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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

You know the big difference between Nazis in Russia and Nazis in Ukraine?.......

Russia actually prosecutes, arrests, and issues arrest warrants for those groups. On the other hand Ukrainian nazis are given weapons and funding that goes to terrorizing people in eastern Ukraine. Many of the people that those Ukrainian nationalist militias target are civilians (there are hundreds of videos to prove it).

Moreover, look at all of the disgusting acts that pro Ukrainians, pro maiden, nazi's or whatever they are called are doing to civilians. The Ukrainian "democratic" system is built around sheer intimidation and violence, it starts from the government and trickles down to street thugs.

The altra Ukrainian's operate like this. If someone disagrees with them they remove them from parliament, from elections, from governing bodies, all of this is obviously illegally and unlawful in half normal democracy.

On the street level, gangs go around silencing anyone that dare speak up against the government or their extremist ideologies; this includes breaking into people's homes and unlawfully abducting them, throwing them into dumpsters, or crowed beating innocent people until they are soaked in blood even women and children have been targets. In the west these people would be charged with home invasion, abduction, brandishing firearms, assault, kidnapping, unlawful possession of a firearm, ect. Even one of those charges will usually land people in prison for 5-10 years or more.

Also i hate to break the news to you many Ukrainian government officials are openly Nazis and they do not even hid it. Some years back before maiden happened the EU parliament called Oleh Tyahnybok one of the worst anti semites in the world. They have been quiet since....i wonder why?

Furthermore, Victoria Nuland was called out by Congressman Dana Rohrbacher for supporting Maiden and Neo Nazis.

Ukraine does not even hid the fact that there are nazis in government, Europe has already acknowledged that Ukrainian politicians are nazis, and people in the US government have also acknowledged it. I think the only people denying this and trying to deflect the truth is you.

About the bold part, I guess Russia did the same in Chechnya more or less right? I mean everything is fair in love and war and especially that war in which you have to preserve your territorial integrity from internal dissent.
About the bold part, I guess Russia did the same in Chechnya more or less right? I mean everything is fair in love and war and especially that war in which you have to preserve your territorial integrity from internal dissent.

In Chechnya there was no Russian "volunteer battalions" beating up and harassing locals or murdering civilians. The Russian army was, for the most part, indiscriminate but only when Grozny was a ghost down. The Russian army apart from controlling Grozny did not want to fight in urban area because of high casualties for both the military and civilians. Instead the Russian army preferred to destroy Chechen fighters in the forests of Dagestan and Chechnya.
In Chechnya there was no Russian "volunteer battalions" beating up and harassing locals or murdering civilians. The Russian army was, for the most part, indiscriminate but only when Grozny was a ghost down. The Russian army apart from controlling Grozny did not want to fight in urban area because of high casualties for both the military and civilians. Instead the Russian army preferred to destroy Chechen fighters in the forests of Dagestan and Chechnya.

point being It was a ukrainian internal matter and they were doing it in name of keeping territorial integrity intact. If Russian's consider it kosher to do whatever it takes then it would be an hypocrisy if they think Ukraine does not have right to do what they think best for perseverance of their territorial integrity.
point being It was a ukrainian internal matter and they were doing it in name of keeping territorial integrity intact. If Russian's consider it kosher to do whatever it takes then it would be an hypocrisy if they think Ukraine does not have right to do what they think best for perseverance of their territorial integrity.

This is beyond keeping territorial integrity. I don not know if you keep up with the development or watch daily videos coming out of Ukraine but the government and pro Ukrainians are terrorizing civilians, by this i mean silencing any opposition or any one that disagrees by intimidation, violence, murder and force.

Remember who took power during Maiden in Kiev? It was mostly western Ukrainians that share a different culture, history and religion, they wanted it there way or no way. During and shortly after Maiden there was every American and European politician, and head of state fanning the flames and encouraging violence against the then government.

Funny how no one in the west seems to acknowledge that fact. It seems that Russia is "interfering" in Ukrainian internal politics but the US and Europe did not?

As for the the sock puppets that took power in Kiev, they sent the military to squash demonstrations in eastern Ukraine. Ironic, is it not? The same people in Maiden that cried foul when they threw fire bombs at police, took over government buildings and kidnapped/torture/killed police or other government officials were the same people that send the army to fight civilians in the east of Ukraine. Those civilians that Ukraine wanted to hunt down never hurled fire bombs or shot at the police.

