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CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

That cannot happen when respected former government officials are making arguments for state sponsored terrorism. And the unfortunate part is going through the reader comments on various websites his article is posted, with people 'rah rah'-ing his argument.

Why do arguments such as these even find space in the media? And don't bring up Mumbai, because Raman and others have made similar arguments several times in the past, before the Mumbai attacks.

And we probably have some in Pakistan as well.

Well, that is the perspective of a former RAW officer who tries to give a solution, on how to treat the menace that is threatening India. When things doesn't happen the way they should either at diplomatic or military level to give a solution to this problem, that is what he is suggesting.

He has been suggesting this even before mumbai attacks, because, the bleeding has been happening for more than 20 years or even more and it is happening through out India at an alarming rate in the past 8 years.
Well, that is the perspective of a former RAW officer who tries to give a solution, on how to treat the menace that is threatening India. When things doesn't happen the way they should either at diplomatic or military level to give a solution to this problem, that is what he is suggesting.

He has been suggesting this even before mumbai attacks, because, the bleeding has been happening for more than 20 years or even more and it is happening through out India at an alarming rate in the past 8 years.

The bleeding may have been happening for the past 20 years as you suggest, but then he should look at the role his government played in 1971. Indian officials have no room to complain about 'bleeding', they started this.

Secondly, much of that bleeding is due to internal issues, along with groups from Pakistan.
Pakistan\s "bleeding" is due to its support for US/NATO forces. The day Pakistani political and military leadership focus on the interests of Pakistan alone, we will achieve stability.
The bleeding may have been happening for the past 20 years as you suggest, but then he should look at the role his government played in 1971. Indian officials have no room to complain about 'bleeding', they started this.

So, you say, you have the right to take revenge for 1971 and so you continue doing proxy war. If that is the case, India will also start (or it has already started) proxy war in response to your proxy war and both will get trapped in this time warped vicious cycle. Is there any respite then?. I don't see any light at the end of tunnel for this issue.
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The Hatred That Seeks Solace In Oblivion
By: Peter chamberlin

As the tensions between the two nuclear powers continues to rise because of acrimonious accusations being exchanged over the recent Mumbai attacks, saner heads need to step forward to cool the passionate rhetoric, before the unthinkable exits the minds of lunatic generals into the world of the real. The leftover pain from multiple wars and the natural animosity generated from cultural differences and class warfare are easily exploited by hate-mongers on both sides, as well as by imperial powers that have designs on strategic resources.

Both Pakistan and India have nearly insurmountable obstacles to overcome, without being distracted into oblivion by this dispute over Mumbai. Both governments have inside information about the ongoing attacks in both countries that they are not revealing, especially to each other, the public airing of which would probably defuse the confrontation. But there are elements within both governments that do not want peace, most have their own agendas; other treasonous factions have sold their souls to foreign powers. When popular leaders embrace a foreign agenda, maintaining a closed focus on national problems, without consideration of the foreign agenda, will not lead to solutions.

India, like Pakistan before them, has fallen under the manipulative power of the Western powers and Israel. You can identify which parts of national policies are dominated by American agents by their mirroring of US foreign policy goals in the region, i.e., the blocking of Chinese and Russian moves and the opening of pipeline routes. Indian steps toward war against Islam and the elimination of Pakistani nukes reflect the Israeli/neocon penetration of the region, just like that revealed in the recent Georgian/Israeli aggression.

Partnering with either the US or Israel will only aggravate, not alleviate Pakistani and Indian internal problems. Pakistan is suffering an explosive insurgency because of its past cooperation with the CIA and embrace of America’s wars. India is creating the same problem for itself because of its succumbing to agency manipulation of its explosive internal contradictions between rich and poor, between religions and cultures, between growth and economic stagnation. The name of the game is to leverage each nation’s normal concerns into something bigger and more ominous. Through violent prodding, each nation is pried and pushed into the other’s path, guaranteeing a catastrophic collision that neither nation wants.

