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CIA Cheif Veiled Accqusation on Pakistan protecting OBL

Reports coming that wikileaks from US embassy in Dushanbe claims that ISI tipped off Osama whenever the US fprces approached him.
Pasha and kiyani have just been made the worlds biggest fools. Congress is already calling for all aid to stop to Pakistan and wondering why they've been keeping their gun in their holster for so long.

When are they going to realize that the CIA/USA are playing them like a fiddle? They've basically made Pakistan their attack dog for the last 5 years and now they will discard these so-called chiefs like a used tissue.

Reminds me of how they did the same to Saddam once they made him fight their war in Iran. The net is closing in on Pakistan and the fact that 4 apaches managed to fly into one of biggest garrison towns unchallenged makes me wonder what use is all the high tech that the military has been boasting about.

This is time for the useless leadership to keep quite and let the people of Pakistan do the talking when inshallah this fitna arrives at our doorstep.
I think America gets what it wanted ... Both OBL & Blame it on Pakistan . this happens when there is no accountability .
Please welcome the rule of PPP....Pakistan Partition party!
UK prime minister is suggesting inside help, TTP have declared zardari their number one Target, pasha &kiyani have been out-played, out-witted and out-foxed and have gone into hiding, alqeeda is looking to make a revenge statement..

I see a storm ahead..
I really don't understand how US forces can act so freely within your borders, do you have no border control?
I really don't understand how US forces can act so freely within your borders, do you have no border control?
Oh brother we have border just no control because it's guarded by the most useless and incompetent force in the world AKA Pakistan army Kiyani is the dumbest general in the military history of the world so is pasha I don't see any point in even having a border now u don't need borders when you lack the courage to defend them
Oh brother we have border just no control because it's guarded by the most useless and incompetent force in the world AKA Pakistan army Kiyani is the dumbest general in the military history of the world so is pasha I don't see any point in even having a border now u don't need borders when you lack the courage to defend them

i never thought kiyani to be as dumb as zardari, congrats kiyani to be equated with the most disgraceful thing which happened to pakistan(zardari)

i dont know how US has installed puppet leaders in pakistan, got i miss musharraf days musharraf was not even as half dumb as this kiyani
Brother today I strongly believe mushraf was a better general than this man is so dumb it's not even funny remember his statement about drones when he was in USA ? just pray to god to save us from these ppl
UK prime minister is suggesting inside help, TTP have declared zardari their number one Target, pasha &kiyani have been out-played, out-witted and out-foxed and have gone into hiding, alqeeda is looking to make a revenge statement..

I see a storm ahead..

TTP cant kill zardari, it gets american pays to destabilize pakistan
Brother today I strongly believe mushraf was a better general than this man is so dumb it's not even funny remember his statement about drones when he was in USA ? just pray to god to save us from these ppl

brother allah will not help pakistan, because pakistanis cant help themselves
They can't help themselves but surely can be army apologists you will see lots of them here
“They now should feel under some great pressure to be cooperative with us on the remaining issues,” like going after the Taliban elsewhere in the country. “It’s called leverage.”

With RD case Pakistan got leverage, now tables are turned.
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