Kiev has done everything in their power for people in eastern Ukraine to hate them, they first tried banning Russian, which is funny considering Yanikovich never tried to ban Ukrainian and he never sent the army to crush Maiden. Then they refused to grant greater autonomy, then they just started bombing everything which enraged the local population and caused many to take up arms. Most Russian also have some connection to Ukraine either they were born there or they have relatives there so Kiev's decision to bomb eastern Ukraine also infuriated Russians and caused them to take up arms, then there are Belorussian, Serbs and many other nationalities that have gone to Ukraine to fight Kiev.
Ukraine does not even hid the fact that there are nazis in government, Europe has already acknowledged that Ukrainian politicians are nazis, and people in the US government have also acknowledged it. I think the only people denying this and trying to deflect the truth is you.
every time that a country go in a crisis like this far right support is raising nothing new and the rest i will not coment becose you just writen whats happening in russia to and why dont you recall Afganistan and Chechnya

One of Kiev's volunteer "battalion" commanders by the name of Bereza went on a Ukrainian talk show and threatened Kiev and then he promised to commit acts of terrorism on Russian soil.
Yep these are the good guys alright...please do continue supporting those fanatical Bandera worshipers. I propose a name change to his battalion it should be called The Goon Squad

and ? is it strange that he said that it's obvious russia is supporting them ... And you keep suporting fascist RED STAR worshipers ... that killed up to 7 mln ukrainina in great Holodomor and why do you think those i will call it soft Nationalist( like you call DNR and LNR) are making batalions ... thx to russia support in those so cold republics and you should change your name to Hail PUTLER!

This is beyond keeping territorial integrity. I don not know if you keep up with the development or watch daily videos coming out of Ukraine but the government and pro Ukrainians are terrorizing civilians, by this i mean silencing any opposition or any one that disagrees by intimidation, violence, murder and force
... omg so short sight you are doing it in Afganistan and Chechnya, and tell me who is killing civilians of mariupol now ... when i reed all off your coment is all so bias and im starting to be bias to

Kiev has done everything in their power for people in eastern Ukraine to hate them, they first tried banning Russian, which is funny considering Yanikovich never tried to ban Ukrainian and he never sent the army to crush Maiden.

omg the army was on its way but didnt get there in time before Yanikovich run to russia ...

As for the the sock puppets that took power in Kiev, they sent the military to squash demonstrations in eastern Ukraine. Ironic, is it not

and what did russia do when Chechnya wonted to be free nation ...
every time that a country go in a crisis like this far right support is raising nothing new and the rest i will not coment becose you just writen whats happening in russia to and why dont you recall Afganistan and Chechnya

Are you again denying that very powerful people in Ukraine are affiliated with Nazi ideology? There are people in the Ukrainian government that openly have attended Nazi rallies. These are not just people that tried to take power during Maiden and failed...that are actually in power.

This is where you lose the argument and moral ground.

and ? is it strange that he said that it's obvious russia is supporting them ...

No it's strange that you have moral support for people like this. I would at least expect any reasonable person to condemn this battalion leader. He is openly declaring that he will commit terrorism. Terrorism usually strike at and terrorizes civilians.

Once again you lose the moral ground.

And you keep suporting fascist RED STAR worshipers

More like you are brain washed with propaganda. People in Eastern Ukraine wanted more autonomy, Kiev refused and instead sent "battalions" to shoot at unarmed civilians at polling stations. It was then that people's attitudes changed and many began to fight back. The people in eastern Ukraine are not demanding communism or fighting for it, they refuse to live under Kiev.

You do not see residence in eastern Ukraine or any of the rebels demand that Stalin be a national hero, unlike Svoboda that warships Bandar and demands he become a national hero.

... that killed up to 7 mln ukrainina in great Holodomor and why do you think those i will call it soft Nationalist( like you call DNR and LNR) are making batalions ... thx to russia support in those so cold republics and you should change your name to Hail PUTLER!

You are running out of argument not that you ever had any to begin with. Since when has anyone in eastern Ukraine cheered at the fact that 7 million Ukrainians were killed? Who in eastern Ukraine is trying to make Stalin a national hero with special holidays just for him? You have no argument whatsoever.

... omg so short sight you are doing it in Afganistan and Chechnya,

You are sinking to new lows. The Soviet Union is not Russia; likewise, many of the people that controlled the Soviet were not even ethnic Russians. Got to love the Polish victim mentality....lets blame all of our problems on the Russians even though the Soviet union consisted of like 15 different republics and various ruling ethnic group. Communism did not even originate in Russia either.

The Soviet Union was ruled by a number of Georgians, Jews, Ukrainians and many other people. I still find it funny that Russia still gets the blame though. People need to grow up and stop living in the past.

As for Afghanistan and Chechnya those are two totally different topics and neither conflict was ever popular. Many Russians opposed those conflicts.

and tell me who is killing civilians of mariupol now ... when i reed all off your coment is all so bias and im starting to be bias to

Buddy i have family killed in Ukraine by Ukrainian forces, before, this hole mess you probably couldn't even find Ukraine on a map despite the fact that it borders Poland and there are many like you.

What you know about Ukraine is what you are fed through Polish media and Ukrainian propaganda. I actually have family there and my father has an organization in which he helps people that are politically or religiously oppressed, he is getting flooded from people in Ukraine that are trying to apply for refugee status because they are being targeted and harassed.

Do not try to pretend like you know the whole story because you don't.

omg the army was on its way but didnt get there in time before Yanikovich run to russia ...