I will leave it to local voices to describe the dynamics of the Pakistan/Indian confrontation:
Arundhati Roy- The Monster In The Mirror. “It has always been a part of, and often even the aim of, terrorist strategy to exacerbate a bad situation in order to expose hidden fault lines. The blood of "martyrs" irrigates terrorism. Hindu terrorists need dead Hindus, Communist terrorists need dead proletarians, Islamist terrorists need dead Muslims. The dead become the demonstration, the proof of victimhood, which is central to the project.
A single act of terrorism is not in itself meant to achieve military victory; at best it is meant to be a catalyst that triggers something else, something much larger than itself, a tectonic shift, a realignment. The act itself is theater, spectacle, and symbolism, and today the stage on which it pirouettes and performs its acts of bestiality is Live TV. Even as the Mumbai attacks were being condemned by TV anchors, the effectiveness of the terror strikes was being magnified a thousand-fold by the TV broadcasts.
Almost always, when these stories unspool, they reveal a complicated global network of foot soldiers, trainers, recruiters, middlemen, and undercover intelligence and counter-intelligence operatives working not just on both sides of the India-Pakistan border, but in several countries simultaneously.
In today's world, trying to pin down the provenance of a terrorist strike and isolate it within the borders of a single nation state, is very much like trying to pin down the provenance of corporate money. It's almost impossible.
Deepak Tripathi- India’s neoliberal elite
“On Indian television channels, though, there was plenty of heat and theater in debates. Voices of reason appeared to drown in high-pitched rhetoric from a handful of guests -- socialites and self-styled commentators. They were in competition for space with politicians, academics and journalists of the more established ranks...Those who begged that the fiery rhetoric be toned down had little chance of succeeding until the heat was exhausted.
There were loud calls to teach Pakistan a lesson. The Mumbai attack was described as ‘India’s 9/11.’ Participants demanded that India launch military raids inside Pakistan to destroy militant bases.”

Media hyping of the situation and nationalistic agitation of the masses are giving the hate-mongers an open microphone and open Internet resources to promote their venom, in order to pump-up the volume for reasons that suit very unpatriotic agendas-
They Want A War? Let’s Give Them One- By HAMZA GULZAR “We should be prepared for the worst. Pakistani military should be re-deployed to the eastern borders immediately. Patriotic Pashtun tribesmen and military reserves should be called in to make up for the shortages on the western frontiers. This would send a clear signal to the Americans to stay clear of the area. If they want a war, let’s give them one.”

The media war reached a crescendo with the following confrontation on Indian TV:
Zaid Hamid vows to make India "Pakistan", says Pak to send more Mujahideens

“Going by the Pakistani leaders, the Indians believe that ordinary Pakistanis are a weak, defeated people. That's why they are stunned to hear a bold voice from Pakistan like Zaid Hamid [see below], who's blunt style is reviving their worst fears. We need more confident voices in Pakistan, and more diverse, like Marvi Memon, Mubashir Lucman, Humayun Gauhar, Shireen Mazari and countless others who are willing to stand up for Pakistan. Someday we also hope that Pakistanis will send such Pakistanis to the highest offices of the land, helping change the destiny of this nation.

See what this Indian blog had to say about Zaid Hamid's remark, 'We'll make India 'Pakistan'".
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Breaking News! Zaid Hamid, Pakistan's defence analyst and the most hated person in India aftermath Mumbai terror attacks because of his hatred campaign against India and Indian forces, was grilled by Indian Army officer Bharat Verma. The program was broadcasted on ExpressNews TV.

Bharat Verma took Zaid Hamid on, saying India had to divide Pakistan by liberating Pakistan, as Pakistani forces raped more than 90,000 women in East Pakistan (which is Bangladesh now). That forced Zaid Hamid to confess that Pakistan will do more Kargils and send more Mujahideens to India. The program was stopped midway by the Pakistani government and ExpressNews TV distanced itself from the comments made by Zaid Hamid.”

