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CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

* Report says reconstituted Al Qaeda, resurgent Taliban collaborate with terrorist groups to complicate counterinsurgency war​

WASHINGTON: Special operations forces of the United States military and CIA operatives are now conducting regular secret incursions into western Pakistan, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.
A review of the Afghanistan policy – and as it affects Pakistan – is said to be in hand and expected to be completed in weeks, while presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain are unlikely to question a major new US commitment; both having called for an increase in US troops. And unlike Iraq, there is bipartisan backing for doing more, and doing it quickly, in Afghanistan.
Intelligence officials warn of a rapidly worsening situation on the ground. The nearly completed National Intelligence Estimate on Afghanistan and the Pakistan-based extremists fighting has concluded that reconstituted elements of Al Qaeda and the resurgent Taliban are collaborating with an expanding network of terrorist groups, making the counterinsurgency war infinitely more complicated.
It turns out that when urgent US appeals to the Pakistani military and government failed and the coalition moved to oust former president Pervez Musharraf, those who had long advocated stronger US action inside Pakistan finally prevailed with Bush. Bush is said to have given his assent to such action in July this year.
“The administration concluded that the ground raids were legal under the self-defence provisions of the United Nations charter, an interpretation that a UN official said was questionable,” according to the Post.
US officials are said to describe the Pakistan-based extremist network, which the Pentagon calls ‘the syndicate’, as a loose alliance of three elements.
Kashmiri militants, constrained by recent agreements between Pakistan and India have ‘leaned over’ to assist a domestic terrorist campaign launched by homegrown extremists often referred to as the ‘Pakistani Taliban’.
The Afghan Taliban are based in Pakistan but focused on Afghanistan, as are the forces led by Jalaluddin Haqqani, his son Siraj and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, among others.
Traditional tribal groups in FATA are a third element and are believed to be focused primarily on keeping the Pakistan army and government out of their areas, and assisting the Afghan-oriented parts of the network.
Al Qaeda, composed largely of Arabs and, increasingly, Uzbeks, Chechens and other Central Asians, is described as sitting atop the structure, providing money and training to the others in exchange for sanctuary. “They are oriented to just keeping the Pakistani military and government out of their areas,” a US intelligence official told the newspaper.
“They help the groups who are interested in Afghanistan.” There is competition between and among them,” another US counterterrorism official said, but their interests increasingly overlap and “they understand the need to support one another.”
President Bush’s senior military adviser on Afghanistan and Iraq has told the Pentagon, intelligence and State Department officials to return to basic questions: What are US objectives in Afghanistan? What can the US hope to achieve? What are its resources? What is its allies’ role? What does the US know about the enemy? How likely is it that weak Afghan and Pakistani governments will rise to the occasion?
US policymakers are convinced that the war in Afghanistan is heading downhill. US military deaths and enemy attacks this year have risen to the highest levels of the nearly seven-year war. Hopes have faded that a new Pakistani government would seize the initiative against extremist sanctuaries, and that a new UN co-ordinator would bring order to the chaos of the multibillion-dollar Afghan reconstruction programme. Defence Secretary Robert Gates has already determined that the United States must take a more forceful lead in strategy and combat from NATO forces in Afghanistan.
US drones kill six in South Waziristan
Updated at: 1325 PST, Thursday, October 16, 2008
WANA: At least six people were killed and five others injured when the suspected US drones fired two missiles at a village in Ladha area of South Waziristan.

According to sources, two missiles were fired from the suspected US drones at a house in Sam village in the Ladha area of South Waziristan, killing at least six people. The sources said that death toll could rise.

Ladha is said to be the stronghold of chief of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Baitullah Mehsud. The area has been targeted for the first time by US drones.
can you please show me whats the difrent between pak army and nation also whats difrent between isi & leaders and nation?i think nothing

17 Oct 2008

ISLAMABAD: At least 38 Uzbek nationals have been arrested from Pakistan's restive northwest for illegally entering and staying in the country, police said.

The Uzbeks were arrested at Gulsanabad check post in Kohat in North West Frontier Province on Thursday after they failed to produce proper travel documents and valid visas, said district police chief Abdullah Khaliq.

The Uzbeks were coming to Kohat from the restive Darra Adam Khel region, a stronghold of the Pakistani Taliban. They were taken to an undisclosed location for interrogation, Khaliq said.

A number of Uzbek fighters have been killed by Pakistani security forces during operations against the Taliban in the country's lawless tribal belt.

October 18, 2008

KOHAT: The security forces Saturday presented 38 Uzbek and Afghan nationals before the media, an ISPR statement said.

