate that the H20 is the target of the operation.

ReutersMap of eastern Ukraine locating recent flashpoints between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces, includes shaded area of control by the rebels and locates presence of Russian military units in the region.

If the tandem offensive is underway, Russian-backed separatist offensive operations will likely sharply intensify around a government-held pocket between the separatist frontline cities of Horlivka (9 on map) and Pervomaysk (10 on map).The second Russian-backed maneuver in this set would likely focus on the highway between separatist-held Debaltseve and Ukrainian-controlled Artemivsk (11 on map).

Artemivsk is strategic gateway to the Kyiv-backed regional government and the ATO headquarters in northern Donetsk Oblast (12 on map). Separatist forces are well positioned to attempt to encircle Artemivsk from the western and eastern flanks. Separatist forces demonstrated that the city is in range of both their artillery systems and their infantry sabotage groups on the night of June 1 by launching small attacks around Artemivsk, 15 kilometers beyond the front line.

The decision of the separatists, and likely Russian President Vladimir Putin himself, to launch an offensive as ceasefire negotiations resume likely indicates their intentions to apply military force to extract political concessions from Kyiv. Representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the separatist “republics” gathered in the Belarussian capital on the eve of the offensive to discuss the implementation of the February “Minsk II” agreement.

They met in small working groups to discuss clauses of the agreement ranging from prisoner exchange to a Ukrainian constitutional amendment recognizing the autonomy of the separatist-held territory. The latter issue has been the primary focus of Russian and separatist criticism since March since they accused Kyiv of reneging on this key political clause of the ceasefire agreement.

Rather than recognizing the territories as autonomous, Ukraine’s parliament passed a law that classified them as “temporarily occupied” until internationally monitored local elections were held that would effectively bar the participation of the separatist leadership. While few details have emerged from the June 2 consultations, Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk accused Russia of walking out on the talks and promptly ordering the launch of an offensive. Moscow and its proxies are again fighting in order to impose their own negotiating terms on Ukraine.
OSCE reports more than 100 explosions near Donetsk railway station| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 8 /Ukrinform/.Representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine continue to observe violations of the ceasefire in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas.

This is stated in the OSCE SMMU's latest report on the situation in the Donbas conflict zone.

"At the Donetsk central railway station observation point on the afternoon of 5 June, the SMM heard a total of 111 explosions, anti-aircraft and small arms. The SMM also heard an intensive exchange of anti-aircraft gun fire," the report says.

In addition, on June 5, the SMM observed a total of 88 explosions, most of which were part of an exchange of fire between “DPR”-controlled Spartak and government-controlled positions in Vodiane and Opytne.

The report also says that the weapons being fired were artillery over 100mm, which are prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

Fighting near Maryinka over, terrorists suffer significant losses| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 8 /Ukrinform/.As a result of the battle near the town of Maryinka, the militants have suffered heavy losses. Now the fighting is over.

MP and coordinator of the Interior Ministry's Kyiv-1 special patrol police battalion Yevhen Deidei wrote on his Facebook page on Monday.

"The battle is over. The separatists suffered significant losses - there are a lot of wounded, killed there. In addition, the enemy's infantry combat vehicle was destroyed," Deidei wrote.

"There are no injuries among civilians and the ATO forces," he added.

According to him, now the situation in the area of Maryinka is calm again.

Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed after tripping anti-tank mine - read on - uatoday.tv
The tragedy occurred early afternoon on June 8 near the village of Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region

Seven Ukrainian soldiers have died after their vehicle hit an anti-tank mine near the village of Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region, on June 8.

Yevhen Sylkin, spokesperson of the ‘sector B' in the conflict zone reported this to Ukrainian TV channel 112.

"Today at 2 pm, near the village of Krasnohorivka, the vehicle of Ukraine's Armed Forces engineering unit exploded and caught fire after it tripped an anti-tank mine planted by militant forces. The vehicle was transporting ammunition to the positions of Ukrainian troops. Seven soldiers died on spot, including six conscripts and one contractor", Sylkin said.

Presidential sdvisor Yuriy Biryukov added on Facebook that the killed soldiers served in the 28th Brigade. According to Biryukov, they were mine pickers who were going to plant a minefiled.