Click on the following links to wach that debate:

Video 1 YouTube - Pakistan Terrorism: Zaid Hamid grilled by former Indian Army officer
Video 2 YouTube - Kal Tak-Zaid Hamid & Bharat Varma Part2
Video 3 YouTube - Kal Tak-Zaid Hamid & Bharat Varma Part1

“In another video, Zaid Hamid crossed all limits in a program on NewsOne TV and said there is just one solution to resolve the crisis - "Make India one nation and give it a name Pakistan. Make it a Muslim country.

This is totally outrageous and I doubt if such a fanatic leader exists in India. Zaid Hamid must be dealt with an iron hand. If we analyse the events aftermath Mumbai terror attacks, Zaid Hamid is the biggest terror threat not only for India, but also for global peace.”

The Indian spokesman in this TV imbroglio, Bharat Verma wrote the following for “Indian Defense Review”:
Stable Pakistan not in India’s interest
“That New Delhi is its own enemy became obvious, when it permitted the creation of a pure Islamic State on its borders. This nation-state contradicts every democratic and multi-cultural values dear to India... New Delhi should extend its influence through export of both, soft and hard power towards Central Asia from where invasions have been mounted over centuries. Cessation of Pakistan as a state facilitates furtherance of this pivotal national objective... For New Delhi this opens a window of opportunity to ensure that the Gwadar port does not fall into the hands of the Chinese. In this, there is synergy between the political objectives of the Americans and the Indians...
Pakistan’s breakup will be a major setback to the Jihad Factory, as the core of this is located in Pakistan, and functions with the help of its army and the ISI. This in turn will ease pressures on India and the international community.
With China’s one arm, i.e. Pakistan disabled, its expansionist plans will receive a severe jolt. Beijing continues to pose primary threat to New Delhi. Even as we continue to engage with it as constructively as possible, we must strive to remove the proxy. At the same time, it is prudent to extend moral support to the people of Tibet to sink Chinese expansionism in the morass of insurgency.
The chances of Central Asia getting infected with the Jihadi fervour will recede. Afghanistan will gain fair amount of stability. India’s access to Central Asian energy routes will open up.
Within the Union social harmony will improve enormously. Export of Islamic fundamentalism, with its 360-degree sweep from Islamabad, will vanish. Even a country like Thailand will heave a sigh of relief!
Above all, the gathering storm of threat from a united group of authoritarian regimes along our 14,000 km borders, orchestrated and synchronised by Pakistan will dissolve.”

This delusional belief that a post-apocalyptic India (reminiscent of the neocon delusions about US survival of its terror war) would smell like Utopia, after the elimination of several million Pakistanis and lower-caste Indians, is shared by millions of Hindu nationalists:
RSS chief says India should be ready for nuclear war
Mr K.S. Sudarshan, the powerful supreme leader of the RSS: “If there is no other way left. Whenever the demons (Aasuri powers) start dominating this planet, there is no way other than the war... It will be nuclear war and a large number of people will perish... And this will be a nuclear war in which many of us are going to be finished. But according to me, as of now, it is very necessary to defeat the demons and there is no other way.
And let me say with confidence that after this destruction, a new world will emerge, which will be very good, free from evil and terrorism.”

Terror is commonplace today on the Indian subcontinent, which is dominated by centuries of insecurities, hatred, religious division, superstition and prejudice. But the historical divisions were magnified by the former empire, which regularly divided people for the purpose of multiplying the power and wealth of the British crown.

Hatred for the aristocratic overlords is the one passion which drove the diverse peoples or the region together in common cause. The two nations which were formerly one still have heavy burdens to bear as they struggle separately or together to overcome the effects of their former colonization. The divisions created by the British “Raj” between Muslims and Hindus and their exploitation of the caste system guaranteed that everyone would be at each other’s throats. The Americans and their partners in the current crimes are still twisting the same knives, pushing the same buttons.

