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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

A year has passed since the terrible tragedy when 49 died in the disaster Ukraine military transport aircraft IL-76. Killed 40 paratroopers 25th separate airborne brigade, who flew in rotation to the Lugansk airport and 9 crew members. The plane, which was carrying were military, was shot down by Russian terrorists on the night of June 14 while landing at the airfield Lugansk.



On the ground firing range highly mobile airborne troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zhytomyr region, completed phase control tactical and combatant classes of stages firing of one of the units GVA. Over the course of practical lessons observed Chief of General Staff - Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko and Acting Commander of highly mobile airborne troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel Igor Lunev.







Illegal armed formations intensify shelling | Міністерство оборони України
According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, yesterday, the enemy completed 109 attacks against the Ukrainian positions.

Militants shelled Novotoshkivka with Grad multiple rocket launchers, Zolote with 120 mm mortars.

Donetsk outskirts are still the flashpoint. Terrorists shelled Opytne, Butovka mine, Taramchuk, Starohnativka, Mariynka with weapons forbidden by the Minsk Agreements.

The enemy used tanks against Vodyane and Opytne.

Russian terrorist groups attacked Novoselivka Druha with 82 mm mortars.

The enemy shelled Shyroka Balka with 152 mm artillery, Novhorodske with 120 mm mortars.

Krymske was shelled with 120 mm mortars.

Terrorists attacked Kirove, Leninske and Luhanske with small arms, grenade launchers, armament of armored vehicles and mortars.
I see hard at work following orders of your employers as always.And as always failed to fool even one person.Look what your employers are doing to people of Donbas.
Who are the terrorists here-your Kiev employers or their victims?Care to answer?
Of course there is only 1 side fighting while the other side is innocent and does nothing.:coffee:
Of course there is only 1 side fighting while the other side is innocent and does nothing.:coffee:
So come go ahead and find a single case when NAF did murder civilians,kids,women,elders as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday?Go ahead and find a single case when NAF intentionally shelling civilian infrastructure as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday.From other hand there are plenty of videos what your buddies in Kiev are doing everyday for more than 1 year.Suggestion-go educate yourself on the matter or keep living in ignorance(something tells me you will choose 2nd option).Work of certain Graham Philips is good for starting.Hopefully you will not have a problem with his English.
So come go ahead and find a single case when NAF did murder civilians,kids,women,elders as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday?Go ahead and find a single case when NAF intentionally shelling civilian infrastructure as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday.From other hand there are plenty of videos what your buddies in Kiev are doing everyday for more than 1 year.Suggestion-go educate yourself on the matter or keep living in ignorance(something tells me you will choose 2nd option).Work of certain Graham Philips is good for starting.Hopefully you will not have a problem with his English.
Who says I have any sympathy for ANY of the parties involved?
ONe thin is clear and that is that you have taken a side.
Looking forward to your next agitprop-post, in which you hopefully will finally start quoting those posts of mine that are so damning.

So come go ahead and find a single case when NAF did murder civilians,kids,women,elders as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday?Go ahead and find a single case when NAF intentionally shelling civilian infrastructure as your beloved Kiev war-criminals and neo-nazis are doing everyday.From other hand there are plenty of videos what your buddies in Kiev are doing everyday for more than 1 year.Suggestion-go educate yourself on the matter or keep living in ignorance(something tells me you will choose 2nd option).Work of certain Graham Philips is good for starting.Hopefully you will not have a problem with his English.

mass graves found in sloviansk after your freedom fighters moved out
Dispatches: Mass Grave Found in Eastern Ukraine | Human Rights Watch

and yee no victims in LNR and DPR no russians no bodes they got this now :
Russia deploys new Mobile Crematories into Ukraine
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oh some anty nazi fighter on picture:
and yee no victims in LNR and DPR no russians no bodes they got this now :
Russia deploys new Mobile Crematories into Ukraine
Try again but harder-those mobile crematoriums are from last spring brought by your buddies from Kiev ,even Germany did donate some.For more than 1 year despite the garbage passing for news in mind of people like you there is no single proof neither from NATO(North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) nor USA for Russian soldiers apart from claims.Speaking about nazis -plenty of picks of them in this very thread.Suggestion do a simple search to see your buddies from Azov&co but no no nazis in Ukraine in mind of people like you.Here another one of latest "achievements"of your buddies in Kiev ,but of course you have no problems with it.