The tragedy means the death toll of Ukrainian servicemen in the conflict zone on June 8, rises to eight.
Shelling and destruction in Gorlovka. 08.06.15
Reuters / Sunday, June 07, 2015
A boy sits on a swing near his building, which was damaged during fighting between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists, as an armoured personnel carrier (APC) of the Ukrainian armed forces is seen nearby in Avdeyevka near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, June 7, 2015. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

Reuters / Monday, June 08, 2015
A member of the Right Sector's Ukrainian Volunteer Corps fires a weapon from his position during clashes with pro-Russian separatists at the Butovka coal mine near Donetsk, Ukraine, June 7, 2015. REUTERS/Oleksandr Klymenko
The map reflecting the situation in Donbas as of 12.00 on June 9 has been released by the information and analytical center of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council.


Eight Ukrainian soldiers killed, five wounded in Donbas conflict zone in last day| Ukrinform

KYIV, June 9 /Ukrinform/. During the last day eight Ukrainian servicemen have been killed, another five injured in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas as a result of hostilities and military clashes.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"Over the past day, as a result of active hostilities eight our soldiers were killed, another five were injured," he said.

OSCE reports 40 military trucks observed in Donetsk outskirts| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 9 /Ukrinform/. An SMM UAV spotted a concentration of 40 military-type trucks in Petrovskyi district.

This is stated in the SMM's report, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"An SMM UAV spotted a concentration of 40 military-type trucks in Petrovskyi district (“DPR”-controlled, 20km south-west of Donetsk city centre)," the report reads.

Furthermore, on 6 June an SMM unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) observed a burning building in central Donetsk.
Militants perform over 20 attacks against Ukrainian positions | Міністерство оборони України
Wednesday, June 10
. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the militants shelled Kurdyumovka with 152 mm artillery systems, Kirovo, Lozove, Zolote and Nelipivka with mortars, grenade launchers, and small arms.

Russian-terrorist groups shelled Shyrokyne with 122 mm and 152 mm artillery systems, Vodyane with 122 mm artillery systems; Triokhizbenka with 152 mm artillery systems, Novotoshkivske with Grad multiple rocket launchers.

Illegal armed formations attacked Mariynka with 120 mm mortars, as well the Ukrainian Govt positions near Popasna, Stepne, Novozvanivka.

The Ukrainian servicemen saw the enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the region.

On the brink of civil war? Let's have a beauty contest! Pro-Putin separatists swap combat fatigues for bikinis and stage a pageant to find Miss Donetsk 2015 | Daily Mail Online
Pro-Putin separatists swap combat fatigues for bikinis and stage a pageant to find Miss Donetsk 2015

But now pro-Moscow rebels in Ukraine have found the perfect antidote to the constant threat of civil war - a beauty contest to find Miss Donetsk 2015.

Despite fears on both sides that the uneasy ceasefire in Ukraine is about to implode, beauty pageant organisers loyal to Vladimir Putin say the contest will help the Donetsk find 'a patriotic image of the contemporary girl'.


On show: The girls strutted their stuff in the qualifying round, which saw 15 contestants selected to go to the final in July


Enjoying themselves: Judges at the pageant faced a tough task, according to one organiser, who said: 'There are too many beautiful girls in Donetsk'





Column of Ukrainian forces stops for a rest not far from eastern Ukrainian city of Artemivsk, Donetsk region on June 8, 2015.
Russian-backed separatists launched a long-anticipated offensive maneuver on June 3 that fully severed a fraying ceasefire in eastern Ukraine.
Another day another lie brought to forum by you.Your employers did start it-stop lying.They did admit it .Your employers keep concentrating more and more troops and vehicles even now at Marinka - Kurahovo area for future attacks at Donetsk.They will attack again and will receive another big big slap .
as an armoured personnel carrier (APC) of the Ukrainian armed forces is seen nearby in Avdeyevka near Donetsk
and as everyone can see you have no problems when your employers hiding their heavy equipment next to houses and blocks.
Another day another lie brought to forum by you.Your employers did start it-stop lying.They did admit it .Your employers keep concentrating more and more troops and vehicles even now at Marinka - Kurahovo area for future attacks at Donetsk.They will attack again and will receive another big big slap .
and as everyone can see you have no problems when your employers hiding their heavy equipment next to houses and blocks.

Wednesday, June 10. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ reports, the monitors of the Ukrainian Party of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) still observe the shelling of communities by Russian-terrorist groups.

On June 9, during the tense night shelling with SPG-9 anti-tank grenade launcher and ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft mount, the militants destroyed several houses in Stanytsya Luhanska. Pictures show the explosion of PG-9V impulse-reaction rockets.

Moreover, on June 9, the JCCC monitors along with the OSCE SMM documented the destruction of residential houses in Shchastya after shelling of June 7. They have facts of shelling with 120 mm mines.





