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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

"Over the past day, as a result of active hostilities and provocations we have lost one Ukrainian soldier, another ten were injured," he said.
And nurses,doctors and morgue personals in all hospitals and morgues in entire South-East Ukraine speaks otherwise.Morgues -full with dead,hospitals- full with heavily wounded.Also one of the captured Ukrainian soldiers gave interview-stating exactly opposite of your claims(lies you posting here without shame for more than 1 year).
And nurses,doctors and morgue personals in all hospitals and morgues in entire South-East Ukraine speaks otherwise.Morgues -full with dead,hospitals- full with heavily wounded.Also one of the captured Ukrainian soldiers gave interview-stating exactly opposite of your claims(lies you posting here without shame for more than 1 year).

You are constantly spreading lies in all the threads. Its clearly visible that you are wantedly denying that there is no tension in Ukraine nor anyone is killed over there :crazy:

Real war is going on in Ukraine and even according to OSCE , Eastern Ukraine seperatists move the heavy weapons a week ago which one way or another way is linked to G7 summit.
You are constantly spreading lies in all the threads. Its clearly visible that you are wantedly denying that there is no tension in Ukraine nor anyone is killed over there :crazy:
Saying the one caught countless times already lying - all of your "news" have been proven false by pictures,witness account,video record,from journalist on the ground.I suggest you to check post N 2264 -sat images directly delivered to your "Government Of Ukraine" by USA -it is clear who in violation.Also I strongly encourage you to spend some time at the mentioned site-all information there is from hacked accounts of "Government Of Ukraine" .And since you obviously having problems calling with proper names reality on the ground - It is civil war,not "tension" .It is civil war started by "Government Of Ukraine" - with victims already over 50 000 people at least from both sides and people like you constantly spread and whitewash crimes committed by "Government Of Ukraine" .
P.s.It is so rich you calling me crazy..You are the one who is claiming Russia did use various secret technologies at you,Baltics,Poland,Ukraine.You are the one who is claiming Russia did cyber attacks at you,Baltics,Poland,Ukraine.Everyone can check your posting history in this thread.
06.06.15 Kiev. Thousands of people demand the resignation of Poroshenko and authorities

Ukrainian show.
Pro-Kiev battalion commander: 99% of people I know in Donbass have come to hate Ukraine by now

Many here don't know, but I'm from foreign-occupied territories, from the city of Perevalsk, I said this before...

Right now you are talking and you don't even understand that while you wait, the mentality of people there changes. 99% of people I know there - hate Ukraine by now.

Even though they tried moving here, last year. But by now they came back - Ukraine rejected them, abandoned them. There were no jobs, nowhere to live. Nothing for them here.

Right now, 15-year old kids - go, check it out on [Facebook] - they are with AK-47s. In a year, they'll grow into fighters.
And you are still talking. Why aren't you doing information warfare?


Since we're on the subject - yes, everything he said is true. Army is fed only by non-state contributions.

The state supply is inadequate. Snicker all you want - I'm at the frontlines, you're at the HQ, I know what I get.

UAF officer: I've been there for months.

Nikolai: Yes, but in HQ, not in the trenches.

UAF officer: I've been in Debaltsevo, Lutugino!

Nikolai: Me too, so don't tell me tales. I've seen how the guys were clothed. Yes, we had lots of army rations - but good luck eating even one.

UAF officer: I've eaten them! 56th brigade!

Nikolai: Sure, whatever. The main thing is: This war could be won without killing anyone. At all.

We'll hold the frontlines. But we ask our government: What have they accomplished over a whole year?

What about corruption? You doubled it. Everything Yanukovich did, you're doing twice more.

All the generals are only concerned with embezzling.

So you need to ask yourself - what have you accomplished?

You guys gathered in an important building, and other than sending [the Army] somewhere, you aren't capable of anything.