Father Alex Bogdan and consecrated the newly built dugout one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the clergy, the military rather intense rhythm of life, and they, like all people, require communication with God.- It is the basis for courage and spiritual stability are necessary for military sacred cause - protecting the homeland, - the military chaplains.

Militants shell Ukrainian positions 40 times overnight| Ukrinform

KYIV, June 15 /Ukrinform/. The situation in the area of the anti-terrorist operation remains tense - during the last day the fighters of illegal armed groups continued to shell positions of Ukrainian troops and the settlements of Donbas.

This is reported by the press center for the anti-terrorist operation.

From 18:00 until this morning Russian-terrorist forces resorted to the use of weapons against our soldiers 40 times.

Until midnight, the criminals shelled the villages of Opytne, Taramchuk, Berezove, Pisky, Krasnohorivka and the town of Maryinka using prohibited by the Minsk agreements mortars and howitzers of caliber exceeding 100mm.

In the area of Artemivsk militants again fired 120mm mortars at the villages of Zolote and Kamyshevakha and at the village of Sokolnyky in the area of Luhansk.

After midnight, the militants mostly shelled Maryinka. They used 120mm mortars and multiple rocket launchers. The terrorists also shelled the villages of Hranitne, Novohryhorivka, Bohdanivka and Krasnohorivka with 122mm howitzers.

Using the same weapons, mercenaries shelled our positions near the village of Stepne in the Luhansk sector, and the village of Novotoshkivka in the Artemivsk sector twice.

The positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the villages of Pisky and Opytne were attacked by the enemy's tank.

In the Mariupol sector the night was relatively quiet, except for isolated cases of firing small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.

The enemy continues conducting active aerial reconnaissance. Ukrainian military observed 16 overflights of the enemy's UAVs overnight.

Two volunteers freed from militant captivity| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 15 /Ukrinform/. On Sunday, June 14, two Ukrainian civil volunteers have been freed from militant captivity.

Adviser to Deputy Defense Minister Vasyl Budyk wrote this on his Facebook page on Sunday.

"Today, two of our volunteers Serhiy Lozynskiy and Yulia Petrenko, have been released as a result of joint efforts by a combined group of the State Security Service, the Defense Ministry's interaction department, and the Minsk group for humanitarian issues," Budyk wrote.


The Maryinka Police Station destroyed by shelling.
© Volodymyr Petrov


Soldiers of the 28th Brigade drive an infantry fighting vehicle in Maryinka on June 13.
© Volodymyr Petrov

A car covered with bulletholes is seen through sand bags at the 28th Brigade's positions on the frontline in Maryinka.
© Volodymyr Petrov

Nina shows one of the rooms in her house destroyed by severe shelling which continued for 13 hours on June 3 in Maryinka during an attempt to take over the town.
© Volodymyr Petrov

Ukrainian forces capture Russian mercenary in Shyrokyne : UNIAN news
15.06.2015 | 11:10
The Right Sector volunteer military unit said on Sunday that it had captured a Russian citizen fighting for the Donetsk People’s Republic militant organization in Shyrokyne near Mariupol, Ukrainian television’s 112 Ukraina channel has reported


"While conducting intelligence activities on the demarcation line, we captured a Russian soldier in the village of Shyrokyne. He had a military ID and a passport of the DPR. An investigation is being carried out now," the commander said.

According to documents shown to journalists, the prisoner was a driver-mechanic of a military unit fighting in Shyrokyne and a resident of Stavropol region in Russia.

The Russian prisoner is now being detained by Right Sector.
Ukrainian soldier killed in Krymske, part of village left without power after shelling : UNIAN news
Russian-backed militants repeatedly fired on the village of Krymske near the Bakhmutka highway from the village of Sokilnyky on Sunday, the press service of Governor of Luhansk Region Hennadiy Moskal said on Monday.
a 36-year-old Ukrainian soldier was severely injured as a result of heavy mortar shelling.
"The wounded man was taken to hospital. Unfortunately, he died after a few hours," the report says.

The last mortar attack on the village of Krymske was at about 0300 on Monday.

"It is worth noting that the 35-kV power line was damaged as a result of mortar shelling, part of the village has no electricity. Repair work will begin after emergency crews get approval from the Ukrainian military," Moskal said.

Monday, June 15. KYIV — The President has visited the exposition of innovative products of dual purpose of the companies of the Network cluster of high technologies — association of Ukrainian companies that work actively to solve the urgent problems of the army and increase the defence capability of our state.