Wednesday, June 10. ODESA – During a week, the cadets and officers of the Military Academy will perform over 800 parachute jumps.

According to Acting Chief of Academy Maj. Gen. Oleg Hulyak, in order to improve the practical component of officers training they pay much attention to practice and consider the experience of combat operations in the east of Ukraine and peacekeeping operations.

The academy also improves its training base. For example, two runways were equipped. Thanks to them, the cadets can perform parachute jumps from AN-2 aircraft.

Cadets make parachute jumps from the aircraft at an altitude of 600 m, speed 140 km/h.

Twenty first-year cadets received certificates and badges for first jumps.

The academy is going to organize parachute jumps in water and night jumps.







Seven soldiers wounded in ATO area for past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 10 /Ukrinform/. No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, seven were wounded as a result of fighting in the ATO area for past 24 hours.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Andriy Lysenko has said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"No Ukrainian servicemen were killed, seven were wounded in the ATO area for past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Ukraine starts water supplies to Luhansk Republic - Interfax

LUHANSK. June 10 (Interfax) - A week after the authorities of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) complained to the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Ukraine has agreed to partially resume water supplies to the republic, says Alexander Drobot, head of the LPR Reconstruction Management Center (RMC).

"The OSCE did not give us formal answers but they [the authorities in Kyiv] have nevertheless agreed to turn on the water," he said on Wednesday, according to the Luhansk Information Center.

So far water will only be supplied through two water pipes from an area controlled by the Ukrainian military, the LPR RMC director said.

For his part, Alexei Anchishkin, chief engineer at the Luhansk Water Company, said that water has been supplied from Ukrainian territory to the LPR since last Tuesday. "Water supply to the republic from two water pumping systems in the Kyiv-controlled area began at 3 p.m. yesterday, June 9. Water pipe networks are being filled," he said

"But while water pipe networks are being filled, for a while water will be supplied according to a schedule. We ask residents of the republic to be understanding because it is difficult to distribute such a large amount of water among all cities," Anchishkin said.

On June 3 the head of the Luhansk military-civilian administration Hennadiy Moskal accused the LPR of starting 'a utilities war' and cut off water supplies to the republic in response to the alleged termination of power supplies to Stanitsa Luhanska (controlled by the Ukrainian army) by militia.

"Water supplies to Stanitsa [Luhanska] will not be restored unless light is back on and its steady supply has been assured," Moskal said.

Last checkpoint on division line in Luhansk region is blocked - governor - Interfax
KYIV. June 10 (Interfax) - The only checkpoint to the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and back, which is located in the village of Rodina, the city of Zolotoye, Popasna district of the Luhansk region, was closed by the militia on Wednesday, Hennadiy Moskal, the head of the Luhansk military-civilian administration, said.

According to a report posted on Moskal's website, signs saying "Bridge mined" and "No entry" have appeared in front of one of the bridges leading to Rodina and armed people no longer let pedestrians, cyclists and road vehicles cross the bridge in the direction of the territory controlled by Ukraine.

"After traffic through Rodina was restricted due to permanent attacks on our farthest checkpoint, the so-called human rights activists not only began accusing me on social networking sites, but also filed a lawsuit seeking a reversal of the order. Although I let pedestrians, cyclists and road vehicles of international humanitarian organizations that carried various aid to the occupied territory cross the division line. The terrorists have done a simpler thing: they have just closed the last checkpoint to everyone," the governor said, commenting on the situation.

In this regard, the region's military-civilian administration is calling on everyone who has a pass and who wishes to travel to the territories uncontrolled by Kyiv to use the Artemivsk-Horlivka car corridor.

Moskal has also called on the people who call themselves human rights activists and who report on the situation with the crossing of the division line in the Luhansk region to "file a lawsuit against [LPR leader Igor] Plotnitsky demanding the opening of the checkpoint."

Reuters / Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Members of the Ukrainian armed forces gather on armoured vehicles on the roadside near the village of Vidrodzhennya outside Artemivsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine, June 9, 2015. REUTERS/Oleksandr Klymenko
Wednesday, June 10. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ reports, the monitors of the Ukrainian Party of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) still observe the shelling of communities by Russian-terrorist groups.

Caught again delivering lies of your Kiev employers.Look what your masters are doing to Donetsk
- of course you are fine with their actions.After all you are at their payroll.
Thursday, June 11. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ reports the monitors of the Ukrainian Party of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire still document the facts of destruction of Shyrokyne by militants.

On June 9-10, the militants kept shelling this village. Particularly, the Russian-terrorist groups attacked it with 152 mm artillery systems to be withdrawn according to the Minsk Agreements. They also used small arms and 82 mm mines.