Why did you come there? What for? Do you have any answer?
Saying the one caught countless times already lying - all of your "news" have been proven false by pictures,witness account,video record,from journalist on the ground.I suggest you to check post N 2264 -sat images directly delivered to your "Government Of Ukraine" by USA -it is clear who in violation.Also I strongly encourage you to spend some time at the mentioned site-all information there is from hacked accounts of "Government Of Ukraine" .And since you obviously having problems calling with proper names reality on the ground - It is civil war,not "tension" .It is civil war started by "Government Of Ukraine" - with victims already over 50 000 people at least from both sides and people like you constantly spread and whitewash crimes committed by "Government Of Ukraine" .
P.s.It is so rich you calling me crazy..You are the one who is claiming Russia did use various secret technologies at you,Baltics,Poland,Ukraine.You are the one who is claiming Russia did cyber attacks at you,Baltics,Poland,Ukraine.Everyone can check your posting history in this thread.

Crimea has been annexed and on that heavy fighting is being going on in Eastern Ukraine , MH17 have been shot down, Nukes have been placed in Crimea and Russian troops have increased thier presences in all the border regions. Even Russian soldiers have been arrested in Eastern Ukraine. Railway tracks have been blown up in Odessa and Kharkiv and you are still saying that all that is lie from my part.

Russia do have advance technologies and this is the reason that even B52 bombers are being deployed in Baltics.

Overnight militants use weapons for 30 times in the east of Ukraine | Міністерство оборони України
Sunday, June 7. DONBAS – According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the situation is relatively calm in the region. Meanwhile, the militants used weapons, including weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements, for 30 times.

Russian-terrorist troops shelled Pisky with 120 mm mortars, Vodyane with 122 mm artillery systems.

The enemy used tank and APC armament near Novolaspa. In Mariynka, the militants conducted provocations with small arms.

In Luhansk oblast, Sokilnyky was the flashpoint.

In Artemivsk direction, the illegal armed formations shelled Leninske and Kirovo.

In the morning, the militants attacked Shyrokyne with 120 mm mortars and 122 mm artillery systems.

The enemy’s unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were seen in the region.
Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine conducted purge the city from insurgents NPT and Russian-terrorist forces. Locals ohovtuyutsya from attack fighters using heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems on this locality 3 June.





Nukes have been placed in Crimea
Strongly suggest you to check your sources and sanity.Not even Pentagon is claiming Russia put nukes in Crimea.But you do certainly claim it.Guess you have a proof right?Like the "proof" Russia did cyber attack at you .
Meantime Ukraine once again did lie-statement we sold all of our BUKs.While at this picture taken at Kramatorsk airport is clearly seen..a BUK
I'm fine, thank you. My family too.
The junta holds repressions - Thousands of activists have been arrested (or mudered) and thousands were forced to leave the country. In fact - the protest beheaded and without external assistance is not enough.
Pro-Russian sentiments are strong, but without central organization it is irrelevant.
All are hoping that sooner or later Russia will enter the troops and Banderovites Nazi's will drive back to the Carpathians.

Take care of yourself man & don't be a hero
Strongly suggest you to check your sources and sanity.Not even Pentagon is claiming Russia put nukes in Crimea.But you do certainly claim it.Guess you have a proof right?Like the "proof" Russia did cyber attack at you .
Meantime Ukraine once again did lie-statement we sold all of our BUKs.While at this picture taken at Kramatorsk airport is clearly seen..a BUK

First thing they have been 2 news article on May 22 2015 and then on the same day on RT it was said that there is no direct evidence.

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove made such a statement, Radio Svoboda reports.

"Majority of nuclear weapons delivery systems, used by Russia, is dual-use equipment: for conventional and nuclear weapons. Some of them have already been placed," he said.