Sane minds on both sides, in both nations, must come together in common purpose, to expel the latest imperial thrust. Ways must be found to turn the two converging forces onto a common highway of peace. The best place to start would be to form a joint investigation of the attack upon both nations’ sovereignty. The Mumbai attacks must be seen as a pivotal point in history, not the end of history.




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Zahid Hamid is right.My uncle Flight Lt Hameed Asghar Shaheed 1971 told my mother before his shahdat about their actions to control makti bhani by carpet bombing ,they were worst enemy of pakistan were supporting indian army .

Many of our soilders from punjab and frontier died while fighting with indian army ,they refused to surrender, I dont have words to pay regards to their sacrifice for nation.

Techman thanks lot for this post.You have turned my wounds green.
Mossad And India Spy Agency
Team Up, Target Pakistan
By Tariq Saeedi

"It is essential that we...strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans." -- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.

Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that "The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism."

Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so that they could be entrapped "in cases of fake currency and subversion and then be coerced to spy for India."

This was the high point of cementing an unholy alliance which began much earlier and which continues to tighten its noose around the neck of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

It appears that RAW and Mossad -- either singly or jointly, either covertly or overtly -- have been making efforts to penetrate sensitive circles of top echelon in Pakistan.

It cannot be said with certainty but there are some reasons to assume that Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan, wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. She appointed Rehman Malik as chief of the Federal Investigation Agency which then launched a secret war against the Islamists; amounting to a direct attack on the ISI.

War against religious extremists could have been a laudable goal but it seemed to target only those elements which could have brought a semblance of moderation to the religious swatch cutting across Pakistan society.

Thus, leaving the field wide open for extremists.

It seems that the Pakistani military was equally dismayed by reports of FIA contacts with the Israeli secret service, the MOSSAD, to investigate Islamist terrorists.

One of the first acts of President Leghari after dismissing Benazir Bhutto on November 5, 1996 was to imprison the Ghulam Asghar, head of FIA, suspended on non-specified corruption charges. Rehman Malik, Addl. Director General FIA, was also arrested.

Whether these actions were triggered as a consequence of plotting by RAW-Mossad planners or whether it was an entirely internal matter, it is difficult to say.

Bhutto s visit to India last year at a time when Pakistan was going through one of the worst crises in its history, and her statements there which aimed to undermine the whole foundation of Pakistan, generate more than a flicker of doubt in analytic minds.

The basic question arises: Who is Benazir Bhutto?

Leaving BB to her own fate, let's return to RAW-Mossad connection.

What is clear right now is that Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are collaborating extensively to curb the freedom movement of Kashmir and destabilize Pakistan.

The Indian newspaper The Pioneer wrote on March 3, 2001: Fencing of the Indo-Pak border is not enough. To check Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism, top security experts of Israel have suggested that hi-tech gadgets ranging from an electronic barrier system of radars to thermal imaging devices should be immediately installed on India's sensitive international border in J[ammu] & K[ashmir] and Punjab sectors.

The team of experts, including officials of the Mossad, the Israeli Army and the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), also found shocking loopholes in the security arrangements relating to the much-talked about Samjhauta Express. They advised that instead of Lahore, the train should terminate on the Attari border. Sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs said the Israeli experts surveyed the 198 km international border in Jammu and Punjab and reviewed the route of the Samjhauta Express with top officials of the Border Security Force.

Subsequently, former DG of the Border Security Force, E.N. Ram Mohan was appointed as the consultant on border management. Mr. Ram Mohan has recommended that besides radars, aerostate balloons and FLIR equipment be used.

India is keen to purchase surveillance aircraft (UAVs) from Israel to gain intelligence teeth. The UAVs could also help the state police in keeping an eye in naxalite-affected areas of Andhra Pradesh.