The photos show the results of shelling of the Mayak summer camp for children and the north-west outskirts of Shyrokyne.





The newly elected Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Makarios made a working trip in the area of ATU. Representatives of civil-military cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk towards meeting organized by Metropolitan Macarius of soldiers who are treated in the consolidated military medical unit.

During the meeting with patients, Metropolitan Makarios prayed for their speedy recovery wished Ukraine and the world.




MOSCOW, June 11. /TASS/. Five civilians, including 2 children, have been killed in a shelling attack of Ukrainian security forces on the Gorlovka city in the southeast of Ukraine, the Defence Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) reported on Thursday.

"Two children and 3 women were killed during a shelling attack on Gorlovka overnight," the Donetsk news agency quotes a DPR defence official.

A representative of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of the ceasefire regime in the southeast of Ukraine has confirmed the report on casualties.

"The city’s residential areas were shelled," the DPR Defence Ministry said.
Part of damage to Gorlovka from night shelling last night done by West-backed neo-nazists and war-criminals

New Ukrainian Life: European Prices, Post-Soviet Salaries

With the Ukrainian economy in a tailspin, ordinary Ukrainians now face the unnerving reality of having to pay “new European prices” while getting their “old Ukrainian salaries,” a German newspaper wrote.
“It is absolutely clear that the crisis in Ukraine is just beginning,” Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper warned on Thursday.
According to IMF figures, the Ukrainian GDP plunged 7 percent in January 2014. The downfall continued through 2015 with the economic indices sagging by a hefty 17.6 percent between January and April. The forecast for the future is equally uninspiring, the paper added.
While the cost of homegrown produce has not changed much from last year, imported food is going through the roof forcing many to stop buying oranges, bananas and other foreign-grown treats.
“What we now have are European prices and old, Ukrainian, salaries,” a struggling local vegetable vendor told the newspaper.
Bananas are not the only thing millions of Ukrainians are no longer able to afford. With the hryvniya in a permanent nosedive ever since the so-called “Maidan revolution”, all imports, including first-necessity goods, clothing and household electronics are now a luxury few people can afford to buy.
There is a 100 percent spike in gas prices as well as public transport fare, Süddeutsche Zeitung wrote.
Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk blames the country’s economic woes on the loss of territories in Donbass and the need to support the million-plus refugees fleeing war-torn eastern Ukraine.
Millions feel the pinch now that the traditional subsidies for natural gas, pre-school education and things like that are gone, and many people are no longer able to pay back their bank loans – an alarming situation, which the newspaper fears may only get worse as the country plunges ever deeper into chaos…
New Ukrainian Life: European Prices, Post-Soviet Salaries / Sputnik International
JCCC — OSCE: bandits kill civilians | Міністерство оборони України

Thursday, June 11
. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror operation’ (ATO) HQ reports, the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire has informed the representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission that the Russian-terrorist groups attacked Horlivka, Trudivske, and Vodyane this night.

On June 10, at 10:35 p.m., west outskirts of Horlivka were shelled with 120 mm mortars from the DPR-controlled territory. Three persons were killed and three persons were wounded.

Moreover, the separatists shelled Trudivske from Novolaspa with 122 mm artillery, Vodyane from the Donetsk airport with tank armament.

The representatives of the Russian party of the JCCC try to falsify information and to charge the Ukrainian party in these attacks.

“The mentioned acts of cynical disrespect for human life destroy the Ukrainian communities and discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces. These provocations are just a new attempt to misinform the international community and escalate the situation,” Head of the Ukrainian party of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Maj. Gen. Andriy Taran stressed.


Thursday, June 11. DONBAS — Ukraine fulfills the Minsk Agreements on withdrawal of heavy weapons from the demarcation line. Meanwhile, the artillerists still perform combat training and enhance the practical skills at new positions.

“Never underestimate the enemy. We understand it’s a serious adversary equipped with modern Russian armament and military equipment, thus, our training is serious, too,” an officer stressed.

This day, several units undergo drills in the field. Particularly, the anti-tank artillery battery along with mobile obstacle detachment work out joint actions on repel of attacks of the enemy’s armour group. Artillerists armed with 100 mm MT-12 Rapira antitank guns undergo operational coordination, engineers lay mines.

Artillerists of 2S1 Gvozdika howitzer battery undergo drills, too.

Professionalism of artillerists is very high. If necessary, the unit may deploy at the defined area within a couple of hours.

“We have only one Homeland and we need to defend it,” artillerists say.




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