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Russian Emergencies Ministry convoy delivers relief supplies to Ukraine’s Donetsk region
After crossing the border with Ukraine at the Donetsk-Izvarino checkpoint on Friday, one part of the convoy headed for Donetsk and another — for Luhansk

© Alexey Vityukhovsky/TASS
DONETSK, October 31. /TASS/. The Russian Emergencies Ministry truck convoy has delivered humanitarian aid to Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region. About 50 trucks have brought to the region food products and construction materials with the total weight of some 500 tons.
After crossing the border with Ukraine at the Donetsk-Izvarino checkpoint on Friday, one part of the convoy headed for Donetsk and another — for Luhansk. A total of 1,000 tons of humanitarian supplies will be delivered to these eastern Ukrainian regions. The Russian Emergencies Ministry’s truck convoy departed from Noginsk near Moscow on October 28.
Russian Deputy Emergencies Minister Vladimir Stepanov said previously that the ministry’s truck convoys would deliver to the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine up to 3,000 tons of humanitarian cargoes.
This is the fourth Russian humanitarian aid convoy to Ukraine. The previous three convoys have delivered to Donetsk and Lugansk 6,000 tons of cargoes — food products, including cereals and canned food, as well as medicines, electricity generators, warm clothes and bottled drinking water.
TASS: World - Russian Emergencies Ministry convoy delivers relief supplies to Ukraine’s Donetsk region
and from now on shoot any press insignia you see if it from russian side... GREAT JOOB!:cuckoo:
russia humanitarian aid
bs nazi propaganda I'm guessing, that's most likely old, or even new footage from a militia convoy falsely labelled " 11/01/2014" "Russian hardware blabla"

@vostok .. can you check the video authenticity and provide the original source ?

@bobo6661 but be sure, should the nazis make a move, the Russians will be right back there in support of the people's militia
bs nazi propaganda I'm guessing, that's most likely old, or even new footage from a militia convoy falsely labelled " 11/01/2014" "Russian hardware blabla"

@vostok .. can you check the video authenticity and provide the original source ?

@bobo6661 but be sure, should the nazis make a move, the Russians will be right back there in support of the people's militia
Another western bubble. In material reality 4th convoy looks like this
5th one is already preparing.
agian russian humanitarian aid
you dont get it the real nazi is russia !!! but you dont even now what makes a govenment nazi you only repeat what you are told ...
"bs nazi propaganda I'm guessing, that's most likely old, or even new footage from a militia convoy falsely labelled " 11/01/2014" "Russian hardware blabla" " russian bla bla bla in the video its clearly 1/11/2014 but ... you give us a date that its before events in donbas started ...
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its Russian National Unity RNE far closer to the Nazi model than the LDPR dont spreed your false russia propaganda your DNR leader is a member off this one
clean your own yard first
Russian National Unity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know the big difference between Nazis in Russia and Nazis in Ukraine?.......

Russia actually prosecutes, arrests, and issues arrest warrants for those groups. On the other hand Ukrainian nazis are given weapons and funding that goes to terrorizing people in eastern Ukraine. Many of the people that those Ukrainian nationalist militias target are civilians (there are hundreds of videos to prove it).

Moreover, look at all of the disgusting acts that pro Ukrainians, pro maiden, nazi's or whatever they are called are doing to civilians. The Ukrainian "democratic" system is built around sheer intimidation and violence, it starts from the government and trickles down to street thugs.

The altra Ukrainian's operate like this. If someone disagrees with them they remove them from parliament, from elections, from governing bodies, all of this is obviously illegally and unlawful in half normal democracy.

On the street level, gangs go around silencing anyone that dare speak up against the government or their extremist ideologies; this includes breaking into people's homes and unlawfully abducting them, throwing them into dumpsters, or crowed beating innocent people until they are soaked in blood even women and children have been targets. In the west these people would be charged with home invasion, abduction, brandishing firearms, assault, kidnapping, unlawful possession of a firearm, ect. Even one of those charges will usually land people in prison for 5-10 years or more.

Also i hate to break the news to you many Ukrainian government officials are openly Nazis and they do not even hid it. Some years back before maiden happened the EU parliament called Oleh Tyahnybok one of the worst anti semites in the world. They have been quiet since....i wonder why?

Furthermore, Victoria Nuland was called out by Congressman Dana Rohrbacher for supporting Maiden and Neo Nazis.

Ukraine does not even hid the fact that there are nazis in government, Europe has already acknowledged that Ukrainian politicians are nazis, and people in the US government have also acknowledged it. I think the only people denying this and trying to deflect the truth is you.
Nazis fire at cemetery and church
@ bobo6661

One of Kiev's volunteer "battalion" commanders by the name of Bereza went on a Ukrainian talk show and threatened Kiev and then he promised to commit acts of terrorism on Russian soil.

Yep these are the good guys alright...please do continue supporting those fanatical Bandera worshipers. I propose a name change to his battalion it should be called The Goon Squad :lol:
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