For several years, Mossad and Israel's internal intelligence agency, Shinbhet, have utilised unmanned air vehicles to patrol the hypersensitive Gaza border.

Qutbuddin Aziz, former minister in Pakistan embassy in London, wrote an excellent article, titled 'Dangerous Nexus between Israel & India.' It was published by a prominent Pakistani newspaper on April 1, 2001.

Aziz writes: "Top secret details of Indian Home Minister LK Advani's visit to Israel in June 2000, show that the deals he has struck with the Israelis would make India and Israel partners in threatening the Muslim world with diabolic conspiracies to fragment and cripple it as a political force in the world. The details of his meetings with Israel's rulers, particularly the heads of the Israeli Home Ministry and its intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, reveal that the arrangements he has made for joint Indo-Israel espionage operations in key areas of the Muslim world would make the Indian embassies in these Muslim countries the eyes and ears of the worldwide cloak-and-dagger Israeli spy network.

"Under the euphemism of 'counter-terrorism,' India is allowing Israel to establish a huge spy establishment in India which will, inter alia, unearth and monitor 'Islamic fundamentalist' individuals and groups for elimination by extra judicial process or by cold-blooded murder and kidnapping.

"The most important meeting Indian Home Minister Advani had during his three-day Israeli tour on June 13-16 was with the top brass of Israel's intelligence agencies in Tel Aviv. Heading the Israeli team was the powerful chief of Israeli police, Yehuda Wilk, with the heads of the Israeli intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, and military officials dealing with Israel's punitive and espionage operations against Arabs in Israel, Palestine and neighbouring states such as Lebanon and Syria. Senior officials from the Israeli Foreign Office and the defence and home ministries attended this meeting. Israeli experts in bomb detection were also present.

"Mr. Advani's large team included India's highest-level spymasters such as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. Shayamal Dutta, the Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation, Mr. R. K. Raghvan, the head of the Indian Border Security Force, Mr. E. M. Ram Mohan, Indian Home Ministry's powerful Secretary K. Pande who oversees the work of the infamous Indian spy agency, RAW, and liaises with the Indian Foreign Office in respect of undercover RAW agents working in Indian embassies abroad, and a senior officer of India's military intelligence agency (equivalent of Pakistan's ISI).

"In this top-level meeting in Tel Aviv on June 14, Advani reportedly thanked the Israeli government for its immense help to India in security matters and spoke of the dangers India and Israel face from their common enemies, i.e., Muslim neighbours.

"Advani, it is reported, highly praised the help provided by Mossad and army commando personnel to the Indian army in the war on 'Muslim militants' in Kashmir and against 'Muslim terrorists' such as the 'Memon brothers' of Mumbai in Dubai. Advani said he had, throughout his political career, advocated India's recognition and friendship with Israel and that his party had played a key role in forcing Congress government to have full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992.

"He lauded the Indo-Israeli cooperation in the military, economic and other fields. Advani recalled that India had voted in favour of a US-sponsored motion in the UN for rescinding a UN resolution that equated Zionism with racism. Mr. Advani explained at length India's security problems in which the danger from Pakistan and Indian Muslims getting Arab money loomed large. Advani gave a long list of the special services in spying and the anti-insurgency devices and spy equipment India urgently needs from Israel to combat 'Muslim terrorism.'

"In the June 14 Tel Aviv meeting, the Israeli Police Chief, Yehuda Wilk, profusely praised India for its friendship with Israel and pledged help to the Indian government in combating 'Muslim terrorism' that poses new threats to Israel and India. The heads of India's intelligence agencies then briefed the Israeli side in the meeting on the ground situation in India in respect of 'Muslim terrorists,' especially in Jammu and Kashmir, and the new dangers coming up for India and Israel because of the Pakistani bomb and the fear that Pakistan may give its nuclear weapons to the anti-Israel Arabs.