Yea right, it does not take 3 months to sends troops into Kiev. More like 3 hours. This is just another example of you twisting the truth.

You have to live with facts and reality, making up fake accusations does not make things true. Fact is Yanokovich never send in the army to attack Maiden and retake Kiev despite the fact that Maiden crowds threw fire bombs, used guns and took over administrative buildings. However, the same people that grabbed power illegally send in the army into eastern Ukraine which ended up using heavy artillery in residential areas, that is a fact.

and what did russia do when Chechnya wonted to be free nation ...

What did NATO and Poland do when Iraq wanted to be a free nation? Oh i know, kill up words of a million people. A lot of Russians never supported going to war in Chechnya; however, everyone in the west besides France supported invading Iraq so much so that some politicians were crying tears of joy.

Congratulations for being a part of one of the largest genocides in history. Of course in the west it is not even talked about.
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Are you again denying that very powerful people in Ukraine are affiliated with Nazi ideology? There are people in the Ukrainian government that openly have attended Nazi rallies. These are not just people that tried to take power during Maiden and failed...that are actually in power.

This is where you lose the argument and moral ground.

No it's strange that you have moral support for people like this. I would at least expect any reasonable person to condemn this battalion leader. He is openly declaring that he will commit terrorism. Terrorism usually strike at and terrorizes civilians.

Once again you lose the moral ground.

More like you are brain washed with propaganda. People in Eastern Ukraine wanted more autonomy, Kiev refused and instead sent "battalions" to shoot at unarmed civilians at polling stations. It was then that people's attitudes changed and many began to fight back. The people in eastern Ukraine are not demanding communism or fighting for it, they refuse to live under Kiev.

You do not see residence in eastern Ukraine or any of the rebels demand that Stalin be a national hero, unlike Svoboda that warships Bandar and demands he become a national hero.

You are running out of argument not that you ever had any to begin with. Since when has anyone in eastern Ukraine cheered at the fact that 7 million Ukrainians were killed? Who in eastern Ukraine is trying to make Stalin a national hero with special holidays just for him? You have no argument whatsoever.

You are sinking to new lows. The Soviet Union is not Russia; likewise, many of the people that controlled the Soviet were not even ethnic Russians. Got to love the Polish victim mentality....lets blame all of our problems on the Russians even though the Soviet union consisted of like 15 different republics and various ruling ethnic group. Communism did not even originate in Russia either.

The Soviet Union was ruled by a number of Georgians, Jews, Ukrainians and many other people. I still find it funny that Russia still gets the blame though. People need to grow up and stop living in the past.

As for Afghanistan and Chechnya those are two totally different topics and neither conflict was ever popular. Many Russians opposed those conflicts.

Buddy i have family killed in Ukraine by Ukrainian forces, before, this hole mess you probably couldn't even find Ukraine on a map despite the fact that it borders Poland and there are many like you.

What you know about Ukraine is what you are fed through Polish media and Ukrainian propaganda. I actually have family there and my father has an organization in which he helps people that are politically or religiously oppressed, he is getting flooded from people in Ukraine that are trying to apply for refugee status because they are being targeted and harassed.

Do not try to pretend like you know the whole story because you don't.

Yea right, it does not take 3 months to sends troops into Kiev. More like 3 hours. This is just another example of you twisting the truth.

You have to live with facts and reality, making up fake accusations does not make things true. Fact is Yanokovich never send in the army to attack Maiden and retake Kiev despite the fact that Maiden crowds threw fire bombs, used guns and took over administrative buildings. However, the same people that grabbed power illegally send in the army into eastern Ukraine which ended up using heavy artillery in residential areas, that is a fact.

What did NATO and Poland do when Iraq wanted to be a free nation? Oh i know, kill up words of a million people. A lot of Russians never supported going to war in Chechnya; however, everyone in the west besides France supported invading Iraq so much so that some politicians were crying tears of joy.

Congratulations for being a part of one of the largest genocides in history. Of course in the west it is not even talked about.

Very good argue. I hope your interlocutor @bobo6661 will consider all yours arguments. Otherwise there's no point to write to him, couse he uses propaganda insted of reliable points... His sources are obviously from SBU what I've noticed... Of cours it's nothing embarassing @bobo6661 everyone try to find true, but ukie sources you must read contrariwise, then you'll see what happend truly in Ukraine...

One part of your post @ptldM3 isn't clear enough:

"What did NATO and Poland do when Iraq wanted to be a free nation? Oh i know, kill up words of a million people. A lot of Russians never supported going to war in Chechnya; however, everyone in the west besides France supported invading Iraq so much so that some politicians were crying tears of joy."

Poland was a smart part of the coalition. From this fragment someone might think that Poland invaded Iraq with NATO, but proportions wasn't 50/50, there was other number... Of course it doesn't justifie polish government, but they always do what USA says.
16 year old New Russian kid learned to refer to Ukrainian people as Ukrops.

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