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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Before Maidan I went to all the elections but now I do not see the point. Instead of simple thieves, thieves-serial killers came to power . Elections without choice.

The problem is that the only people or parties left to vote for are extremists and war criminals that took power illegally. Old porky has sacked some governors and mayors and appointed his own replacements. The citizens do not have any say.

More scary is the political purges. Ukraine is purging all opposition similar to how Stalin and Hitler purged their opposition. Anyone deemed "pro Russian", "not Ukrainian enough" or simply do not agree with the current policies have been arrested or removed from power. There are nationalistic thugs including Ukrainian politicians that go around assaulting, arresting and humiliating opposing politicians.

Ukraine has become lawless and is ruled by intimidation and violence no one even dares to speak up anymore.
More scary is the political purges. Ukraine is purging all opposition similar to how Stalin and Hitler purged their opposition. Anyone deemed "pro Russian", "not Ukrainian enough" or simply do not agree with the current policies have been arrested or removed from power. There are nationalistic thugs including Ukrainian politicians that go around assaulting, arresting and humiliating opposing politicians.
then tell me where is opposition in the free and democratic russia ...

Ukraine has become lawless and is ruled by intimidation and violence no one even dares to speak up anymore.
and we can thank russia to that ukraine looks like this
then tell me where is opposition in the free and democratic russia ...

Russia has nothing to do with how the current Ukrainian political system is run but as for Russian opposition there is plenty, Kasparov is one.

and we can thank russia to that ukraine looks like this

Really? Typical european propaganda, when all else fails blame Russia. Tell everyone again who toppled the previous government. Who invested 5 billion in "democracy", who's phone was bugged in which they were discussing who to install in power. Explain why the CIA director secretly flew into Ukraine, or who payed Maiden protesters.

Your views defy common sense, it is not Russia's fault that greedy and power hungry Ukrainians are purging all political opposition and or beating, arresting and executing people they deem not Ukrainian enough.

Surly it was not Russia that committed the Odessa massacre was it? Perhaps you can put the blame on Russia for Right Sector militias shooting at unarmed civilians in the east of Ukraine when they were voting? Mind you, all of this was before there were any "pro Russian" rebels. Maybe blame Russia for the Ukrainian military targeting civilians with artillery.

Got to love twisted western propaganda. The other gem that is common in the western world is that Yanukovich was a Russian puppet despite the fact that the Ukrainian people voted him in.
I support Russia , don't care whatever they are doing . Putin rocks!! :D

Your video has nothing to do with the topic. You obviously can not answer any of the points i have mentioned. Again explain to the readers who toppled the last government. Or how Russia is responsible for pro "democratic" ukrainians purging any political opposition and committing mass atrocities such as Odessa, mass graves, and targeting civilian areas with artillery.
Your video has nothing to do with the topic. You obviously can not answer any of the points i have mentioned. Again explain to the readers who toppled the last government. Or how Russia is responsible for pro "democratic" ukrainians purging any political opposition and committing mass atrocities such as Odessa, mass graves, and targeting civilian areas with artillery.
yee virtual mass graves and the pictures on those mass graves are from MH 17 crash ... nice propaganda
look how nice and calmly there is in odessa now ... tell me who first used weapons in odessa ... the one you call poor russian that wanted to protest calmly ... it should not happen but it happen shit happens, both sides are equally guilty.
targeting civilians then tell me what is happening in mariupol now?
Seven killed by shelling near Ukraine s Mariupol - Yahoo!7
yee virtual mass graves and the pictures on those mass graves are from MH 17 crash ... nice propaganda

There is a report by amnesty international in which they confirmed mass graves committed by the Ukrainian side. Ukrainian soldiers/militia also killed several of my family members including my grandfather. Are you going to tell me its propaganda too?

look how nice and calmly there is in odessa now ...

Moscow was also calm under Stalin, and Baghdad was calm under Saddam both used violence, intimidation and imprisonment. Sound familiar?

And in reality it is not calm, nationalist gangs many of which were on Maiden go around beating people up and posting in on the internet. Funny how Ukrainian nationalist go around beating, murdering, imprisoning and intimidating anyone that does not agree with them and then they wonder why so many people in the east of the country do not want to be a part of this "democracy".

tell me who first used weapons in odessa ...

Ukrainian nationalists. There is video of nationalists burning down tents of protesters, beating protesters on the streets, throwing molotov cocktails at the the trade union building and shooting at survivors. There is zero evidence to support your claim. Moreover, if some of those people did use weapons it still does not justify murdering dozens of civilians that ran away from the angry murderous mob.

Case in point, dozens of civilians died a horrible death, most if not all of those civilians were innocent. I find it despicable that you are justifying burning civilians alive.

the one you call poor russian that wanted to protest calmly ... it should not happen but it happen shit happens, both sides are equally guilty.

Explain how the victims in the Odessa massacre were guilty. They were minding their own business when a mob of Maiden supporters attacked them. Funny how almost no one in the west even cared; in fact they brushed it off and tried to blame it on the victims then on Russia but when the killings on Maiden happened europe and the US were outraged.
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second captured BTR-4

Video from today. That's a s l of Grads recently bought from Voentorg.

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