"The Indian side showed a keen interest in learning from Israeli security experts how they had run the slice of Lebanon which Israel ruled for 18 years and gave up recently. Some information about the Israeli torture and investigation methods was gathered by the Indian side from the Israelis with regard to dealing with Arab dissidents within Israel and in the Palestinian Authority region.

"The Indians gave the Israelis a long shopping list of spying, torture and surveillance equipment such as electronic fencing of sensitive sites, laser systems, short-range rockets, eagle-eyed long distance snipers, observation blimps, giant shields, night vision device, unmanned aircraft of the MALAT wing of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Limited, special protective dress and gear for security personnel, cross border snopping devices and gadgets, training and deployment of spies and the special gear for them, use of computers and Internet for espionage and disinformation, code-breaking, tailing of enemy agents and their elimination, nuclear espionage, purloining state secrets of hostile countries and pooling them for the good of India and Israel and their mutual friends.

"The Israelis were interested in having access to the secret reports of Indian undercover RAW diplomats from certain Muslim countries of special interest to Israel (especially Pakistan, Libya and Iran). India is apparently willing to grant access to Israeli agents to the Indian Home Ministry's Central Intelligence Processing Unit (CIPU) in New Delhi. This was recently set up under Advani's direction with Israeli and US help. A handpicked RAW officer, trusted by Advani, heads this unit. Israel wants full access to its information data. The Indian government has already allowed access to it by American intelligence agencies now working with the Indian government on so-called anti-terrorist assignments.

Federation of American Scientists website comments on RAW in these words: "RAW has engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries. RAW has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure, rank, pay and perks of the Research & Analysis Wing are kept secret from Parliament."

Tarek Fatah, a Turkish scholar settled in Canada, wrote: "Britain's authoritative and respected defense publication, Jane's Terrorism & Security Monitor, reports that Israel and India have formed a military relationship and that Israeli intelligence is active in Occupied Kashmir.

"It says: Israeli intelligence agencies have been intensifying their relations with India's security apparatus and are now understood to be heavily involved in helping New Delhi combat Islamic militants in the disputed province of Kashmir...

Ed Blanche writes in Janes' Security on 14 August 2001: "Israeli intelligence agencies have been intensifying their relations with India's security apparatus and are now understood to be heavily involved in helping New Delhi combat Islamic militants in the disputed province of Kashmir, India's only Muslim-majority state which lies at the core of the conflict with neighbouring Pakistan.

"Israel has several teams now in Kashmir training Indian counter-insurgency forces to fight the dozen separatist guerrilla groups operating in the Indian-controlled sector of the disputed state.

"The exact extent of the involvement in Kashmir by Israel s intelligence agencies is far from clear, but it fits into Israel's increasing focus on events in Central Asia, and as far afield as Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim state, to counteract Islamic fundamentalism, which it perceives as a major threat.

"Shimon Peres, currently Israel's foreign minister, said during a visit to New Delhi in January 2001 (shortly before he took his current post in Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's coalition government) that Israel was prepared to co-operate with India to fight terrorism. Weeks earlier, an Israeli counterterrorism team, including military intelligence specialists and senior police commanders, paid a visit to Indian-administered Kashmir and other regions of the country that are grappling with anti-government militants to assess India's security needs.

If there is still any doubt as to the real intentions of Israel, then please see this statement issued by David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister. His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967, leave nothing to imagination:

"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

"This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

"Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work therefrom against Pakistan.

"It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans. ____

We are grateful to Tariq Saeedi for permission to reprint excerpts from his special report that appeared first in The Balochistan Post, balochistanpost.com .

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most of the pakistanis are aware of this danger. espacially our Army and ISI have so far given a tough time to these forces which is the main reason y today everyone is busy pointin fingures towards them.
Oh come on guys, they haven't teamed up just now this collaboration is going from quite a long time, & guess what we are still alive. they were not able to anything before & nor will they succeed now.