Security forces have arrested 168 Uzbek and Afghan militants in last 48 hours during raids in various parts of the Frontier province.

According to ISPR, 38 Uzbek and Afghan nationals were arrested in Darra Adamkhel on Thursday and were transferred to Peshawar. They were trying to flee from the area when they were detained.

The eyes of all arrested persons were covered with pieces of cloth and their hands were also tied when they were presented before the media.

Other 130 foreign nationals were captured during raids from various parts of the province.

October 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: President Asif Ali Zardari told United States Secretary of State Richard Boucher during a meeting that Afghan drug traffickers are funding terrorists in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, according to television reports aired on Sunday.

Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar denied reports of the meeting at the President’s House while talking to Daily Times, but the state-run APP news agency said ‘a spokesman of the president’ had confirmed the meeting. It said the two leaders discussed ‘bilateral affairs’ during the ‘courtesy call’.

Private TV channels said Zardari told Boucher that Pakistan had stopped Afghan drug dealers from using its territory for smuggling which was why they had funded terror activities in Pakistan. He urged the US to take action, the reports said, and to stop infiltration of terrorists from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Bouncer assured the president of ‘all possible help’.

Ghani: NWFP Governor Owais Ahmed Ghani told the US official in a separate meeting that the formation of tribal lashkars (volunteer militias) against Al Qaeda and Taliban had made success in the war on terror certain. The battle against Taliban could not be won without public support, he said.

He welcomed recent statements in favour of dialogue with Taliban and said Pakistan would support such initiatives, referring to Pakistan-Afghanistan jirgas.

The two leaders agreed socio-economic development in the region was a priority, and Ghani said the government would establish a university and a chain of boarding schools in FATA, and had made plans for small dams for irrigation. The road network was also being given priority, he said.

Ghani said the government would raise a 15,000-strong force in FATA, providing employment to tribesmen.

Hoti: Boucher also met NWFP Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti at the Frontier House. Awami National Party (ANP) NWFP President Afrasiab Khattak and the principal officer at the US Consulate in Peshawar accompanied them.

A statement issued by the chief minister’s press secretary said Boucher assured Hoti his government would strengthen co-operation with Pakistan ‘for peace and economic development’. Hoti mentioned his government’s policies on restoration of peace, economy and political stability, stressing ‘a solution to political issues through dialogue’. But he said his government would not compromise on its writ and protect citizens’ lives and property.

US embassy spokesman Lou Fintor said Boucher would meet a number of Pakistani officials and representatives but refused to share details. “Pakistani officials are authorised to release the details,” he said. Fintor denied Boucher had arrived unannounced, saying the visit was ‘routine’ and planned in advance.

Diplomatic sources said a Zardari-Boucher meeting was scheduled for Saturday. Boucher is also scheduled to meet Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Foreign Office officials. staff report/agencies

PESHAWAR, Oct 25 (APP): Inspector General Frontier Corps Major General Tariq Khan said on Saturday that the security forces killed more than 1,500 militants and arrested another 950 including foreigners in Bajaur operation continuing since August this year. Addressing a press conference in agency headquarters Khar, Major General Tariq said that 42 Jawans of Army have been martyred and 174 injured during the operation.

He said among 950 arrested during the operation included 300 foreigners of Afghans, Uzbek, Tajik, Afghan, Nooristani, Hazara and other origins. The IGFC further said that the operation was still continuing and will take six to 12 more months to be completed, adding that eleven tribal Lashkars ( private armies) were helping the security forces in its efforts to eradicate militancy from the region.