“The first samples provide serious grounds for optimism. We are doing everything to organize mass production,” the President noted. According to him, it goes about night vision scopes, artillery fire control systems, improved protection of communications in the army and drones that will be protected from the impact of electronic warfare.




JCCC – OSCE: Avdiyvka is under shelling | Міністерство оборони України
Monday, June 15. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ reports, the militants in Donetsk oblast still make provocations in order to escalate the conflict and violate the Minsk agreements. Particularly, they cynically destroy the infrastructure of local communities.

On June 14, the illegal armed formations shelled Avdiyvka. Three 122 mm artillery shots targeted the industrial facilities of the Avdiyvka Coke Plant.

Bandits shelled a residential quarter with tank armament. A garage and a car, a nine-storey building were destroyed by 125 mm rounds.

Generally, the tensest situation in the region is in Avdiyvka. On June 14, there were 54 violations of the ceasefire with use of multiple rocket launchers, artillery, tanks, mortars, and small arms. The Ukrainian party of the JCCC submitted all the facts of the ceasefire violation to the OSCE SMM monitors.

The pictures show the facts of Avdiyvka shelling.





Kiev openly move 2S7 Pion to front line while at the same time accusing DNR/LNR they are responsible for not following Minsk2 agreement

More of Kiev "victories"
- according to official stats 1,2 mln people have lost their jobs last year(therefore unofficial is much bigger-Kiev always lie)
-since January 2015 more than 30 billion hryvnias have been issued by CB-without any backing
-38 banks are in process of closing
-13 under "temporal" CB administration
-15 are put in category of problematic
-5th "voluntary "mobilization is in full force-people are being catch like animals in buses,cafes,supermarkets,on the streets
- Dear Misha(Saakashvili) for first time in his life has said a truth-Ukraine will need 20 years to reach economical situation from 2013
-biggest electricity company in Ukraine(owned by R.Ahkmetov with 27% market share and 50% of coal mining) is begging its creditors for restructuring -cannot service its 3 billions USD debt anymore
-another "wisdom" by one of Kiev propaganda channels "Inter" -wife of Poroshensko came to Slavyansk to help in repairs of kindergarten which has been shelled by terrorists from Karachun(the same mountain used by Kiev forces for their shelling of Slavyansk previous summer).

Артилеристи завжди готові захистити Батьківщину | Міністерство оборони України

Given the fact that Ukraine adheres to all requirements of the Minsk agreements caliber artillery systems than 100 mm from the contact line assigned to the set distance. But defenders of our homeland - gunners - constantly train to improve schooling and coherence combat calculations and maintaining high combat capacity of the unit.In particular, in the Luhansk region of one of the military forces artillery brigades ATO had practical lessons from the output in the area of deployment and fire control panels.

Acting Battery Commander Lt. D. Roman said that the main purpose of the session was to work out personnel actions to minimize deployment and artillery systems with the original provisions in combat, as well as guidance on the different types of goals. According to the officer, working out of this regulation is extremely important in the practical training of artillerymen. After all, in order to keep within the statutory time and leave in the specified area as quickly as possible to bring guns in firing position and hit these targets, fighting crew must work out these actions than a dozen times.Among the personnel battery - many soldiers who have combat experience.

In particular, the personnel calculation gun battle under the command zhytomyryanyna who joined the army as a volunteer.- Our calculation gun battle together for almost six months. This time it was enough to learn to act as a team. Some of our guys took part in working out the real enemy targets near the Donetsk airport. And then the rhythm of combat is not the same as at the site. So we always try to work in forced pace. It is easier to get used to - says a soldier, gunner.

In his words, in calculating the gun battle - all mobilized. Is a former taxi driver, drivers, construction workers, but artillery system studied thoroughly. Know of weapons material and even introduced some innovations in maintenance "Hyacinthus". Gunners say that 152-mm "Hyacinth-B" although old gun system, but the proper use is a formidable weapon that strikes targets at a distance of over 30 kilometers.- For tactical and technical characteristics gun can do 6 rounds per minute - says commander fighting crew. - We are comrades through constant training in standard vkladayemos.

Besides, now there are modern ways of guidance and calculate the coordinates for shooting. This allows us to quickly perform certain tasks.This time the "gods of war" practiced actions without performing firing. However, if the situation on the contact line will deteriorate, Ukrainian gunners ready for combat missions of homeland defense.



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