But Russian ICBM's are deployed

Newest ICBM RS-24 Yars deployed in Kaluga 16 Dec 2014

Take care of yourself man & don't be a hero

Its really sad that people are really dieing and here everyone is using some kind of PR. Believe me real war is going on in the region.:(
Situation in Artemivsk sector worsens at night| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 8 /Ukrinform/. On Monday night the situation in the area of the anti-terrorist operation has been escalated in the Artemivsk sector.

This is reported by the press center of the anti-terrorist operation.

In the area of the villages of Semyhyria and Pershe Travnia the mercenaries fired on Ukrainian positions with 122mm cannon artillery. In the same sector the militants three times shelled the village of Leninske with 120mm mortars.

Near the villages of Slavkovychy and Pershe Travnia the enemy fired on Ukrainian positions from tanks.

Near the village of Opytne, the town of Avdyiyvka and the Butivka mine in Donetsk region, and also, near the village of Shyrokyne in the Mariupol sector the militants fired on the positions of Ukrainian troops with 120mm mortars.

In addition, almost all along the contact line the enemy provoked Ukrainian soldiers to open fire, actively using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns.

During the night, more than 10 overflights of the enemy's reconnaissance UAVs were observed in the ATO area, mainly near Luhansk and in the Artemivsk sector.


Boat explosion on Sunday near Mariupol caused by IED – ATO press center

According to the preliminary findings of experts, the explosion of a vessel of the Ukrainian Border Service near Mariupol on Sunday was caused by an improvised explosive device (IED), the press center of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) has reported.

"During the examination of the scene and the damaged boat, experts came to a conclusion that an improvised explosive device went off there," the ATO press center said in a statement on its Facebook page on Monday morning.

Boarder guard crewmen saw an unknown object in the sea, mistook it for a beacon buoy and tried to pull it towards the ship. At this point, the device went off, damaging the boat and injuring those onboard, the press center said.

"It should be noted that this is not the first such incident. Recently, a similar device was cast ashore near the village of Vynohradne. A fisherman who found it, was trying to take it apart, and this attempt ended tragically for him," the ATO press center said.

What both cases have in common is that the explosive devices were drifting from territory under the control of militants, in particular from the direction of the village of Bezimenne, as in both cases there was a strong wind from the east.

The Ukrainian State Border Service previously reported that a coastguard vessel of the Mariupol coastguard detachment, which had seven people onboard, exploded in the afternoon on Sunday for an unidentified reason while it was leaving the base. One person was killed, the ship's captain is still missing and five others are being treated in hospital.


Ukrainian Defence Minister: Over 42,500 Russian soldiers and militants operate on occupied territory - read on - uatoday.tv

Ukrainian defence minister Stepan Poltorak has said some 42,500 militants and more than 550 tanks are deployed on the territory of so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People Republics.

"The joint group of Russians and militants on the militant-controlled area consists of more than 42,500 troops (..) and more than 550 tanks", Poltorak said during the NATO-Ukraine Council in Kyiv on June 8.

"This amount of artillery is enough for the average European country", the defence minister added. Poltorak pointed out that Russia remains the main organiser and sponsor of the war in east Ukraine.
Situation in Artemivsk sector worsens at night| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 8 /Ukrinform/. On Monday night the situation in the area of the anti-terrorist operation has been escalated in the Artemivsk sector.

This is reported by the press center of the anti-terrorist operation.

In the area of the villages of Semyhyria and Pershe Travnia the mercenaries fired on Ukrainian positions with 122mm cannon artillery. In the same sector the militants three times shelled the village of Leninske with 120mm mortars.

Near the villages of Slavkovychy and Pershe Travnia the enemy fired on Ukrainian positions from tanks.

Near the village of Opytne, the town of Avdyiyvka and the Butivka mine in Donetsk region, and also, near the village of Shyrokyne in the Mariupol sector the militants fired on the positions of Ukrainian troops with 120mm mortars.

In addition, almost all along the contact line the enemy provoked Ukrainian soldiers to open fire, actively using small arms, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns.