This is the biggest credulity that Israel won’t come to the front against Pakistan. IT’S a FACT that Israel’s Jets are in India right now. And maybe when this happens remember my words "ISREAL will ALSO joint strike with IAF against Pakistan”. This is our very good thinking to satisfy ourself that NATO/US wouldn’t try to attack Pakistan (US has already been defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan). This time Israel is a bit confused.

Israel thought that US would attack Iran earlier in 2006, 2007 or in 2008 but this NATO Vs IRAN war did not happen even in 2009. Israel is still threatened by Iran’s nuclear program. Israel’s another object is to destroy Pakistan by breaking off Balochistan and NWFP from it. This is a complete Jewish lobby. This is still in progress but I think this objective wouldn’t ever be achieved by Israel.

They know about Obama's policy but his clear face will be revealed once he is on his seat. Zionist’s are a bit confused about another thing to which US admitted that after facing defeat in IRAQ, NATO/US military forces will be moved to Afghanistan. This is another big problem for Israel because the US control in Arab countries from last 8 years was very helpful for Israel.

1,20,000 troops were called from India by NATO forces in Afghanistan US, after a serious defeat in Iraq, is moving more of its military forces towards Afghanistan? But the Question is WHY?

These are signs of “THE FINAL WAR” between Pakistan and India+Isreal from Eastern side and NATO/US from Western side. Already US has made thousands of small elements in Pakistan with the help of Mosaad/Raw and US intelligence services that provide heavy weapons to them. So this war will not be a two-front war, but a three-front war for Pakistan, in my opinion. Mosaad and Raw highly involve in Pakistan issue ....
This is the biggest credulity that Israel won’t come to the front against Pakistan. IT’S a FACT that Israel’s Jets are in India right now. And maybe when this happens remember my words "ISREAL will ALSO joint strike with IAF against Pakistan”. This is our very good thinking to satisfy ourself that NATO/US wouldn’t try to attack Pakistan (US has already been defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan). This time Israel is a bit confused.

Israel thought that US would attack Iran earlier in 2006, 2007 or in 2008 but this NATO Vs IRAN war did not happen even in 2009. Israel is still threatened by Iran’s nuclear program. Israel’s another object is to destroy Pakistan by breaking off Balochistan and NWFP from it. This is a complete Jewish lobby. This is still in progress but I think this objective wouldn’t ever be achieved by Israel.

They know about Obama's policy but his clear face will be revealed once he is on his seat. Zionist’s are a bit confused about another thing to which US admitted that after facing defeat in IRAQ, NATO/US military forces will be moved to Afghanistan. This is another big problem for Israel because the US control in Arab countries from last 8 years was very helpful for Israel.

1,20,000 troops were called from India by NATO forces in Afghanistan US, after a serious defeat in Iraq, is moving more of its military forces towards Afghanistan? But the Question is WHY?

These are signs of “THE FINAL WAR” between Pakistan and India+Isreal from Eastern side and NATO/US from Western side. Already US has made thousands of small elements in Pakistan with the help of Mosaad/Raw and US intelligence services that provide heavy weapons to them. So this war will not be a two-front war, but a three-front war for Pakistan, in my opinion. Mosaad and Raw highly involve in Pakistan issue ....

Pakistan is ready to take any adventure from india/israel joint venture but NATO could not take risk other wise their supply line be vanished.
Pakistan iran and china will be new block for india israel and usa ,but this will be third horrible world war.

Present US financial crisis is main hurdle between this war india and israel are ready but US is still measuring depth of waters
Can anyone provide links to reports of Ben Gurion statements and the Jane's report about RAW and MOSSAD?
Can anyone provide links to reports of Ben Gurion statements and the Jane's report about RAW and MOSSAD?

I think J Solomon argued on the forum that there was no credible evidence to indicate that Gurion ever made that statement.

The thread is here somewhere.
I asked because the language used by Ben Gurion(if at all) is not diplomatic, so I have doubts on the quote. Similarly with the language said to be from Janes.
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