Meanwhile, 14 more militants were killed in latest air strikes in the agency by gunship helicopters on Saturday.
for Malang:
ISI cannot be undermined by a piece of paper. Joint venture of Raw/Cia/Mosad/khad are giving thoughts and apprehensions that in present shape the ISI shall not allow them to execute their plans for having a Indian dominated South Asian region. Therefore, a dirty propaganda leashed out against the ISI and rulers are forced to taken steps to dissociate themselves from ISI. This is for the ISI to counter these dirty propaganda tactics in the same way rather to react in a manner of re-actionary force that would bring further allegations and dirty propaganda against the ISI.What CIA said that every threat is originated from Pakistan. A false approach. The Pakistani militant is a coward and cannot play any vital rule in so called international terrorism. Such statement are made to maligne the ISI and force the governments to undermine the ISI.
The indians running their training madarassah in the name of schools. Check RSS. BHP.and fake muslim militant organizations like al-Faran. There are serious apprehensions the trained groups are entering into the borders of Pakistan and with the support of local agents they are safely committing acts of sabotage inside Pakistan.
Indians started paying US$1m.every month after US occupation in Afghanistan for the purpose of collecting vital informations from inside Pakistan and for hiring indian agents in Afghanistan who intend to work for them. By the passage of time this amount was enhanced upto US$ 3m.per month and Russians are also inducted in the process keeping inview their experience of the period of 79 to 89.
ISI need restructre and reshapping of its counter policies. Time has changed, the old tactics are not workable. Hightech facilities are to be followed and trust should be developed within the Pakistani Institutions regarding working of the ISI and than a proper counter measures would be workable and proper reply can be given to Indians and foes for its false propaganda and so called future goals of dominating Afghanistan and south asian region. ISI as an institution is not claiming its due position from the other institution in Pakistan. Whenever a false allegation is levelled against them they go into hiding with close eyes and tight lips and no proper reply comes from the Office of the ISI. Why? when this institution is having constitutional protection it should come out in a bold and straight forward manner seeking clarification of allegations and availablility of tangible evidence regarding invlovment in terrorism. The allegations are levelled with a plan to use the bundles for getting favourable opinion from the world for undermining the ISI. ISI should come forward as an institution and safeguard its boundaries. The institution should keep in mind that this is time for now or never. If you are waiting for a good and automatic silence, this is not so, it would be very late if proper needed actions are not taken immediately.
My dear dont worry ISI is dong its job,but now it is the time whole nation of pakistan think and act like ISI.

Pakistan and Whole muslim world is now under attack by musad,raw,cia and their sponsers and supporters.

We have to identify who is true muslim and who is their agent .WOT is long term war on our nation should be ready for long term counter war strategy.


Who is going to identify who is true muslim and who is an agent. I guess Mr. Waraich66 would be doing that atleast on this forum.
Indian involvement in worsening the situation in FATA and Baluchistan is no more a fabricated story and can not be outrightly rejected. India has strategic interests in destabilization of Pakistan; establishment of a number of consulates all along Pak-Afghan border, recovery of Indian drugs and currency from militants and political support for so called BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) are cogent evidences of this.
Sir, I afraid I have different opinion. What this military rule has done in last two decades, they have radicalised mass people in Pakistan and border areas. These people have massive experience how to conduct any terrorist operation, they have long experience how to mentally influence people (I have faced this few times). And what do you think CIA/RAW can motivate people to carry out suicide attacks?

Very simple. How about this, the terrorists kiddnap or recruit civilians. First they tell them about how they will enter heaven by blowing up the enemy. (Either actually bieng the NATO or the civillians) If they fall for it all the better if the don't, they threaten to kill all their family and rape their mothers and sisters. Think about it what would you do in that situation. These terrorists could easily be of any origin and yes a very small chance of actually bieng Afghanis them selves, who would wana do that to their own country. Preety sure its CIA controlling RAW controlling the terrorists.
CIA, RAW and Mossad have successfully got Pakistan Army and ISI involved into an unneccessary conflict on Pakistani soil against Pakistani citizens (however primitive or misguided).
FATA and Swat operations have sapped our strength and virtually demiloshed the capability of ISI to rely on local resources.
This has given the courage to India to "summon" the ISI cheif to India for investigation / interrogation on the unfortunate events in Bombay.
The right solution is for Pakistan Army to halt operations in FATA and Swat and focus on the protection of Pakistani borders.
JK i agree with you but yoy forget the israel why afghanistan is doing this i think it is time for Us to Attack Afghanistan Hardly with full force and karzai is too CIA and indian Agent without a shadow of doubt we have to capture this *** hole karzai dead or alive
Poor Karzai is not a real player in the game. He is a small timer with no real power base of his own, a compartively harmless puppet. The real power base is USA, India and Israel; and their Northern Allaince surrogates like Younis Qanooni, Abdallah Abdallah and Dostum. Karzai was made president because having a pushtoon face was considered desirable.
Pakistan has sacrificed its forces, people, territory and stability to facilitate the US / NATO forces for rather paltry wages. The real cost of WOT exceeds US$ 8 b / year, whereas we have been paid only about US$ 1.2 b / year. After having lost about 1400 troops and about 3000 "bad guys" we are expected to do more!
At the same time our conventional capabiloity has been damaged to a level that India considers us in the same leage as Bhutan..
Let us show the world that SAB SE PEHLA PAKISTAN. Lets not abuse our forces any more, and deploy them where they really belong ... on the Eastern Border.
yes you are right we have to deploy them to eastern border.

Indian wants to be a member of war on terror so they attack pakistan but it will never happen. it will always remain dream.
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