During the night, more than 10 overflights of the enemy's reconnaissance UAVs were observed in the ATO area, mainly near Luhansk and in the Artemivsk sector.


Boat explosion on Sunday near Mariupol caused by IED – ATO press center

According to the preliminary findings of experts, the explosion of a vessel of the Ukrainian Border Service near Mariupol on Sunday was caused by an improvised explosive device (IED), the press center of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) has reported.

"During the examination of the scene and the damaged boat, experts came to a conclusion that an improvised explosive device went off there," the ATO press center said in a statement on its Facebook page on Monday morning.

Boarder guard crewmen saw an unknown object in the sea, mistook it for a beacon buoy and tried to pull it towards the ship. At this point, the device went off, damaging the boat and injuring those onboard, the press center said.

"It should be noted that this is not the first such incident. Recently, a similar device was cast ashore near the village of Vynohradne. A fisherman who found it, was trying to take it apart, and this attempt ended tragically for him," the ATO press center said.

What both cases have in common is that the explosive devices were drifting from territory under the control of militants, in particular from the direction of the village of Bezimenne, as in both cases there was a strong wind from the east.

The Ukrainian State Border Service previously reported that a coastguard vessel of the Mariupol coastguard detachment, which had seven people onboard, exploded in the afternoon on Sunday for an unidentified reason while it was leaving the base. One person was killed, the ship's captain is still missing and five others are being treated in hospital.


Ukrainian Defence Minister: Over 42,500 Russian soldiers and militants operate on occupied territory - read on - uatoday.tv

Ukrainian defence minister Stepan Poltorak has said some 42,500 militants and more than 550 tanks are deployed on the territory of so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People Republics.

"The joint group of Russians and militants on the militant-controlled area consists of more than 42,500 troops (..) and more than 550 tanks", Poltorak said during the NATO-Ukraine Council in Kyiv on June 8.

"This amount of artillery is enough for the average European country", the defence minister added. Poltorak pointed out that Russia remains the main organiser and sponsor of the war in east Ukraine.
nice, ukies getting their asses handed to them and their boats are exploding without reason ? :o:

42,500 russian troops wut ? Kiev will fall in a few days if that was the reality
First thing they have been 2 news article on May 22 2015 and then on the same day on RT it was said that there is no direct evidence.

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove made such a statement, Radio Svoboda reports.

"Majority of nuclear weapons delivery systems, used by Russia, is dual-use equipment: for conventional and nuclear weapons. Some of them have already been placed," he said.

But Russian ICBM's are deployed

Newest ICBM RS-24 Yars deployed in Kaluga 16 Dec 2014

Its really sad that people are really dieing and here everyone is using some kind of PR. Believe me real war is going on in the region.:(

Hopefully the war will end soon
People from Luhansk and Donetsk are brave and well educated.
They are not like people from Middle East.
That is key factor why Kiev should go with negotiations ,not with force because they lose war and lost the country...
42.5 thousands Russian militaries? o_O
In the Crimea 25 thousand and this is enough for junta to afraid even to look in the direction of the Crimea.
42.5 thousands... against such a large number of Russian military Ukraine has no more chances than gudgeon against crocodile.
To be honest, Russian would storm Ukraine in one week, from Donetsk to Lviv if she wants. But rebels would not stand more then one month against organized Ukrainan military without help from Russia. Simply they would overrun them in every aspect of war.

I dont care about warhawks from western Ukraine. 90% of Ukrainians are orthodox believers. That matters for me, and 8% of Ukraine populations (greco-romans) control 80% of territory, Tyrchinov- greco roman, Yatsenuk greco roman too, and Poroshenko jew who spits on Orthodox religion.

In decade or two, Ukraine and Russia will be united again, there is big difference between them and Croats and Serbs, they share religion. And when it happens it will be a nightmare for enemies of our world, that who try to profit from our internal problems. They put a fire in our backyard but they will fight with fire in their homes.

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