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CIA secret document: India need two weeks to occupy Bangladesh.

India currently doesn't have much interest in that region. And we don't follow any expansionist policy after the Sri Lankan debacle.
Plus, we are really scared of the demographic changes from such a venture. :partay:
CIA prepared its report in November 26, 1975 after Sk. Mujib was killed and Ziaur Rahman was already the Deputy Chief Martial Law Administrator. It was a volatile time and people of BD were worried about an Indian intervention on behalf of BAL. This report has little validity or relevancy today 40 years after. 1975 was still a time when India has kept BD under its thumb by stealing almost all the PA weapons. The country had only 87,000 troops, but without weapons or training.

Today, the situation is different. India cannot take over BD even in 20 years.

@ '"O Din gai ". In 1975 we had only a skeleton of 5 Brigades but now we have more than 10 Divisions.

@ Now as per theory you need 1 :3 to attack and capture. So, India needs 30 Divisions. How much India is having 40/45 Divisions ? We will see it on ground.
2.5 front war of India again?

India's West Bengal is actually a perfect buffer for Bongladeshi.

And 2 weeks or 2 days.

Pakistan will willingly help in distribution of the booty in the aftermath.
Upne lage hue hai, aur doosre ko nasihateein. Waah!

Take core of own booty.
they seems very slow :D:P
It is bound to be slow for any invading land force.Even in 1971, with overwhelming superiority in man and materials as well as local support,Indian army needed 13 days to reach Dhaka.Bangladesh's terrine is not so simple as you are assuming.You have dug BRB canal to slow down the Indian attack, we have hundreds of natural BRB Canal all over Bangladesh.If we look at history, it was very difficult to conquer Bengal if native people decided to resist, even during the time of Emperor Akber.Akber needed 30 years campaign to finally subdue Bengal.Local powerful land lords who were known as 'Baro Bhuiyan' in that time, successfully resisted Mughal onslaught for 30 years with the help of terrine.Same case with Maratha.Maratha attacked over and over again,but could not conquer.
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If you lend them....

If India invades BD then surely BD pm would sent a request of assistance to China and probably even Pakistan.

Maybe China will enter via Myanmar.....resulting a proxy war in the region which will go on for decades causing great damage to BD. Could be like Korean war. Or Vietnam war.

Or if China doesn't come(and I'm increasingly thinking they won't) then India will capture the important locations fairly easily...but guerrilla warfare will continue for decades....maybe Iraq or Afghanistan like scenario.

BD need nukes.....even if it cost 20-50billions.

join the union again
I don't think that can be done now.............. BD already have Good Army and if they increase there Defence spending they can be real threat to India ..........
Then situation will be in , how many days BD can cut Chicken's neck of India ? That if both country turn against each others . But again current Govt of BD and political environment of BD is in favour of India............. As Indian member said , They have Hasina so Y conquer BD.
Well, SHW, your fat aunt bought many weapons systems and submarines from China. She refused an Indian weapons sales program to BD that could have given India a face. But, you keep on wishing for your great aunty SHW. Khaleda Zia will be a better and adoring aunty of yours, instead. At least she does not hide her feeling. But, SHW politely smiles at India while she buys China. Indians should trust this mask wearing woman.

what are all so "great weapon" purchase doing when Bangladesh sovereignty is at stake and Bangladesh armed forces are put in "dog house" by Hasina?????? Hasina is a snake that much is true BUT don't run your mouth that ruling awami league or Hasina is looking after Bangladesh sovereignty or interest; it just opposite. Otherwise, you will be put on spot. Weapon procurement is another money looting scheme for awami league, current dog house situation already proves it.
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